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MultiDiscussion : TES5: Skyrim, BattleField 3, COD, R6 etc.

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I bought it off D2D and there was a 6MB download when I installed through Steam and that's all, not sure why you are having to endure such a large DL.

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Steam simply ignores the install files from the DVD... why it does that i dunno, first game i really wanted to play and preordered it and now i already regret it.

Anyone has a idea how i can force the install from the DVD?

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Steam simply ignores the install files from the DVD... why it does that i dunno, first game i really wanted to play and preordered it and now i already regret it.

Anyone has a idea how i can force the install from the DVD?

I had this Problem with some other games that neede to be activated on Steam. I solved it by aborting the installation and then restarting it until it didn´t try to download the game anymore

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Am I the only one who like SWAT 3 command system better?

There seems to be some command that I use extensively in SWAT 3 that are not present in SWAT 4

I played SWAT3 so many times that I 'memorized' all the orders. I could issue them pretty fast I think. The bank mission, the first you are against the Soverign America, is the most complete mission in my opinion. There you must use most (if not all) commands, making the teams cover the doors still locked and so on. Also, SWAT3 didn't allow saves in the middle of missions, so most players used to use stealth (at least in the start of missions), as the suspects would not hear you and so would not find you so easily. Baiting with flashbangs was pretty easy too.

But this conversation is going a bit OT, isn't it? Let's stick to R6.

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Lucky you, after countless attempts i give up and let Steam download the Game.

Note take Industry, just download the thing so we can sell you the stuff without CD, Manual and Case for the same price...

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Mine only downloaded some off steam. Took about 15 minutes and I was on my (very) merry way. Some minor issues but I am simply amazed so far. clearly consolized menus but they are neither unbearable nor game-breaking. By the time I realize that I don't like them, I'm back in the action anyways. The world and locations are insane. More to come later.

Edited by GRS

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Hello all

Well I took the jump and bought it.

Not bad at all...

Hate the menu system.

Hate hate hate it.

but im rather enjoying playing an rpg again.

I became rather immersed, so much so that when I came across a horse someone left beside the road, I started wondering about who owned it, why they had left it and whether it would be ok by itself.

That only lasted a few seconds but the game actually took over my thought processes for a bit. Good stuff.

Now all we need is all the mods transposed over from oblivion.



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Hate the menu system.

Hate hate hate it.

I feel the same way here. Other than that I am enjoying it very much.

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MW3 is the most ecologically-friendly game ever developed. Made of 98% recycled content. ~ PFunk

This is true

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There are instructions online to prevent Steam from downloading when you have a DVD.

The Steam forums likely have it there somewhere.

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Personally, I'd rather it be casual and simple than have my sword go through someone's face and not hurt them.

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I just went out & bought it. £30 with a canvas map seemed to be worth it :)

What madness is this??? I had to preorder to get the cloth (erm no) premium/canvas map... you lucky sod :p

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New Nvidia Beta 285.79 Driver for Skyrim + BF3 including better SLI profile is out.

Diggin this game alot.

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One thing I hated about the previous two games was how awful the combat was. I figured I would give this one a miss because it would just be exploring more repetitive areas and swinging swords at people and missing them half the time.

After watching some footage, I'm actually tempted to get it...

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One thing I hated about the previous two games was how awful the combat was. I figured I would give this one a miss because it would just be exploring more repetitive areas and swinging swords at people and missing them half the time.

After watching some footage, I'm actually tempted to get it...

With regards to swinging swords... expect more of that. :)

Repetitive areas, not so much any more.

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;2055767']What madness is this??? I had to preorder to get the cloth (erm no) premium/canvas map... you lucky sod :p

Can't explain it :) was just looking at the game in a store' date=' and reading the back I noted it said: [i']Includes physical map[/i] so I just bought it. Sure enough, inside is the (pseudo) canvas map. Very simple and not much on it to be honest, but I like a physical map wherever possible :)

One thing I hated about the previous two games was how awful the combat was. I figured I would give this one a miss because it would just be exploring more repetitive areas and swinging swords at people and missing them half the time.

After watching some footage, I'm actually tempted to get it...

It's one of the great misconceptions about ES combat, that combat is inaccurate somehow. In fact it's not player-skill based but character-skill based. So when you swing a sword, you initiate an onscreen animation of the sword swing, but the actual combat effect itself is calculated from the various RPG factors, like your character's abilities, your opponent's abilities, your weapon's state etc.

Think of it as rolling dice rather than physics based.

Once you fully realise this, it's possible to relax a little and play it more RPG-like :)


On a more personal note, I'm just out of the initial linear-gameplay introduction phase of the game (the part that every Bethesda game has, where the storyline and your character is established) and am now out in the wild. My usual Bethesda-game playing style is to simply ignore the plot and just do all the other stuff. As this game advertises infinite sidequests I'm hoping for a mix of imaginative scripted sidequests and auto-generated sidequests, with plenty of odd little caves and ruins etc to explore and plunder.

I am disappointed to see the "go here" arrows and walkthrough mechanisms still apparent. You follow those arrows and what are you doing, playing the game or just doing what the game tells you to do? I'd rather lose the arrows & be lost than have handholding mechanisms like that.

Edited by DMarkwick

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Could this game be played ok on console? or is it best on PC.... just looking for a game for my PS3, this looks cool, never played the others or similar RPGs except for a bit of Fall Out 3... until i lost my dog!

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Can't explain it :) was just looking at the game in a store, and reading the back I noted it said: Includes physical map so I just bought it. Sure enough, inside is the (pseudo) canvas map. Very simple and not much on it to be honest, but I like a physical map wherever possible :)

It's one of the great misconceptions about ES combat, that combat is inaccurate somehow. In fact it's not player-skill based but character-skill based. So when you swing a sword, you initiate an onscreen animation of the sword swing, but the actual combat effect itself is calculated from the various RPG factors, like your character's abilities, your opponent's abilities, your weapon's state etc.

Think of it as rolling dice rather than physics based.

Once you fully realise this, it's possible to relax a little and play it more RPG-like :)


On a more personal note, I'm just out of the initial linear-gameplay introduction phase of the game (the part that every Bethesda game has, where the storyline and your character is established) and am now out in the wild. My usual Bethesda-game playing style is to simply ignore the plot and just do all the other stuff. As this game advertises infinite sidequests I'm hoping for a mix of imaginative scripted sidequests and auto-generated sidequests, with plenty of odd little caves and ruins etc to explore and plunder.

I am disappointed to see the "go here" arrows and walkthrough mechanisms still apparent. You follow those arrows and what are you doing, playing the game or just doing what the game tells you to do? I'd rather lose the arrows & be lost than have handholding mechanisms like that.

You can disable the arrows. Press ESC and click on Quests, then click on the quests to disable the waypoint arrows.

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You can disable the arrows. Press ESC and click on Quests, then click on the quests to disable the waypoint arrows.

Yeah I can do that, but there still seems to be map and compass related mechanisms that are still there. However, I won't let it distract me too much :)

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Yeah I can do that, but there still seems to be map and compass related mechanisms that are still there. However, I won't let it distract me too much :)

Hmm, AFAIk, you can disable the menu/HUD in the options.

Anyone been to the Academy of Winterfeste (German version, doh). Feels like Hogwarts :p

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1. no

2. yes you can. what you can't do is use your existing server for A2 (rented or owned) to host a BF3 server, as there are no server files provided.

3. you need to rent a server from EA's parteners. That said, i can tell you now that for only one game, the prices are pretty high (for collocating a quad core server - Kellys one the price is 32 pounds a month, and i can stick as many game servers as i want on it).

4. no. only SP, but that harly resembles the MP games.

thanx !

I feared that and I love ArmA even more!

Edited by Herbal Influence

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It's one of the great misconceptions about ES combat, that combat is inaccurate somehow. In fact it's not player-skill based but character-skill based. So when you swing a sword, you initiate an onscreen animation of the sword swing, but the actual combat effect itself is calculated from the various RPG factors, like your character's abilities, your opponent's abilities, your weapon's state etc.

Think of it as rolling dice rather than physics based.

Once you fully realise this, it's possible to relax a little and play it more RPG-like


However, if fighting with buddies, they will still contrive to get arrow'd/zapped/stabbed/resurrected/crushed/frozen/burnt in the back by you every single damn battle you fight in.

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