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so this works in A3? as i currently see it in arma 3 section in play with six just wanted to check its not an input error

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I tried it and it says it uses old config, so i guess its not working. anyone that can confirm?

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Guys wouldn't it be simpler if you started an ASR AI thread over in the Arma 3 section?

Because discussing A3 ASR AI in the A2 sections seems kinda confusing...

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Guys wouldn't it be simpler if you started an ASR AI thread over in the Arma 3 section?

Because discussing A3 ASR AI in the A2 sections seems kinda confusing...

I second that...

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Ok, there you go, A3 thread opened here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173515-Asr-ai-3

yes you need to get the A3 version. ASR_AI3

It's available from Robablo's clan repo

Correct links for my dev repo are:



Yes my stuff goes to the Alphasquad repo, but that one is only for getting mods required to play there.

Edited by Robalo

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Hi Robalo,

Been a long time forum lurker and fan of your mod. I wanted to know if you would be able to make a compatible version of your addon for the Iron Front conversion for Arma 2 and Arma 3. I've been spoiled by your mod while playing in the different versions of Arma and miss it deeply in the Iron Front conversion. If you would consider making a compatible version you would make this old man a very happy one. Thank you for the work you've done, it's greatly appreciated.

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Hi Robalo,

Been a long time forum lurker and fan of your mod. I wanted to know if you would be able to make a compatible version of your addon for the Iron Front conversion for Arma 2 and Arma 3. I've been spoiled by your mod while playing in the different versions of Arma and miss it deeply in the Iron Front conversion. If you would consider making a compatible version you would make this old man a very happy one. Thank you for the work you've done, it's greatly appreciated.

Not Robalo, but maybe I can help as well...

I just started trying the ASR_Ai (latest version) together with the IF- conversion in Arma 2 OA and of course it could be me beeing terribly wrong, but I had a strong impression that ASR did do it's work just fine.

The AI in my mission tended to:

- grab ammo and weapons from almost any source

- extensive use of at- launchers

- tactical use of smoke if wounded

At least, I have not watched these behaviours with the vanilla- IronFront AI, but as I said, i wouldn't bet any money on it.

Just give it a try for yourself...


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It probably works fine with IF, although it would still need a little extra tweaking to get all features. I can't promise anything, but maybe some week-end soon if I get bored, I'll buy IF and add support for it, but that will be under Arma3.

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@GottMitUns, one of the main features I seem to be missing is the rearming of my AI. My men are always running out and never rearm, constantly telling me they are out of ammo. This is the Arma 2 conversion.

@Robalo I would be more than happy to purchase you a copy along with the dlc ( it would be on steam ). I just reinstalled Arma 3 but until the bugs are fixed for that conversion I find no interest in using that version. Right now I'm using the Arma 2 version and even though you're not making it for this version I'll still give you a copy so others can use your mod. Just pm me and let me know.

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@GottMitUns, one of the main features I seem to be missing is the rearming of my AI. My men are always running out and never rearm, constantly telling me they are out of ammo. This is the Arma 2 conversion.

Can u explain this, cause i am missing my reload animation too and i dont know what to there...

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Can u explain this, cause i am missing my reload animation too and i dont know what to there...

He's not missing his reload animation.

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Yeah, just saw it. My English is not the best^^ I still have no reload animation, not on stable and not on devbranch. And no message which popups that the game is missing something.. FFS, this game makes me sick^^

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HOME | Forum | BI MILITARY GAMES FORUMS | ARMA 2 & Operation Arrowhead | ARMA 2 & OA - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE | ASR AI Skills

Maybe you report this issue at the Arma 3-feedback tracker instead.

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I appreciate the offer, but no need. It's more about the time investment than anything else.


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Just out of curiosity, what does ASR stand for?

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Just out of curiosity, what does ASR stand for?

AS - AlphaSquad, the team I've been playing online games with since '03

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GottMitUns I believe you are actually correct. I put several ammocrates around on a simple mission that I'm testing and noticed the AI rearming from it. Robalo I sincerely apologize for believing they didn't rearm using your mod. Thank you once again for your work. ( for anyone reading this, this was referring to Iron Front converted over as an Arma 2CO mod so no confusion is had )

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GottMitUns I believe you are actually correct. I put several ammocrates around on a simple mission that I'm testing and noticed the AI rearming from it. Robalo I sincerely apologize for believing they didn't rearm using your mod. Thank you once again for your work. ( for anyone reading this, this was referring to Iron Front converted over as an Arma 2CO mod so no confusion is had )

I believe there's even a lot more factors...

Yesterday, my AI did stop rearming as well, even totally unequipped soldiers didn't take anything from a crate right next to them.

I than deleted some enemy fighter- aircraft that where circling overhead and voila, the ai started to rearm properly again. I guess the AI really needs to be in safe/ careless behaviour- mode to rearm properly.

Although it sounds pretty stupid, the whole thing confused for almost an hour... :p


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I believe there's even a lot more factors...

Yesterday, my AI did stop rearming as well, even totally unequipped soldiers didn't take anything from a crate right next to them.

I than deleted some enemy fighter- aircraft that where circling overhead and voila, the ai started to rearm properly again. I guess the AI really needs to be in safe/ careless behaviour- mode to rearm properly.

Although it sounds pretty stupid, the whole thing confused for almost an hour... :p


Thats how it works, yes.

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Quick question since I am a total noob when it comes to AI mods. Do these only have to run server-sided on a dedicated server? Or do the players need to have it aswell?

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Quick question since I am a total noob when it comes to AI mods. Do these only have to run server-sided on a dedicated server? Or do the players need to have it aswell?

As it says in the readme:

This addon can be installed on clients, servers or both. It will configure only the AI local to the machine where it is installed.

Hope that helps......;)

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Robalo we are using your mod since arma2 and we are quite happy with it.

Here are some points im thinking about:

- what aiming skill is recommented for realistic hit by ai? we had yesterday 0.2 and it was heavy ;) they killed us from a flying helicopter :D

- flanking is great but sometimes it would be cooler to not attack and wait for another group to attack at the same time or just stay away and wait e.g. the armored vehicle is destroyed the enemy have.

- the state of alertness stay not long enough or i dont know. we had to attack 2x stationary mg guns and they knew where we are (behind the other side of the hill). we had some fights with flaking ai and after 5min. we look again over the crest and they didnt attack us, we could easily kill both. It was only 400m away where we had gunfire all over the place.

- some sort of suppression is needed. is there something coming or should we go with TPWCAS?

- having more then 1 "ai" mod is a problem. ASR AI, TPWCAS, DAC, Alive, will this all work together? what needs to be ajusted? Would be wonderful if someday all those big projects work together to get the cooles ai ever seen without interference.

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- what aiming skill is recommented for realistic hit by ai? we had yesterday 0.2 and it was heavy ;) they killed us from a flying helicopter :D

On the CiA coop server we play with skillAI=0.75; and precisionAI=0.4; and the AI feels rather natural. This is a result of hours of playing-tweaking iterations on multiple missions.

- some sort of suppression is needed. is there something coming or should we go with TPWCAS?

- having more then 1 "ai" mod is a problem. ASR AI, TPWCAS, DAC, Alive, will this all work together? what needs to be ajusted? Would be wonderful if someday all those big projects work together to get the cooles ai ever seen without interference.

If I recall correctly TPWCAS was designed to be compatible with ASR AI, but in any case, we play for years with both TPWCAS and ASR-AI and had no problems whatsoever (both Arma 2 and Arma 3).

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This is the thread for the Arma 2 mod. I haven't played Arma 2 since Arma 3 came out so I can't do any recommendations.

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