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What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. What are the most important sounds for you while using JSRS?

    • The weapon sounds!
    • The vehicle sounds!
    • Environmental sounds!
    • Explosions, Soniccracks, Bullethits, the sound of danger!
    • The script features like the "distance sounds"!
    • Everything combined! The whole Mod itself is important.

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Feel free to purchase good professional recording equipment, a rifle and record yourself being shot a few times and then have a friend or loved one send 'em over to be placed into the next version of JSRS. Thank you for your help. :)

You made it man, you got me a bunch of work with this! What do you think how hard it is to cut out all the screaming and all the complaints about all the blood and so. Man, this will cost me, AND YOU, another weekend! GREAT JOB! :D

I wouldn't worry about his 39 posts !

Nope, you cant say that.... there are only 37!


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I've been around longer... much longer than you have.

But that's irrelevant, so I don't know why you've brought it up.

There's something awry with the mod, as it seems that for some reason when the majority of bullets strike a player they make ground-hitting noises instead.

As it seems, the bullet striking noises that -should- be playing aren't bad, although anders and CSM2 I prefer.

If they were playing as they are supposed to, that wouldn't even really be an issue as they're serviceable.

But, the ground striking noise when being hit with a bullet.

There's no "thunk", no sound of a supersonic piece of metal piercing flesh, just the sound of clumped sand breaking apart.

Its obviously not supposed to happen, and its terrible.

No slight against the author, but it is there's just no way around that.

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-Psycho-;2147398']Exclusive Hotfix for Pd3: Don't use this Soundmod! :whip:

Or it could eventually get fixed and there wouldn't be an issue.

There's no need to get bitchy.

---------- Post added at 04:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:01 ----------

Second' date=' if you play around with my stuff, do that in private please and do not bring others to emulate that too by posting this here. No one else should take a hand on my mod than me, if you do that in private, no problems! But keep it that way! I mean all of you, you too tremanarch, its a matter of respect.


We wouldn't have an open community if BIS hadn't allowed people free access to their resources, I'm sorry if you took my comment about the bullet striking sounds the wrong way. I realize its a bug, but its absolutely grating.

Anyhow, to expect other people not to peer into your work and muck around with it seems pretty hypocritical from my perspective, its not like I'm redistributing it or calling it my own, that would be disrespectful.

Feel free to make your own game and then condemn them for doing what BIS has essentially encouraged.

Like I said, the bullet strike sounds that I could actually hear seemed okay, however they don't play for what I can determine to be a good 80% of the weapons I experimented with.

Oh look, 39th post, haha. :cool:

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get a handy sound recorder ~300$, get free audio editing software, get pork meat, get a axe, start record and chop it with axe. There you got ur new "hit sounds" :D

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Jarhead, don't know if this has been asked before, but do you plan on having a sound for the D30 and M119 (static artillery guns) for next version?

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PD3 - the thing you miss is the tone of your posts, not that you might have a point.

"Hey Jarhead I noticed some hit sounds are triggering ground hit sounds, would love to see an update or fix for this or even a replacement if that was possible, here I have looked into it and if it helps I have posted a devheaven ticket about it with some specific details, hope this helps, as its ref editing I can PM you some info if thats ok".

You know?

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PD3 - the thing you miss is the tone of your posts, not that you might have a point.

"Hey Jarhead I noticed some hit sounds are triggering ground hit sounds, would love to see an update or fix for this or even a replacement if that was possible, here I have looked into it and if it helps I have posted a devheaven ticket about it with some specific details, hope this helps, as its ref editing I can PM you some info if thats ok".

You know?

+1, bingo right on the nose. :)

Secondly, many mod makers have declared that no one modify their work. That might get your panties in a bunch there, pal, but it's an addon makers right to do so if they desire as its their time and hard work being spent to put it together. If they don't appreciate someone editing their work for whatever reason, it doesn't take much effort to respect that with some maturity and understanding. An addon maker owes you absolutely nothing. You have no special rights to open and freely dick around with anothers work after they openly ask the community not to do so. It's not hypocritical, it's just showing a bit of respect and understanding for their hard work that they provide for free. Especially when people have had been in a habit of doing such things only to then release it around either as their own work or releasing it around and when it screws up everything, people then come to the original author demanding they want things fixed that were never suppose to be broken by some arrogant prick that thought they had all the right in the world to tweak and ultimately break in the first place and pass it around or something.

As others have stated--don't like something either kindly post about your thoughts on it and maybe it'll be taken into consideration or just mix and match with other soundmods' .pbo's as some of them are quite modular and able to be mixed without having to modify anything. But when you come in and post that something is horrible, every other guy has him beat and act as if the community owe's you something and you can just do whatever the hell you want to other peoples hard work without a single shred of thoughtfulness because "it's a community" so somehow people have 100% all rights and privileges to open up everything they want and freely modify away--don't get all defensive and arrogant when you don't get your way or someone who has put thousands if not more hours of hard work gets a wee bit pissed. There's a reason there are addon maker groups focusing on authors rights. If you can't accept that, then that is your problem. Most of us around here have no issues whatsoever in respecting another's hard work they do for the community for free. Many of us are intelligent enough to at least put in a 2 second effort of common decency to at least ask the author if something could be used or modified.

Sure, we can't stop each other from modifying stuff. And yes, things have been done for private use. But even then, a lot of times people at least asked--knowing full well they can do it either way and no one will either know or be able to do anything. But that's because they still had a bit of respect and was nice enough to ask to do so. See what I mean? You storm in calling things crap, without so many words telling LJ to fix it to suit you, openly admit you are tinkering with his work and then have this spoiled attitude of "I can do whatever I want in this community, it's a free addon and I'm entitled to do whatever I want, unless they want to be called hypocritical!". So you can't be too surprised your original post wasn't received too positively. Perhaps you didn't mean for it to come off that way, in which case I'd be a little more tactful in future postings and maybe learn to respect an addon makers hard work and understand just how much hard work goes into something like this, as right now it doesn't come off as if you do or let alone even have one shred of care to.

Edited by Yokhanan

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Please calm down all.

I think both sides are a bit right. On the one Hand Jarhead is making the mod not only for himself but the community. Why else should he post it on a forum for the whole com.? And so I guess he is interested in what the community thinks about the mod. Also he thanked me for finding a little error / unused files. So the feedback is not all useless anyway.

On the other hand it is the volunteer work of some people who like to mod the game they want it to be. So we can report errors, or suggest improvements, but we cannot demand them. And the work someone has put into something should be treated with respect of course. The Problem is often that people dont write something when theyre happy. They only complain when there are problems. Thats the nature of things mainly.

I for myself dont alter mods nor do I redistribute them under my name. I could edit them for my private use. But then I would not post it anywhere and it is useless anyway, because I would need a server key too.

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Please calm down all.

The Problem is often that people dont write something when theyre happy.

I am very happy with this mod :-) Actually aside from DayZ sessions, I don't even connect to MP servers which reject JSRS! It's made the game a lot better (along with other fantastic work by the community).

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Hmm... thinking about it, I'm not entirely convinced you'd hear anything on a soft bullet hit unless it expanded (which they wont; we don't play with hollow points), or if it hit plate armor or something similar, which is also moot since we don't have armor.

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+1, bingo right on the nose. :)

Secondly, many mod makers have declared that no one modify their work.

That is exceptionally hypocritical and arrogant right there.

To espouse an open addon making community and then to say "OH BUT DON'T MOD MY SHIT YO".

Is extremely childish, if BIS demanded everyone play the game the way they made it, nobody would be making addons period.

I'm sorry, but I don't empathize with any hard feelings incited by my wanting to play ARMA 2 or use any mods the way I want to use them.

I understand the idea of not passing off somebody else's work off as one's own, or distributing it, however since I everything I do is self contained. That is to say, I don't play on public servers, I don't distribute anything I edit, I really don't see the problem.

And honestly if anyone has a problem with somebody else not wanting to use something the way it was made, you really picked the wrong game to make addon content for.

That might get your panties in a bunch there, pal,

I'm not the one with my panties in a bunch right now... nor am I being unreasonable.

but it's an addon makers right to do so if they desire as its their time and hard work being spent to put it together.

No it isn't, make mods for games where the source is compiled and only you have access to the source. You're capitalizing on an open format game, and an open format community. Getting pissy because you want that to apply to everything else but not your work is the pinnacle of self absorption.

If they don't appreciate someone editing their work for whatever reason, it doesn't take much effort to respect that with some maturity and understanding.

Not if I would enjoy the game if some personally necessary changes need to be made for my own enjoyment of it.

You'd think that would be acceptable for somebody who is supposedly doing something uncompensated for the betterment of the community. Its not like I'm taking credit for it.

Here's one for you: I modded ASR-AI so that all the BIS units have a "sensitivityear" value significantly lower than the one implemented because that variable was causing the AI to have "psychic powers" and constantly being aware of any enemies it had previously detected regardless of whether you could actually hear them or not, or whether they had become obscured.

That was game breaking for me. I enjoyed everything else, but that was not acceptable.

That aside, I really enjoy Robalo's work, but I'll be damned if somebody is going to pitch a fit shout: "You bloody well play it like I make it or you're a bad person!"

Are you kidding?

That's a clear indication that the person isn't trying to contribute to the overall enjoyment of the community, they've got some kind of personal fulfillment they're going after, and outside of common courtesy, I really won't accept that sort of inconvenience.

An addon maker owes you absolutely nothing.

Likewise, I owe an addonmaker nothing but the courtesy of not plagiarizing their work, which of course I don't.

I get the feeling you seem to think everything is a one way street, and I hate to break it to you, but that's not how it works.

You have no special rights to open and freely dick around with anothers work after they openly ask the community not to do so.

Nobody owes you that courtesy as unreasonable as it is, you see its a mutual "we don't owe one another anything" -type deal. The only difference is, plagiarism is wrong, and so is being obsessively controlling.

You can't stop me, or anyone, and honestly my enjoyment of ARMA2 trumps offending an addonmaker's deranged concept of what they're entitled to.

It's not hypocritical, it's just showing a bit of respect and understanding for their hard work that they provide for free.

That is absolutely hypocritical, and if you equate respect to having control over how other people play a game with something you've made then you have a huge problem. A self afflicted problem.

Especially considering there's positively no way to restrict that (nor should there be IMO).

Especially when people have had been in a habit of doing such things only to then release it around either as their own work or releasing it around and when it screws up everything

Again, I have no desire to do that, and I can understand your concern, but you have no authority nor is it a reasonable request to demand that of others.

It seems like you'd be much more at home with a community for a game like Call of Duty than one such as this. They can't do shit all, and nor can anyone else, that seems to be what you're aspiring for. Or is that entirely selective?

people then come to the original author demanding they want things fixed that were never suppose to be broken by some arrogant prick that thought they had all the right in the world to tweak and ultimately break in the first place and pass it around or something.

Again, I have nothing to do with that, although yeah I'll admit I came off as kind of a dick and I apologise for that, that was my fault. It really came as an unpleasant shock to me that such a thorough and complete sound mod would have in my opinion dropped the ball on such a critical aspect. What I was not aware of is that it was a bug, and not an actual feature.

So, yeah, I was a dick for that; Mea culpa.

As others have stated--don't like something either kindly post about your thoughts on it and maybe it'll be taken into consideration or just mix and match with other soundmods' .pbo's as some of them are quite modular and able to be mixed without having to modify anything. But when you come in and post that something is horrible, every other guy has him beat and act as if the community owe's you something and you can just do whatever the hell you want to other peoples hard work without a single shred of thoughtfulness because "it's a community" so somehow people have 100% all rights and privileges to open up everything they want and freely modify away--don't get all defensive and arrogant when you don't get your way or someone who has put thousands if not more hours of hard work gets a wee bit pissed. There's a reason there are addon maker groups focusing on authors rights. If you can't accept that, then that is your problem. Most of us around here have no issues whatsoever in respecting another's hard work they do for the community for free. Many of us are intelligent enough to at least put in a 2 second effort of common decency to at least ask the author if something could be used or modified.

Well, I stand by the independent observation that the sound of crumbling sand being a sound for a bullet striking a human body is horrible, because it is.

I understand some of the rancour that it generated, but initially I was not aware that it was a bug until I actually tried to fix it myself.

At which point I kind of felt like an asshole, but like I said, the bug makes it sound awful I understand its not the author's fault. I understand that nothing is perfect and that the author has put much painstaking time and effort into the project and for that I applaud him. Its fantastic.

Except for that bug, which is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Sure, we can't stop each other from modifying stuff. And yes, things have been done for private use. But even then, a lot of times people at least asked--knowing full well they can do it either way and no one will either know or be able to do anything. But that's because they still had a bit of respect and was nice enough to ask to do so.

Well, honestly if it comes down to my simply not being able to enjoy the game, and making a critical modification that makes it IMO, the best game ever (such as turning down the "sensitivityear" value which I didn't even know was responsible for the AI having essentially extra-sensory perception). I'm going to do what I have to do to enjoy the game. I understand the practical aspect of not wanting the community flooded with "variations" of mods, but that has absolutely nothing to do with me.

See what I mean? You storm in calling things crap, without so many words telling LJ to fix it to suit you,

I get that, and yeah again, a decidedly asshole way of going about it, however I certainly didn't want anyone to be under the impression that I wanted it fixed specifically for strictly my benefit.

openly admit you are tinkering with his work and then have this spoiled attitude of "I can do whatever I want in this community, it's a free addon and I'm entitled to do whatever I want, unless they want to be called hypocritical!". So you can't be too surprised your original post wasn't received too positively. Perhaps you didn't mean for it to come off that way, in which case I'd be a little more tactful in future postings and maybe learn to respect an addon makers hard work and understand just how much hard work goes into something like this, as right now it doesn't come off as if you do or let alone even have one shred of care to.

I believe demanding other people not tinker around with other people's work at all, regardless of whether one is going to distribute it or not to be just as spoiled, but I can find some agreement in other things you've said.

---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:48 ----------

Hmm... thinking about it, I'm not entirely convinced you'd hear anything on a soft bullet hit unless it expanded (which they wont; we don't play with hollow points), or if it hit plate armor or something similar, which is also moot since we don't have armor.

I've done a fair deal of shooting with a variety of calibers and you'd be surprised.

Yeah, from a far distance you probably couldn't hear anything, but I was on a neighbor's land helping him get rid of prairie dogs one summer a few years back, and I got one in the head.

I'd say from a good 30 feet away you could hear a pretty awful hollow "Thwock!" as it struck it's skull.

And considering most soldiers have not only clothing, but random bits of gear as well, yeah. You'd definitely hear something.

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That is exceptionally hypocritical and arrogant right there.

.... if BIS demanded everyone play the game the way they made it, nobody would be making addons period...

Ok, maybe you did not, but most of us have paid for this game. So I can understand your thoughts, but you paid for Arma! But you did not paid for my mod, did you? So... I dont see why we still talk about this. I'm sick of always talking to guys who dont want to accept my opinion. Well, to be honest, I dont fucking care anymore what some have to say because the more I listen the more jerks come up and want their candy as well (dont want to call you a jerk, dont get this wrong!!!!).

I made this mod to suit my taste. Thats the point of all this. I was never working FOR the community. I never asked the community: What do you want for the next update? Can I please you guys somehow?

I know where this conversation is going to anyways, because noone here can handle my character or I'm just to stupid to handle yours, I dont know. And I dont want to know! I got tired over the months, even years since I working on my mod. Trying to talk myself out of such situations, excusing myself, what ever. This is not fun anymore...

So I dont know why I even keep this up, trying to listen to each post and seeing the point of the post itself.

.... "You bloody well play it like I make it or you're a bad person!"....

That's a clear indication that the person isn't trying to contribute to the overall enjoyment of the community

No one said that here... I just made this stupid mod for myself! NOT FOR THE COMMUNITY. So I just thought of posting and releasing it here, so people can also have fun with it, but IT WAS NOT MADE FOR THE COMMUNITY. But as I said, if you do shit with it in private, no one has a problem with that.

That is absolutely hypocritical, and if you equate respect to having control over how other people play a game with something you've made then you have a huge problem.

What the hell? You going in a total wrong direction man. I dont try to control you or who ever how to fuckin' play a game. I dont even play it myself in public. What the hell would be the point of even trying this? Besides, it wouldnt even work, because EVERYONE would know and not accept that.

It seems like you'd be much more at home with a community for a game like Call of Duty than one such as this.

I wouldnt say this, not at all. Trust me, this guy is more in this community than most of the others here mate!

Well, I stand by the independent observation that the sound of crumbling sand being a sound for a bullet striking a human body is horrible, because it is.

I understand some of the rancour that it generated, but initially I was not aware that it was a bug until I actually tried to fix it myself.

At which point I kind of felt like an asshole, but like I said, the bug makes it sound awful I understand its not the author's fault. I understand that nothing is perfect and that the author has put much painstaking time and effort into the project and for that I applaud him. Its fantastic.

Except for that bug, which is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Oh and to be really honest with you: Who said this mod is trying to be real or so? If I want to have some sounds of old bitches getting slapped in the face for bodyhits, then I do so! I could use some spacemagic anytime. Theres no POINT AT ALL that says, that the sound HAVE TO sounds like this or that! No way. I could also put some music in when ever someone gets hit. Yah sure, why not? :)

There are different ways of tast man. You cant say something sounds awful if others maybe like it. If you like Rock music I can not tell you how awful this is because I like Dubstep or what ever. I know about these sounds, sure, I made them at least. But its always a way how people ask about such things. A note would have been enough to bring me to even look at this and try to understand what you mean, whats your opinion. I'm not a monster who does not listening to the posts I read here. But when reading something which is starting: "This is really awfull!" what do you think I do? Listening even more carefully? I dont think so.

Sry, but you have to understand this as well man. There's no problem if someone dont like my work, fuck if they hate it, I dont care. But lets say 60% of the posts in here where because of problems, issues, different tastes. I listened to almost 99% of them. Instead of these few who just stated their opinion like you did.

But ok, seems like we all need to calm down again. Shit happens and I know how fast these conversations explode into nothing but more trouble, for all of us...

So just lets stop this crap here. Since as I said: I have alot of new Bullethitsounds and I reworked most of the crap anyways. So we dont need to keep this conversation alife.

I'm tired and I just dont want to explain myself anymore here. Its getting harder each day trying to find some time for my hobby... so I dont want to waste it trying to excuse or explain myself for something or what ever. Call me childish, you wouldnt be the first man. And you wont be the last.


Edited by LordJarhead

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Ok, maybe you did not, but most of us have paid for this game. So I can understand your thoughts, but you paid for Arma! But you did not paid for my mod, did you? So... I dont see why we still talk about this.

This is probably the point out of anyone else here that I can empathize with the most.

You want money? Or a donation rather?

What? 100 eur?

I can do that.

I have no problem donating 100 euro in cdn if that's what you'd like.

In fact fuck it.

I'm doing it tonight.

Don't get me wrong man, I like your work, I could've worded things better but if that would make things "better", that's something I have absolutely no problem doing.

If you made it for sale I'd buy it for sure.

Of course I'm not going to stop tinkering for my own personal use, but there, I've done my bit.

Sorry for getting out of line and all.

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Men, I totally didn't mean it like this. I mean you acted like you have paid for my work and have some "rights" to do what ever you like with it. Sure you can do what ever you like, not a problem, if you keep this in private. So like you say you do. So its ok. You dont have to spend sooooo much money for a "MOD!" man, this isnt fair. Now you let me look like a bitch.

The donation is not for people to "buy" themselves some rights to do what ever they want with JSRS and so they can talk about ripping it apart or what ever. And because they paid its so much better and easier? No^^ If you want to donate, you can do this. But noone, not me nor some others here would force anyone to do so, because they want to work with JSRS. The donation is to support my mod. Not me! Its more like the money you spend went directly into the creation of JSRS. I need new recordingequipments, need to keep my software licenses up to date, paying the tickets to travel to the US to record some weapons or what ever, since in germany its impossible.

I thank you so much for any donation you may want to do, or you did already, I didnt looked by now. But you have to be sure that you do this because you want to support this mod instead of another background thoughts.

I feel sry as well, this all got out of line at some point.


Edited by LordJarhead

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Firstly, regardless of your feelings of the subject, mod makers retain control of their work. This is not only allowed by BI, but they support it. Not only have BI employees written that licenses may specify what you can do to an addon, but also what game you can use it in.

Secondly, your feedback seems to me like blatant flamebaiting. I don't know what response you were expecting from a statement like, "your sounds are horrible," or, "quit being bitchy," but I think that anger is not beyond justification. Please tone it down.

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Love the Mod and all those that make this game more playable and enjoyable through Modding and Scripting. More power to you and those like you. Detractors Eat it.

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I really hope the developers have paid attention over the years to the sound mods that have been created from guys like Jarhead and others since the release of OFP back in early 2001. To be honest, I find the default Arma 2 sounds very bland, such as the default weapon sounds as they seem to fall short of being "impressive" or "realistic". I even remember the old default OFP sounds were simply taken from a commercially available 299$ sound disk; I recognized them as I still own the "Hollywood Edge" same disk sets to this day. For myself playing Arma 2 without the J.S.R.S. sound mod would be akin to pouring an 18 year old single malt scotch over ice and adding Pepsi to it. Thanks for the efforts Jarhead, keep up the great work.

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Jarhead, nvm the trolling - it's only from one person - just keep up the good work!

Pd3, just get under your bridge man... people talked to you with respect, yet you keep mentioning arrogance and writing in capitals... get it over!

/Sorry for feeding the trolls.

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Pd3, you could fund a jello mold and some ammo for me to shoot for the next time I record. I'd go straight to jarhead and provide me more stuff to shoot. :P

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Im not a troll at all, jarhead if you have any problems with my transaction let me know. You're not a bitch i appreciate your efforts even though i may be picky about certain things. You've made something great here and dont think im buying you im investing in the future of something i believe to be of value. I modify modifications, if bis wants to prevent that they can. Although i may end up leaving arma in that case. Be that as it may, i think you have something worth maintaining.

I cant do much more than this right now, but i will be finished school in a few months and will be able to help you if you need it.

I know i'm disliked for my position on editing work, but that doesnt change the fact that i value your work even if my personal preferences differ.

I'm an asshole, okay, but i'm not a bad guy.

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I'm an asshole, okay, but i'm not a bad guy.

Nah, just started off on the wrong foot is all. What's done is done. Time for all of us to get back on track and move forward and get back to enjoying LJ's work in ArmA. :)

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