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DLC of Spanish Forces.

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are you disrespecting FFAA mod work or what ??

FFAA is bad and ugly ?

this DLC attitude will kill rest of addonmaking, free addons are bad or what (nice reward for many addonmakers who spent their countless hours) ?

Edited by vilas

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Whoa there...

Just because someone asks for a DLC of a specific countries armed forces does'nt mean.

A. They have any disrespect for addon makers making a similar mod.

B. That asking for something will kill off addon making in general.

Chill the fuck out Vilas, you have been in nearly every recent dlc thread whining that by people asking for something as a DLC is somehow throwing shit in the face of addon makers or is ruining the game.

Maybe the Spanish mod does'nt cover what he wants from spanish forces or maybe he does'nt like them.

Well thats his personal opinion and has fuck all to do with you and your increasingly annoying attitude.

Did the British DLC kill off Stalkergb's or PUKF's or Project Reality's respective UK mods?

Or that fact that US and Russian forces that came with the game mean that no one makes US or Russian addons?


People will make addons of stuff they want to make, aswell as people wanting official addons made by bis that does'nt require a list of additional addons to make them work.

Esfumato made a suggestion in the suggestion forum. He never once disrespected a single individual on this forum.

You did though...

Respect goes both ways and you need to respect peoples right's to ask whatever the fuck they want too ask for.

And personally I would love to see BIS grant everyones DLC wishes.

Choices are always good.

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addon makers for me dead- why i no more install addons ? i hate it to search 3hours for the correct version- i hate it to start arma 3-4 bevor i can play.

with dlc we all can join to mp session with no problems.

the most addons have no quality textures.

and more i hate addons with a special config - good for coop bad for team vs.team (for example BW-MOD)

for me is end off time with a 3 gig addon folder.

addons good for single player , for single mode is great and funny.

the problem is i play only mp ;)

Edited by JgBtl292

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Ididn't knew there was a mod about the spanish forces. I asked as a DLC because I thought nobody was going to do something similar. I will stay tunned for that mod.

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are you disrespecting FFAA mod work or what ??

FFAA is bad and ugly ?

this DLC attitude will kill rest of addonmaking, free addons are bad or what (nice reward for many addonmakers who spent their countless hours) ?

Did you really feel the need to attack him in the first response to his thread? Jesus, he's allowed to make such suggestions, vilas. Doesn't make him the anti-Christ. If you keep this up prepare to be on the receiving end of an infraction.

Personally I haven't noticed a whole lot of content from the FFAA team made for Arma 2. If there has been feel free to point them out.

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if you google on : "ffaa armaholic" the first 8 hits will take you to the FFAA packs you can download!




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Those pictures are from ArmA, not Arma 2. But upon searching more at Armaholic it appears they have indeed released a fair amount of stuff for Arma 2.

Still, vilas' attack was unwarranted and continuing such behavior from him or anyone here will not be tolerated.

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Vilas, where the hell did he say FFAA was bad and ugly? You make the accusations like he is just disregarding the addon for the hell of it. Maybe he didnt know of it...ever thought of that. You need to get out of your little bubble, not everyone likes to use addons and would rather have official content.

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Why do people want DLC at all?

The two recent ones already proved that DLC is nothing but trying to sell much less than free mods offer for more.

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While I do like Addons from the community, I find that over the years quality of this content has been going downhill.

Back in OFP everybody had to make things from scratch. Then in ArmA people were re-doing their OFP models for ArmA and retexturing them. Now for ArmA 2 we mainly see straight ports of ArmA 1 content. While it doesn't look bad in most cases, we still get issues with lazy ports.

You won't be able to alt-look (free look) with these lower quality ports. Some of them have broken collisions. Some of the them you can't pop the tires. Some of them DO have bad textures.

Like I said, I don't mind addons from the community, but we're lacking the quality content that we've seen in the two previous games. That's why people are prefering DLC these days. Now this isn't a personal attack on Vilas, because I frankly find his stuff to be some of the highest quality stuff in the community, but we are seeing less and less passable quality addons. Of course we are very lucky to have stuff like the HEXAgon French mod out there (TOP NOTCH QUALITY, bravo dev team!). Then we get like 10+ US Rangers addons...

I'm sorry if I'm insulting anybody and before anybody says "LET'S SEE YOU DO BETTER", I'm not saying I can do better. I'm just wondering where the quality from addons in the previous games went. ArmA 2 has been out for a while now and there is still not many good quality addons and we lack variety.

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While I do like Addons from the community, I find that over the years quality of this content has been going downhill.

Back in OFP everybody had to make things from scratch. Then in ArmA people were re-doing their OFP models for ArmA and retexturing them. Now for ArmA 2 we mainly see straight ports of ArmA 1 content. While it doesn't look bad in most cases, we still get issues with lazy ports.

You won't be able to alt-look (free look) with these lower quality ports. Some of them have broken collisions. Some of the them you can't pop the tires. Some of them DO have bad textures.

Like I said, I don't mind addons from the community, but we're lacking the quality content that we've seen in the two previous games. That's why people are prefering DLC these days. Now this isn't a personal attack on Vilas, because I frankly find his stuff to be some of the highest quality stuff in the community, but we are seeing less and less passable quality addons. Of course we are very lucky to have stuff like the HEXAgon French mod out there (TOP NOTCH QUALITY, bravo dev team!). Then we get like 10+ US Rangers addons...

I'm sorry if I'm insulting anybody and before anybody says "LET'S SEE YOU DO BETTER", I'm not saying I can do better. I'm just wondering where the quality from addons in the previous games went. ArmA 2 has been out for a while now and there is still not many good quality addons and we lack variety.

the root problem is the mojority of addon makers who worked thier butts off to make good addons have been chased away but the "steal it to give it to me now" community that this has evolved into.

why do you think we are all transitioning to closed secondary communities.

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Common Guys, why are you attacking each other in every damn thread. It getting to the point of stupidity.

@Gossamer - I think it is mainly not due to a lack of laziness, but BI implementing so many features so quickly and lack of reliable information (yah I brought up the A2 sample models again). With ArmA, modders had two years to master the system. With A2, OA, and both DLCs, modders have had months.

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@Gossamer - I think it is mainly not due to a lack of laziness, but BI implementing so many features so quickly and lack of reliable information (yah I brought up the A2 sample models again). With ArmA, modders had two years to master the system. With A2, OA, and both DLCs, modders have had months.

See NOBODY has taken two seconds to ever explain that to me (and probably a lot of other people). BIS should be providing better documentation and forget about stupid DLC. They have to remember the community (that is small in the first place).

the root problem is the mojority of addon makers who worked thier butts off to make good addons have been chased away but the "steal it to give it to me now" community that this has evolved into.

why do you think we are all transitioning to closed secondary communities.

Not this discussion again... While I do agree you are working your ass off for an addon and then somebody could steal it, I don't see why you have to punish the majority of the people.

We all KNOW who made the addon. You shouldn't be devving in ArmA for fame, you should be doing it because you like it.

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I suggest this in all seriousness, don't think I'm trolling or flaming, but:

What if this series went the route of Microsoft Flight Sim and now X Plane with payware 3rd-party addons?

I mean right off the top of my head Red Hammer Studios' quality is on par with 3rd-party payware content for MS FSX.

What would BIS' reaction to that be?

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I suggest this in all seriousness, don't think I'm trolling or flaming, but:

What if this series went the route of Microsoft Flight Sim and now X Plane with payware 3rd-party addons?

I mean right off the top of my head Red Hammer Studios' quality is on par with 3rd-party payware content for MS FSX.

What would BIS' reaction to that be?

Oh god, no thanks.

Already have to pay for BIS Content that would have been free in previous games, don't want to have to pay for anything else.

Payware for this game would end up in myself leaving the community for this game TBH. I know that probably doesn't mean much to anybody, but yeah.

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i suggest this in all seriousness, don't think i'm trolling or flaming, but:

What if this series went the route of microsoft flight sim and now x plane with payware 3rd-party addons?

Absolutely NOT.

Why do people want DLC at all?

The two recent ones already proved that DLC is nothing but trying to sell much less than free mods offer for more.

After PMC, I completely agree.

Edited by xxbbcc

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@Gossamer - I think it is mainly not due to a lack of laziness, but BI implementing so many features so quickly and lack of reliable information (yah I brought up the A2 sample models again). With ArmA, modders had two years to master the system. With A2, OA, and both DLCs, modders have had months.

yes, new patch comes and people have problems with animations, missing textures, cause addonmaker doesn't know what happened that his vehicle now has no textures or arms of soldiers are twisted and head is between knees for example

I mean right off the top of my head Red Hammer Studios' quality is on par with 3rd-party payware content for MS FSX.

What would BIS' reaction to that be?

if made using BIS oxygen than impossible to charge money

i have no idea what are incomes of DLC, i know that on some addons addonmakers spent 1000 hours (for example FFAA which lots of vehicles, Italian mod which has not been noted by community but has a large variety of vehicles, I44, P85, even my Polish pack with many special only for Poland weapons, vests, vehicles etc.)

those are 1000s of hours, mostly spend by one -two persons, not whole team or squad

and seems like new community which came year before simply do not care , they want it movie-style, one-button installer

voices like - problem with instalation or use of BW mod are for me hard to understand, what can be problematic with BW mod ?

what can be problem to find addon in Armaholic (like someone says 3 hours looking for ?

maybe 3 minutes )

community of creators (addons, missions) is smaller because of few reasons (one of them is CoDish attitude, small teenagers even under-aged to buy Arma which is +16 or +18 in some countries, not to discuss here), and when more DLC requests is in the air (covering existing mods) than the smaller will be this circle of creators of content (missions, islands - 500 hours of work at least, addons of vehicles or weapons or units )

looking at how many things are in FFAA i can only imagine how much weeks, months of every day work Peloton spent doing it , if there are so much units, vehicles, helicopters... it had to be hundreds hours him and his cooperators

i can even pay year-fee to BIS, for years of fun given by OFP - no problem, i can pay every year 10 Euro or 20 Euro , cause other games are 2 days max , BIS is few years fun

DLC of animals, big urban islands, pack of many aircrafts not made by community or pack of things not made

but not doubling community addons (BAF was here other situation cause i thought it was VBS and i suppose Australian addons made for VBS can also be DLC in future, not from scratch, but StalkerGB probably lost half of download-rate or more due to BAF)

maybe DLC of WW1 if not made by community, DLC of Korean war from 50s, DLC of wild-west :)

but not doubling FFAA, P85, CSLA, Hexagon etc. cause then addonmakers will be pushed away with their hundreds of lost hours, which noone would need

old OFP community was not made of 13 y.o. CoD lover "gimme the best HK 416 Scar Magpul in desert digital multicam, yeaaa, and bombastic sound from movie, yeaaa"

Edited by vilas

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What if this series went the route of Microsoft Flight Sim and now X Plane with payware 3rd-party addons?

The Sims series started doing that, and it got ruined.

Edited by Laqueesha

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The Sims series started doing that, and it got ruined.

:D You play Sims 3?


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:D You play Sims 3?


You don't? :p

Its certainly tricky with DLC for BIS, they obviously can't just not create something because the community has done it already and at the same time the 3d artists can't just sit around all day while new engine features are added to the game.

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I just thought about a post back on the second page. All of the "Lazy Port" issues I listed do not effect the Hexagon French Army mod...

So now I should bring this up. Ask them how they did certain things. Extract their PBOs to look at config work. It's all going back to that stupid thread where addon makers wanted PBOs encrypted... yes that'd be great... so we can continue to have people complaining about lack of BIS documentation, but not willing to do anything about it.

Addon makers seem to complain about the community, how about you use what parts of the community you can to your advantage. Extract Hexagon's PBOs and see how they did their configs to get things working. If you need help with your models' features, then ask them how they got it to work.

Why do people want DLC at all?

The two recent ones already proved that DLC is nothing but trying to sell much less than free mods offer for more.

You know why I like DLCs? Because I can actually USE them in multiplayer. Until BIS makes an easy way for addon downloading/syncinc when connecting to a server, addons will have a hard time taking off (don't bring up ACE, it's a mod that has been on all three games (technically), it already has a following).

Edited by GossamerS

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:D You play Sims 3?


Exactly. This community is a lot more like the Flight Sim community than the group of people who play The Sims.

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If they made a Spanish DLC that was a comprehensive representation of Spanish armed forces, with a solid campaign and new terrain (larger than Shapur), I would buy it.

Same goes for any real world armed forces.

Edited by Daniel

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