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important Virtual Garage - Bug Fixes
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
What it does: This fixes a a couple of problems with the serverside Virtual Garage scripts. - Just realised the bug (Duping) still exists in the current server files and there is no public fix on the Exile Discord listed, nor is there a thread in the Unofficial forum. - I optimised it slightly and also included the "Nickname problem" bug fixes from @Crito-VanaheimServers for convenience. Download & Installation (Github) Support Me: -
# Exile-Tree-Chopping-Fix This fixes a issue with the tree chopping where it creates a new lootHolder for every single log due to the "centerpoint" of the tree being out of range. # Installation - Replace ExileServer_object_tree_network_chopTreeRequest in your exile_server.pbo and repack it. Download: Github Support Me:
bugfix Swing & Swoosh Exploit Fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
# Swoosh & Swing Fix Fixes a exploit with the axe and sledgehammer. # Installation 1. Make a CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_object_shippingContainer_smash.sqf & ExileClient_object_tree_chop.sqf and add the files to your missionfile. 2. Done Download: Github Support Me: -
Since there are a few exploits and bugs with the Autorun function by default like interrupting the animation while using medics or being run over. Here are some fixes for these problems. - Disables Autorun in Territory. (VG exploit) - Disables Autorun while playing russian roulette. - Disables Autorun while in Combat. (Remove the first If statement (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) if you don't want to disable autorun in combat) - Disables Autorun while doing certain animations to fix a animation skipping exploit. - "Fixes" the "slide" bug while holstering a weapon and pressing autorun. - "Fixes" the instant weapon draw while pressing 1 or 2 while autorunning and then pressing a movement button. Download & readme: Support Me:
bugfix LootGarbageCleaner-Tweaks
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
# Exile-LootGarbageCleaner-Tweaks * This fixes some broken Vanilla code that stopped the whole garbagecleaner forEach for the first building that doesn't exceed loot lifetime. * And also adds player detection to skip deleting of loot in buildings if a player is close. # Installation * Replace @ExileServer\addons\exile_server\code\ExileServer_system_garbageCollector_unscheduled_deleteLoot.sqf Download (Github) Support Me: -
bugfix Exile-Territory-Radius-Marker-Fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
This fixes the problem with stuck territory radius marker arrows. Now every player of a territory can delete the radius markers without any problem. # Installation - 1 - Make a CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_territory_event_onRadiusButtonClick.sqf - 2 - Done Download (GitHub) Support Me: -
bugfix extDB3 - Garbage Cleaner Fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
What it does: This fixes the problem of base parts/containers not getting deleted by the garbagecleaner. # 1. Replace/add the stuff below in the exile.ini for extDB3 [deleteUnpaidTerritories_construction] SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM construction WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NOT NULL SQL1_INPUTS = 1 [deleteUnpaidTerritories_container] SQL1_1 = DELETE FROM container WHERE deleted_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NOT NULL SQL1_INPUTS = 1 [addAbandonedSafes] SQL1_1 = UPDATE container SET abandoned = NOW(), pin_code = '0000' WHERE last_updated_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND class = "Exile_Container_Safe" AND territory_id IS NULL SQL1_INPUTS = 1 [deleteBaseFlagStolen] SQL1_1 = UPDATE territory SET deleted_at = NOW() WHERE flag_stolen_at < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAY) AND deleted_at IS NULL SQL2_1 = UPDATE construction SET deleted_at = (SELECT deleted_at FROM territory WHERE = construction.territory_id AND territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) WHERE construction.territory_id IS NOT NULL SQL3_1 = UPDATE container SET deleted_at = (SELECT deleted_at FROM territory WHERE = container.territory_id AND territory.deleted_at IS NOT NULL) WHERE container.territory_id IS NOT NULL SQL1_INPUTS = 1 # 2. Replace ExileServer_system_garbageCollector_cleanDatabase.sqf with the code below. /** * ExileServer_system_garbageCollector_cleanDatabase * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_permanentlyDeleteTime", "_territoryLifeTime", "_containerLifeTime", "_constructionLifeTime", "_vehicleLifeTime", "_abandonedSafeTime", "_stolenFlagLifeTime", "_unlockLifeTime"]; _permanentlyDeleteTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "permanentlyDeleteTime"); _territoryLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "territoryLifeTime"); _containerLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "containerLifeTime"); _constructionLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "constructionLifeTime"); _vehicleLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "vehicleLifeTime"); _abandonedSafeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "abandonedTime"); _stolenFlagLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "stolenFlagLifeTime"); _unlockLifeTime = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgSettings" >> "GarbageCollector" >> "Database" >> "unlockLifeTime"); format ["setAbandonedUnlocked:%1", _unlockLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["markDeleteOldConstructions:%1", _constructionLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["markDeleteUnpaidTerritories:%1", _territoryLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["markDeleteOldContainers:%1", _containerLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["markDeleteOldVehicles:%1", _vehicleLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteUnpaidTerritories:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteUnpaidTerritories_construction:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteUnpaidTerritories_container:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteOldContainers:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteOldConstructions:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteOldVehicles:%1", _permanentlyDeleteTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["deleteBaseFlagStolen:%1", _stolenFlagLifeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; format ["addAbandonedSafes:%1", _abandonedSafeTime] call ExileServer_system_database_query_insertSingle; # 3. ExileServer_object_container_database_insert.sqf & ExileServer_object_construction_database_insert.sqf (BrettNordin/Extdb3) (Line 19 in both files) This fixes the issues with elements/containers not despawning outside of territories. _territoryID = if (isNull _territoryFlag) then { 'NULL' } else { _territoryFlag getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", '']}; Change to _territoryID = if (isNull _territoryFlag) then { '' } else { _territoryFlag getVariable ["ExileDatabaseID", '']}; Support Me: -
bugfix Move elements at/near max objects limit fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
Every experienced base builder in exile knows the problem. You move an existing base object while your on/near max elements limit of your base and it's disappearing. Here is a simple solution for that problem. # Make a new Customcode override for ExileClient_object_construction_move.sqf with the code from Github. Support Me: Updated / 30.07.2020 : Fixed moving of tents and safes outside of territories. -
release Exile - Anti Floating bug script (aka. stair bug)
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Scripts
## UPDATE 20.10.2019 I found a much better solution for the problem. Instead of forcing the character to lay down,i just remove the velocity and tada, even better than the old version and i added a missing animation name. Video demonstration (Youtube) Support Me: ## Installation Add the code from the Github (Code) initplayerlocal.sqf to your initplayerlocal.sqf of your mission-file. -
This fixes a dupe method for Exile. Download (GitHub) Support Me: Installation 1. Make a CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_object_player_event_onInventoryClosed.sqf 2. Done
bugfix Territory flag placement Fixes
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
What it does: This fixes a couple of problems with the placement of the territory flag. * Disables the placement of the flagpole without choosing a flag. * Name must be unique since you can spawn at an enemy base if it has the same name (XSSpawn). * Limits the length of the base name to 16 letters. Make a new CfgExileCustomCode override for ExileClient_gui_setupTerritoryDialog_event_onPlaceButtonClick.sqf with the code below. /** * ExileClient_gui_setupTerritoryDialog_event_onPlaceButtonClick * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_display", "_listBox", "_territoryName", "_selectedFlag", "_alphabet", "_forbiddenCharacter","_position","_center","_allTerritoryFlags","_baseName","_ExileAllBasenames"]; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileSetupTerritoryDialog", displayNull]; _listBox = _display displayCtrl 4001; _territoryName = ctrlText (_display displayCtrl 4000); _selectedFlag = lbCurSel _listBox; _selectedFlag = _listBox lbData _selectedFlag; try { _territoryName = _territoryName call ExileClient_util_string_trim; _NameLength = count _territoryName; if (_NameLength isEqualTo 0) then { throw "Please enter a territory name."; }; if (_NameLength < 3) then { throw "Territory name is too short."; }; if (_NameLength > 16) then { throw "Territory name is longer than 16 letters."; }; if(_selectedFlag == "") then { throw "Please choose a flag from the list."; }; _ExileAllBasenames = []; _position = worldSize/2; _center = [_position,_position,0]; _allTerritoryFlags = nearestObjects [_center, ["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"], worldSize]; { _baseName = _x getVariable ["ExileTerritoryName", ""]; _ExileAllBasenames pushBack _baseName; }forEach _allTerritoryFlags; if(_territoryName in _ExileAllBasenames) then { throw "Name is already in use, please choose a different name!"; }; _alphabet = getText (missionConfigFile >> "CfgClans" >> "clanNameAlphabet"); _forbiddenCharacter = [_territoryName, _alphabet] call ExileClient_util_string_containsForbiddenCharacter; if !(_forbiddenCharacter isEqualTo -1) then { throw "Invalid character in input. Please try again."; }; ["Exile_Item_Flag",_selectedFlag,_territoryName] call ExileClient_construction_beginNewObject; } catch { ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Failed to place flag!", _exception]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; closeDialog 0; true- 1 reply
- 6
What it does: Fixes a Exile bug/design flaw which took your poptabs while aborting the PIN change at the Vehicle Customs Trader. Now the poptabs only get deducted if the PIN change is successful. Download/Installation (Github) Support Me:
bugfix constructionMoveResponse error report fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
There is a small issue with the ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionMoveResponse.sqf. Errors thrown from ExileServer_object_construction_network_moveConstructionRequest.sqf like "You cant move Damaged objects, repair it first" or "Territory has been under attack within the last %1 minutes." etc, are not getting displayed on the client side. This small change fixes that. /** * ExileClient_object_construction_network_constructionMoveResponse * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_response", "_objectClass"]; _response = _this select 0; _objectClass = _this select 1; if(_response)then { _objectClass call ExileClient_construction_beginExistingObject; } else { _exception = _this select 1; ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["Construction aborted!", _exception]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; true -
bugfix Sloth Machine Spin Spam Fix
El' Rabito posted a topic in Exilemod (Unofficial)'s Exilemod Tweaks
Problem: For example: If you had set the config of the Sloth Machine (class CfgSlothMachine) to more generous values it is very easy to make easy/fast gains as player with the default Exile code just by spamming the Sloth Machine. What it does: Disables the possibility to spam the "Sloth Machine" spin button. 1. Add to initplayerlocal.sqf IsplayingSlothMachine = false; 2. Create two CfgExileCustomCode overrides for the following. ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick.sqf /** * ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_event_onSpinButtonClick * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ if (IsplayingSlothMachine) exitWith { ["ErrorTitleAndText",["Sloth Machine", "You are already playing!"]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; }; ["slothMachineRequest"] call ExileClient_system_network_send; IsplayingSlothMachine = true; ExileClient_system_slothMachine_network_slothMachineResponse.sqf /** * ExileClient_system_slothMachine_network_slothMachineResponse * * Exile Mod * * © 2015 Exile Mod Team * * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. * To view a copy of this license, visit */ private["_prizeName", "_winnings", "_moneyChange", "_symbols", "_winningsString", "_moneyChangeString", "_dialog", "_startButton", "_backButton", "_winningsLabel", "_gameText1", "_gameText2", "_gameText3", "_displays", "_control", "_image", "_position"]; _prizeName = _this select 0; _winnings = _this select 1; _moneyChange = _this select 2; _symbols = _this select 3; [_prizeName, _winnings,_moneyChange,_symbols] spawn { disableSerialization; _prizeName = _this select 0; _winnings = _this select 1; _moneyChange = _this select 2; _symbols = _this select 3; _winningsString = _winnings call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString; _moneyChangeString = _moneyChange call ExileClient_util_string_exponentToString; _dialog = uiNameSpace getVariable ["RscExileXM8", displayNull]; _startButton = _dialog displayCtrl 4141; _startButton ctrlEnable false; _backButton = _dialog displayCtrl 4148; _backButton ctrlEnable false; _winningsLabel = _dialog displayCtrl 4144; _gameText1 = _dialog displayCtrl 4145; _gameText2 = _dialog displayCtrl 4146; _gameText3 = _dialog displayCtrl 4147; _displays = [_gameText1,_gameText2,_gameText3]; { playSound format["SndExileTwinkleTwisterCharge0%1", _forEachIndex + 1]; uiSleep 4.5; playSound format["SndExileTwinkleTwisterChargeDone0%1", _forEachIndex + 1]; _control = (_displays select _forEachIndex); _image = _x; _control ctrlSetText _image; _position = ((ctrlPosition _control) select 0); _control ctrlSetPosition [ _position, safezoneH + (safezoneY - 1.2) ]; _control ctrlSetFade 0; _control ctrlShow true; _control ctrlCommit 3; uiSleep 3; } forEach _symbols; if (_prizeName isEqualTo "") then { playSound "SndExileTwinkleTwisterFail"; _winningsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#e14141'>%1</t>",_winningsString]); ["ErrorTitleAndText", ["You lose!", format ["%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='24'/>", _moneyChangeString]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; IsplayingSlothMachine = false; } else { if (_prizeName isEqualTo "Jackpot") then { playSound "SndExileTwinkleTwisterSuccess"; _winningsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#e14141'>%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>",_winningsString]); ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Jackpot!", format ["+%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='24'/>", _moneyChangeString]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; IsplayingSlothMachine = false; } else { playSound "SndExileTwinkleTwisterSuccess"; _winningsLabel ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["<t align='center' color='#e14141'>%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='1' shadow='true' /></t>",_winningsString]); ["SuccessTitleAndText", ["Small prize!", format ["+%1<img image='\exile_assets\texture\ui\poptab_inline_ca.paa' size='24'/>", _moneyChangeString]]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast; IsplayingSlothMachine = false; }; }; uiSleep 5; call ExileClient_gui_xm8_slide_slothMachine_reset; }; true -
Hi, I have the problem, that my helmet is showing through glasses. Anyone know how to fix it? Here are an example: Thanks
Hi, I have the problem, that my helmet is showing through glasses. Anyone know how to fix it? Here are an example: Thanks
Add suicide/ teleport 5 meters button for when we get stuck in objects
Wisecrack34 posted a topic in Suggestions & Feedback
I would prefer option 2 as it means that you don't lose all your progress from that round, perhaps requiring you to not be in combat so it wouldn't be exploited -
the game is crash after 5 to 10mins, its like you added a timer for it to crash for me. I could be playing a game, or just be on the main menu, it will freeze. I have to do ctrl alt delete everytime. Iv yet to play the game without crashing since i did the update today. One time it took only 2 mins to crash, I clicked on Multiplayer on the main menu then clicked Server Browser, I crashed, here is the info i saw after i ended Arma program through ctrl Alt Delete if it helps- Exit code- 0xCFFFFFFF - STATUS_APPLICATION_HANG OS 64BIT: TRUE Process 64bit: FALSE Culture: en-US
- 2 replies
- bug; bugfix;
- crash
(and 3 more)
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