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  1. I found that problem for a while on stable and dev branches. More than half a year, probably. Some particles disappear in seconds after been spawned. That is a huge problem for modding and visual appearence. But today I found that diagnostic exe on DEV branch is free from that problem! I just want to ask game developers to fix that problem in standart exe files on DEV and STABLE branches. Thank you. Check it out, look at dirt tentacles on arma3_x64.exe: and arma 3diag_x64.exe
  2. supercereal4

    Malden 2035 Heist

    For anyone on the Dev Branch who is looking for content to play on the new Malden map, I just published a quick "Heist" style mission. Should be some quick fun with friends. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=934005651&searchtext=
  3. Hi I have been having trouble with aborted downloads of the 64-bit dev branch (see earlier posts here). After the third abort last night I fired up Steam and was suprised to see it start to update, Manage Downloads revealed it was downloading a >10GB update. The game was already fully updated, and I don't have any Steam subscriptions nearly that large. When I looked at the Betas page in Arma 3 properties I saw that Steam had acchanged it from "Never download.." to "development - Development Build". Until 2 days ago I had never attempted to download a beta. Having read somewhat in the forums and the Biki it seemed that Game Updater [GU] was preferred over the Steam client. The aborts were because the STEAMing pile of was also downloading the beta into the workshop of my main Arma 3 directory, which has rather little free space. Soit seems that although GU was downloading up to 15-16 GB on my D drive, STEAM would start downloading onto my ArmA3 drive. When it found space getting too tight, it would give an error report and break the connection - screwing up the GU download in the process. That was a big enough PITA, but suspending the STEAM 'update' then changing the Beta tab back to 'Never download..' - while it apparently led Steam to delete the folder from O:\Arma 3\SteamApps\workshop\content\107410, it has not removed the intended download, Having blown 15-20 GB of BW becaus of this, I do not have the remaining bandwidth to allow that, The rollover date is midnight on the first of each month. So devs (or anyone else) - how to I get the duplicate download cancelled in STEAM? If there is a stable update this month my game will perforce become out-of-date even if the download is only a few MB. Any help appreciated. Edit: turned everything off for a while to go shopping. Fired up the PC & Steam when I returned, the superfluous 'update' has disappeared from Steam. If anyone else has similar issues, a reboot should resolve them.
  4. Hello everyone I know that i am relatively new on the forums, however i thought i make a thread on how to install a Dev Branch version of the Arma 3 Server since that has been a total nightmare for me. I don't know how many people actually intent to test the server part of this, however i think it might be useful if someone is in the same situation as me. The two main ways to install an Arma 3 Server version are using Steam and SteamCMD. I will go through both of these and explain my experience with them. Steam Lets get this out of the way right now, as far as i can tell there is not way to actually install the "Arma 3 Server" stand alone version in the Development Build. When you do try to install it in development build you only get the current build with a performance build. The way to do this would be as follows: In Steam go to "Tools" and find the Arma 3 Server. Right click it and chose "Properties", now go to the tab "Betas" and enter the Code "CautionSpecialProfilingAndTestingBranchArma3". (This will however NOT install a x64 Version or the new build) You do however get a Arma 3 Server in the dev build when you simply install the normal Arma 3 game and you will therefore also get an x64 version of the Server if you put it into the dev build. (I admit this had eluded me at the beginning) Wiki link to the Dev branch passwords: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server SteamCMD This one works however it is a bit of a shot in the dark since it only works sometimes. First you have to keep in mind that there are two ID's for this one for "Arma 3" and one for "Arma 3 Server". As we have just determined the latter is not actually included in the Dev build so we need to make sure to use the correct ID if we want a x64 Server. Check out these two pages showing the IDs: Arma 3: https://steamdb.info/app/107410/ Arma 3 Server: https://steamdb.info/app/233780/ If you know nothing about SteamCMD then the most simple way i can explain it is like this. You download SteamCMD at the link provided below and unpack the file into the folder where you want it installed. (Something like C:\SteamCMD) when you start it up it will download some files and install itself into the directory. SteamCMD Download: https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd.zip The next thing you want to do after it is installed is login, use the following command for that: login YourSteam@Email.com YourSteamPassword Type in the SteamGuard key you just revived in your Email inbox The next command will be what installs the game, here we are going to use the ID for the Client version since that is what installs the server dev version. app_update 107410 -beta development validate From experience this will install the game in the none dev version and i have no idea why. However when i delete the install after this and run the exact same command again then it will install the correct dev version with the x64 Server. You can check the download right after you started it, look in the following folder if you have installed it where i suggested: "C:\SteamCMD\steamapps\downloading\107410\" The game .exe files are one of the first thing downloaded so if there are no x64.exe files present then it is downloading the wrong version. If so then just kill the program, delete the folder and run the same command again. There is way more detailed information about SteamCMD and how to install an Arma 3 Server. I encourage you to check out the following if this is something that you are interested in: How to install an Arma 3 Server: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server How to install SteamCMD: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD Steam authentication failed I know that people have had problems with the dev build especially with the latest build that has resulted in a lot of people getting the above error. The SteamCMD version is supposed to be a stand alone version that works without steam, however that part is broken at the moment. I have not gotten my Arma 3 SteamCMD version to work however i have found a workaround. Install Steam on your Server/Computer and install the Arma 3 Server version in profiling.(Pretty much the first step i explained that doesn't work for x64) After that you can cheat a little and copy the version you downloaded from SteamCMD and put it into the same directory as the one you just downloaded with Steam. Make sure that the folder is called exactly the same as the one installed by Steam and don't overwrite it just rename the old one or delete it. Make sure Steam is closed while doing this. I know that doing this is a bit redundant since you could simply run the version that you have installed through Steam, i just wanted to show that the version downloaded by SteamCMD is in fact working however it requires you to have steam running in the background. (I am sure this will be fixed soon) Anyways, i hope this helps someone somewhere out there. Feel free to ask any questions you might have i will be happy to help.
  5. It’s been a couple of months since Work Drive has been introduced into Arma 3 Tools. This seems like an appropriate moment to give you some fresh information. Project Space, huh?! Don’t panic, you know this since the beginning (ages for the veterans): it’s the “P driveâ€. Like I explained in a previous personal blog, the P drive is a concept. In short, it’s the file structure for the game from the game perspective. To give an example, the file data_f_mark.pbo is physically located in \Mark\Addons in the file tree however, once loaded, the game will set its mounting point to \A3\data_f_mark, which corresponds to the prefix of the PBO file. To sum up, P:\ is a representation of the working directory of the game, from the perspective of the game. What the heck is Work Drive? What’s new here? It is a tool designed to replace the previously scripted systems in order to provide a more reliable way to manage the work drive (P) and its content. Its first iteration was only able to manage the well-known P drive and to install Buldozer. This it did from any location (source/destination). In the recent update, it received the ability to manage any substitute drive, meaning it can mount or dismount any drive from any letter and its core code was also consolidated to prepare for the future… Speaking of future, here we are! With version 0.983.2 of the tools, Work Drive can now extract the entire data of the game to the Project Space, similar to FuturaToP but more efficient. The usage is simple, execute workdrive.exe /extractGameData. By default, Work Drive will select the main install of the game as source and the destination directory will be the same as your project space, as defined from the launcher of the tools (Preferences->Settings (CTRL+E)). However, note that it will deny any attempt to extract the game data directory into the install directory of the tools to avoid any potential conflict with the updates of the tools. But, you can use it as you want or need: Command line: WorkDrive.exe /extractGameData <Source> <Destination> Source: A valid install directory of Arma 3 Destination: An existing folder Command line: WorkDrive.exe /extractGameData <Source> Source: A valid install directory of Arma 3 Destination: Will be the default project space Command line: WorkDrive.exe /extractGameData <Destination> Source: Will be the default install of the game Destination: An existing folder The extracted data can be purged by using the startup parameter /purgeGameData. You can also target a specific project space by adding its path after purgeGameData. The purge is based on the TXT file created during the extraction process, meaning that you can save a folder from the purge by removing the corresponding TXT file. In example, removing someName.txt will save the directory someName from the purge. Finally, you can also combine both parameters to refresh your game data by using work drive as follow. Note: The arguments of the parameter /extractGameData remain as described above. Command line: WorkDrive.exe /purgeGameData /extractGameData Random facts: It takes around 4 minutes to extract the game data from and to a SSD (~12 minutes with a HDD). Work Drive runs multiple tasks in parallel. The faster your hard drive, the faster the process will be. In case of an update of the game, it takes usually between 1 and 2 minutes to update the extracted data. Work Drive won’t update a folder which already is up to date. Reminder: Please carefully observe the licenses of any work you extract before using it elsewhere!