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Fallujah 1.0

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


Fallujah v1.0

Grazie Foxhound


And at Armed Assault.info

Fallujah (v 1.0)

Grazie Old Bear


And there (this will help save them some traffic, i hope) :)



Version 1.0 changelog


- Completely redefined vegetation mask

- Airport moved away from city and enhanced

- Opened more highway passages for AI

- Increased and reworked industrial area

- Terrain smoothing near rivers

- Checked (i hope completely) for trees in the middle of road

- Reworked clutter

- New railway and rail station north of Fallujah

- Bisign and bikey included

- More houses added on map

- Support for ALICE module (there are really few buildings that can create civilians, so this will prevent massive lag)

- Road sign, bus stops and more garbage/bush has been placed on map

More detailed info on Dev-Heaven page and/or into readme


The map has been profoundly changed.

To ensure that no player can play with a different version, with different trees and objects in different places and have advantages in the game, i have changed the name of the map in "fallujah_v1_0" into "cfgPatches" section of the map.

This means the mission file should be called: whateveryouwant.fallujah.pbo but inside of the file you should check for addon "fallujah_v1_0" in SQM files. I will release asap a nice mission from -[TdC]-Solo.it on Fallujah.

class Mission










-[TdC]- Clan for support and suggestions

-[TdC]-Solo.it for his great help and collaboration

-[TdC]-Ultimo.it for sqm objects in airport area

Kju for config tweak

My wife (as in some books and important publications) that still doesn't understand why a man should place red boxes on green background for so much hours :)

NOTE TO ALL: Not everything has been made, fixed and implemented in this map. Every time i open the editor i found something that could be fixed, changed, modified, tweaked, enhanced or removed. Fallujah took near 400 hours of work for becoming the actual map. I am sure there is something bad, missing or not-so-good-as-you-expect but sometimes a man should look forward to new challenges :)

Edited by shezan74

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Nice, will download (but hoping that there are more tree types than palms)

Yup... something has been changed here, in small amount :)

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you say more house , hum is it entrable bulding ?

More buildings across the map, with the same "percentage" of actual ones. there is not so much choice about enterable buildings, if you want to keep a decent variation of shapes and buildings on map.

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oh yeah i know it's just a question ;) because i don't want have some lags with lot of entrable bulding

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Very nice. I will download this map today for the first time. Hope I can enjoy it. I saw some really nice videos about it.

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Congratulations for the new version. Will test it asap. Definitely one of the best urban-based maps for arma².

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Ok but there's no download yet working for 1.0, right? At least I couldn't find it ...

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Ok but there's no download yet working for 1.0, right? At least I couldn't find it ...

We're waiting for Foxhound and other Armaholic guys :)

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Check here: *dropbox file removed :) *

I hope this dropbox works :)

Edited by shezan74
dropbox file removed

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It's a shame that the missions I made for the map are no longer compatible. However, this new release is definitely a quantum leap ahead of 0.9.

I love the hotel on the far east side of the city, it's probably the first and best fun I've had with CQC situations in Arma. Also the proportions when inside the building are very fitting, I've run across the problem countless times in this game where when you walk inside a building it seems as if you are a giant and everything else is miniature. size.

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Congrats Shezan! Really like the new layout, industrial areas and the train area are pretty sweet. Excellent update :)

Oh and I really like the airport being on the other side ;)

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