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Head Bob...how many use?

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How much combat gear did you have during these marathons?

Combat gear doesn't make your head move more.

The characters in A2 hardly carry anything anyway, the rifleman carries an assault rifle, some magazines and a few grenades, that weighs like 50N?

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I always felt that helmets make a real difference in RL. A load of 20 kilograms is considered a light gear.

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I always felt that helmets make a real difference in RL. A load of 20 kilograms is considered a light gear.

Yeah but A2 riflemen only carry 5 kg of stuff.

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One tick from off also. I'm all about immersion but any more than 5% makes every rock in the distance looking like a crouched taliban lol.

I guess all the ppl that miss even the closest enemies in MP COOP have full postprocessing on and maximum head bob - now i know why. ;)

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I turn it off and prefer to sit in my chair shaking my head to the speed of the run, so much more realistic and nothing to do with the migraines I constantly experience.

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How much combat gear did you have during these marathons?

Been there, done that. Head bobbing while running is not realistic.

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Next time you're out, start running. Fix your eyes on a car some distance away. Now read its license plate. Now stop. Look at some other cars license plate. Which one were you able to "read" easiest? If you honestly can say there was no difference, then ok, maybe it's just me getting so old my eyes are starting to come loose from my eye sockets.

For me, head bobbing is real (in moderate amounts).

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Next time you're out, start running. Fix your eyes on a car some distance away. Now read its license plate. Now stop. Look at some other cars license plate. Which one were you able to "read" easiest?

No-one disputes that there are negative impacts to your vision of running, with or without load. It's just the effect isn't remotely like head bob. It is CAUSED by head bob in real life, but in real life your brain compensates and your perception is of a stable image, if not as clear as usual. Unless you pay attention to it you're not even really aware of bobbing up and down, although if you intentionally focus on it, you will notice that you are.

It would be better if the game blurred/distorted images rather than this weird and unrealistic bobbing up and down uncompensated for by your perceptual system.

Your brain is hardwired to compensate for bobbing up and down that results from your own physical movement--it's not hard wired to compensate for it on your computer screen, which is why it makes some people physically ill if you expose them to a bobbing image.

Edited by Polar Bear

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