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Invasion 1944 - DDay 2.0

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*scratches arm*

So any words on the OA release? or should I get into the A2 version for now?

Been waiting to hear more about this OA version :D

If its long ways away from release, i'll just roll A2

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We're still hard at work on the Combined Operations version, finalising a few new features, polishing out as many bugs as we can and doing our best to bring it to you all as soon as we can. But I'd still recommend a daily dose of I44 by any means necessary. Hope to have some footage of the new things you'll all be seeing in the next version very soon! I think you'll find the wait has been worth it ;)

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Sounds good :D

Will give the A2 version a go for now.. the vids look really impressive so far

the I44 warfare mission ive seen looks cool too

Glad to hear theres more to come!

Look forward to seeing the new footage :cool:

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Congrats by the way pac on getting CSJ's work in with yours they fit together so well, and no need for two downloads to use my Evo44 when its finished :)

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There are still some small issues with the Few units that we're trying to squash for the release, the B17 and Stuka both feature turrets which by default ArmA2 doesn't support. In multiplayer tests we're finding there are multiple turrets on each position among other similar issues. We have several choices on how to deal with this in the mod, but for now I would avoid using the standard Few units for either the B17 or Stuka in any MP missions. The versions that we will include in I44 will be as mp compatible as possible but this may lead to them being different from the variants you see in the Few (for example one option open to use is to flat out remove the gunner positions, for the Stuka we can balance/reason this with a larger bomb load as was done in real life). Just thought I better warn anyone who was using the Few in combination with I44 before you start having problems in MP.

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Here's a brand new sneak peak at some of the new features 2.5 will bring to Invasion 1944 and Combined Operations:


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maybe just add an script like you have with the AC-130 gunship for the gunner positions?? ( I don't know how that works etc. never used it) But it's just an idea

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The gunner positions in the Few already use a script to create their gunner positions, the problem is the current scripts create one for the plane, and then every player on the server. We'll either solve the issue or workaround it, now go watch that features video above!

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Just watched the New Features video, awesome work fellas, looking forward to it.

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June 6th 1944, D-Day. Germans of the 352nd Infantry division supported by a Tiger from the 21st SS Panzer division attempt to hold back the Allied forces from advancing inland.

Video of a new German mission by Pac for the CO version. Edited by SFG

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I'm liking those new features!!

Especially those throwable satchels, they may come in handy. :)

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Bayonet... yay! ^^ And throwable satchels! -Drools- So epic. ^^ Wonder how the AI react to the Bayonet... some sneaky airborne missions (Purely fictional) come to mind for 'Silent' kills :o hehe

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Throwable satchels, nice (looks familiar too) :)

Can't wait for the CO version.

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Thanks everyone, glad you like the look of the new features!

Throwable satchels, nice (looks familiar too)

Lol yeah I saw your addon and liked the idea Macolik ended up implementing our own version, ours can't be converted though they're just an alternative grenade type (for now anyways). Now I just need to persuede him to make me some sticky bombs! :D

Wonder how the AI react to the Bayonet...

If you're not sneaky or fast enough they tend to respond by shooting you in the face :D

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Hehe, sounds good to me hehe... a sneaking up then sprinting the last 5 meters will do it hehe

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A few questions:

*Is the "rest" weapon function automatic, a quick menu option or...?

*Are tanks being updated for this release or are they pushed back?

Didnt see any tank stuff in the video so...just wondering.

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June 6th 1944, D-Day. Germans of the 352nd Infantry division supported by a Tiger from the 21st SS Panzer division attempt to hold back the Allied forces from advancing inland.

Video of a new German mission by Pac for the CO version.

Very cool vid. Just a quick note. No 21st SS Pz division in Normandy (or 21st SS panzer division period, never existed). Maybe 21st Panzer division but I dont think they had Tigers. But still a cool vid.

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Very cool vid. Just a quick note. No 21st SS Pz division in Normandy (or 21st SS panzer division period, never existed). Maybe 21st Panzer division but I dont think they had Tigers

Doh! Thats what happens when SFG asks me for a last minute description just before midnight and I'm too lazy to check wikipedia! I'll be sure to correct it. I'm pretty sure in reality there were no Tigers in that area of Normandy at all. But I liked the Tigers roar so Tiger it was :D

*Is the "rest" weapon function automatic, a quick menu option or...?

Resting is completely automatic, standing within range of any object, window etc will activate (and with certain weapons as can be seen in the video, take up a rested pose). No keybindings are required etc, just being close enough will do it. You know when its active by an image of your weapon appearing in the bottom right corner of your screen.

*Are tanks being updated for this release or are they pushed back?

Didnt see any tank stuff in the video so...just wondering.

Vex is currently working hard on a new model of the Panzer IV G which (hope I'm not spoiling the surprise here) will feature an Interior model, hopefully we'll have some more info, screenies and vids of that in the near future. We're hoping to include it in the 2.5 release. There are a number of other Armour units Vex also has on the go that will probably appear in later updates to the mod if they don't make 2.5's initial release. Guy is also in the process of creating a new tank for a future release.

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Thx for the response.

In regards to the tanks I was wondering more in the balance thing towards more realistic ballistics speed/arch, range scoop settings, hits and such I asked about a few weeks ago. If if was still in mind for this release or put on hold because of other stuff.

More armor is always welcomed of course. :)

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is there a way to let your weapon (if you stand or crouch) don't let it move so much? would be nice, because the only way I can really shoot someone is go prone and then zoom and shoot.

EDIT: on D-day, I found sort of a bug. I play with my friends but they can't go prone before they're shot once.

Edited by rikjuuh

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In regards to the tanks I was wondering more in the balance thing towards more realistic ballistics speed/arch, range scoop settings, hits and such I asked about a few weeks ago. If if was still in mind for this release or put on hold because of other stuff.

We are looking into methods of making more realistic penetration systems than ArmA2 currently uses, whether it will make it into the first CO release we can't guarantee. The balance right now is pretty good in my opinion though, but then I'm not an avid tank-sim player so its not something I know much about to make a fair assesment of game vs real world.

is there a way to let your weapon (if you stand or crouch) don't let it move so much? would be nice, because the only way I can really shoot someone is go prone and then zoom and shoot.

That's part of the reason why we've implemented the weapon resting into 2.5, but you'll also find less recoil on weapons than the current public release (take a look at the videos on the i44 youtube channel).

EDIT: on D-day, I found sort of a bug. I play with my friends but they can't go prone before they're shot once.

This is due to a known issue in the landing script to prevent the AI and players from going prone in the boat during the ride in that could then effect other players disembarking (players blocking the ramp etc). Will be fixed in the CO version.

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There are still some small issues with the Few units that we're trying to squash for the release, the B17 and Stuka both feature turrets which by default ArmA2 doesn't support. In multiplayer tests we're finding there are multiple turrets on each position among other similar issues. We have several choices on how to deal with this in the mod, but for now I would avoid using the standard Few units for either the B17 or Stuka in any MP missions. The versions that we will include in I44 will be as mp compatible as possible but this may lead to them being different from the variants you see in the Few (for example one option open to use is to flat out remove the gunner positions, for the Stuka we can balance/reason this with a larger bomb load as was done in real life). Just thought I better warn anyone who was using the Few in combination with I44 before you start having problems in MP.

Roger thanks for the heads up, encountered this one already I believe. My RPT said something about invalid entry points for some vehicles and I think the Stuka was one of them.

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Resting is completely automatic, standing within range of any object, window etc will activate (and with certain weapons as can be seen in the video, take up a rested pose). No keybindings are required etc, just being close enough will do it. You know when its active by an image of your weapon appearing in the bottom right corner of your screen.

This is revolutionary! :bounce3:

My first reaction when reading about the resting feature was: Oh no, another action / key / whatever!

Great, absolutely great!


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