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Found 472 results

  1. vilas

    Role of India in the Anti-terror campaign

    why put another nation into war , killing, victims, suffering , costs ??? combat terrorism , haha, maybe leave people live in their land they way they want instead of going everywhere in the world to police them , every culture has its tradition, world cannot be one McDonald CocaCola Madonna/BritneySpears popmusic, Hollywood "shoot and kill" movies , Tom and Jerry violent cartoons and gangsta-rap etc. if people wanna live in peace, dont push them for another dirty war for oil NWO rich greed men wanna rule whole globe, thats all, thats why we have some terrorism acts and wars instead of living in peace and in social safety
  2. USMC Sniper

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    I listen to classic rock mainly, such as Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Styx. Two things I really hate: rap and reggae. I dont know why so many teens here like rap, its just crappy songs with a single beat, and sung by people who cant sing. Last year, one kid brought some reggae, and man, that was terrible!
  3. Jester983

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    Kids always give me this wierd look when i say that i like oldies over punk and hip hop. Ive never really been into music. if theres some song thats on that i like ill listein too it. I hate Rap! Rap is crap.
  4. Assault (CAN)

    What sort of music do you listen to?

    My fave types of music include: - Alt. Rock - Rock (hard or not) - Some kinds of metal (some heavy, some not) - Punk (hard punk, that isn't heavy on the left-wing B.S.) The kinds of music I HATE: -Rap -Emo (I hate it when people have it good but they see a need to whine about how shitty thier lives are) -Techno -Soft crap -Country Rap really takes the cake for me. It's all the same thing: nothing but a bunch of black people who can't sing, and all they sing about is: a) how tough, cool, rich, powerful, (insert here) they are b) how many 'bitches' they can or have screwed c) what kind of drugs, or how much of it they do The videos are all the same as well. Nothing but a bunch of scantily clad females bouncing around, featuring the 'artist' in question driving an expensive car they rented for the video, with his or her 'homies', 'niggaz', or 'bitches' pointlessley riding around with them, and so on. What a load of garbage, this crap is the downfall of American culture, what disturbs me more is that people actuallylike this crap. Rant mode off. Tyler
  5. Contrails due to interaction with humid air and gases from RAP and base-bleed systems both can leave a visible trail. So not always, nor not often, but it does happen.
  6. foxer

    The sniper saga

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Oct. 18 2002,06:05)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm hoping this guy is a muslim terrorist though.Because guns and games are getting a bad rap.I was just kidding about the TV shows. <span id='postcolor'> And you don't think thhat muslims are getting a bad rap??? No, I'm pretty sure that the guy is some local whacko.<span id='postcolor'> Sure they are,But they already have one when muslims flew a plane into the wtc.I don't think all muslims are that way,just a small group.Just like christians people, There is a small group that just go crazy and murder bunch people,Or they are soo right wing that there blind.
  7. Guest

    The sniper saga

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Warin @ Oct. 18 2002,05:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">America is the home of 'kitsch'<span id='postcolor'> You have obviously not been to Germany </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'm hoping this guy is a muslim terrorist though.Because guns and games are getting a bad rap.I was just kidding about the TV shows. <span id='postcolor'> And you don't think thhat muslims are getting a bad rap??? No, I'm pretty sure that the guy is some local whacko.
  8. CarlGustaffa

    ECHO fire director

    The island and sizes of forces we're forced to use, to me doesn't allow realistic ranges. So I've chosen to go with artificially low too, because: 1) You would never be able to get out of range, and have it's location on the map. 2) RAP'ed rounds doesn't exist in the game. 3) Certain munition types can't use all charges. As everyone is not an expert on the skill of artillery gunnery and the considerations FDC has to make, I make it easy and provide lower ranges all round, for all round types. So I have M119 at 4028-11500 (maximum for charge defined by illumination round), D30 at 4452-11800 (maximum for older type howitzer), and M252 at 768-2167 (very artificial, mission specific). Nothing for the Podnos as enemy will always fire (createVehicle) only when we are within reach anyway. Also consider that the 81/82mm mortars are often used as a replacement for 60mm which is lacking in the game. With the latest beta development, we can change those yields on the fly in the mission (best not change the original ones though, but create new shells that are used). If you want to go uber realism, consider that variations in charge will always cause larger longitudinal dispersion than lateral, creating an elliptic impact zone. Damn its easy to get out of control with these things :D Oh, the range dispersion was already mentioned. Serves me right to read posts during a headache.
  9. what's this freestyle rap/poetry slam going on lol anyways -Clavicula interesting looking!
  10. nodunit

    Dutch Minister may ban remains in extremely violent games

    It's tolerated but not in a restrained fashion, I've seen many European movies where women had their breasts out and nobody batted an eye, in (north) american movies it's generally during a sex scene.. I think one of the biggest problems is that sex and nudity is encouraged..but in the wrong way. Go to a nude beach and see a naked woman that's fine, see a woman nearly fully clothed, just a tit showing, breastfeeding her baby then suddenly it's gross..seriously something wrong here. Personally I think the media such as news, movies and modern rap stars (at least those revered in usa) are far more harmful to children than video games.
  11. vilas

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    my friend from studies WAS in NY in 90s, not watched movies so not only Oakland and such like , he was there and said few times had to escape cause heard shots, black guys with guns etc. all this "gangsta rap" pseudo-culture etc.
  12. Evil_Echo

    Please explain MAAWS optical sight to me...

    True - there are the FFV551/FFV651 rounds which have rocket-assist. Good point. FPDR The simulation used would have to depend on ammo loaded. RAP rounds naturally would use the rocket sim, other stuff the artillery shell sim. Anyway - you folks are correct - the config for the ammo needs more work so that the trajectory is more realistic.
  13. ladie from hell

    Bridges vs Arches

    OK so to Rap this Up .. I made 4 types of Arches , 2 full Arches & 2 1/2 Arches. Each of the Full Arches are set like so. Arch1 : 0.00 = Lodnoshadow :1 Fire Geo = total 8 components Geo = Class : Road Map : Building ( also did it as Map: road not sure if it makes a diff ) Dammage : No total 8 components Memory = lb,le,pb,pe Pathway = in1, pos1, in2, pos2 ( I also did it as just a in1,in2 ) Roadway = I put it into a 3 section ( ends and a Middle , ends were dropped down a bit to allow the Ai to climb up if the base was a bit above ground ) View geo = total 8 components Arch2 : 0.00 = Lodnoshadow :1 Fire Geo = total 8 components Geo = Class : Road Map : Building ( also did it as Map: road not sure if it makes a diff ) Dammage : No total 8 components View geo = total 8 components NO AI would pass through the Arch *************************** 1/2arch A 0.00 = Lodnoshadow :1 Fire Geo = total 8 components Geo = Class : Road Map : Building ( also did it as Map: road not sure if it makes a diff ) Dammage : No total 8 components Memory = lb,le,pb,pe Pathway = in1, pos1, in2, pos2 ( I also did it as just a in1,in2 ) Roadway = I put it into a 3 section ( ends and a Middle , ends were dropped down a bit to allow the Ai to climb up if the base was a bit above ground ) View geo = total 8 components 1/2arch B 0.00 = Lodnoshadow :1 Fire Geo = total 8 components Geo = Class : Road Map : Building ( also did it as Map: road not sure if it makes a diff ) Dammage : No total 8 components View geo = total 8 components All AI passed through the Opening of the Arch when I placed the two peaces together So to Cap on this, to have AI go through a Map object like a Arch, It needs to be in 2 peaces ( unless the pros of O2 can come up with a working object ) And this also tells me to make a working GATE in my Vraks Map Objects, I will Have to Make it in 2 sections ( I can Live with that ) Also All My Arches were Solid ( soo sweet) End Transmission LFH ---------- Post added at 09:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:57 AM ---------- @ Sanctuary and ProfTournesol I did not see the Post , But yes I have 4 maps that do have such (Land Bridge) going both N-s and W-E , with Map Objects (walls ) running the out side length .. This works very well .. ( Impcity2 map, Armageddon map, Kronus map and another map in the works) As for the New Bridge sections I made , Due to the Fact that I have Them wide enough for 2 M1A1's to cross side by side , I have not had too much AI problems cross ( even in Widge formation )
  14. hneel

    What kinda music d'you like the most

    My favorite band? Make a guess.... Other favorites: Soundgarden Ramones Dandy Warhols 16 Horsepower The Gun Club The Pogues The Doors Jimi Hendrix Nirvana etc... I also like some rap, especially crossover-rap, and early eighties style. Few of the nowadays hiphop. I *HATE* R&B. I just can't stand that. I used to hate 80's disco, but nowadays I find it kinda funny.
  15. DarkLight

    Celebrities you would like to shoot

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IceFire @ May 10 2002,01:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have to agree with Advocatxxx whole heartedly. I cannot stand rap,hip-hop or any of that that degrades society. People go around talkiing about living in some disgusting ghetto. It's disgusting, and degrading to normal decent people who must tolerate that kind of crap. I'm sorry, but I grew up listening to quality music such as Pink Floyd, Hendrix, the Beatles, Grateful dead. Now you have all these damn stupid kids running around wearing FUBU shirts pretending to be "gangstas" as they call them. It's disgusting. I have been Anti-Rap/hip-hop or any of that putrid music that seems to be all about life is some slum. I'm sorry if this is offencing to anyone. Â But I grew up in a good decent neighborhood where decent people lived. This sort of thing that is spreading all over the nation should be stopped. I can't stand that I cannot go out somewhere without hearing some cRAP music or someone speaking in this "ebonics" slang. It's disgusting. Â I feel like walking up to them, yelling at them to get some good normal clothing. Â And learn to speak correctly.<span id='postcolor'> I totally agree with that, it's the music i like but there are some real idiots who pretend to be ghetto pimps or something And they totally suck, but i can guarantee you that there are enough rappers and hip hop singers that don't act like these morons...
  16. IceFire

    Celebrities you would like to shoot

    I have to agree with Advocatxxx whole heartedly. I cannot stand rap,hip-hop or any of that that degrades society. People go around talkiing about living in some disgusting ghetto. It's disgusting, and degrading to normal decent people who must tolerate that kind of crap. I'm sorry, but I grew up listening to quality music such as Pink Floyd, Hendrix, the Beatles, Grateful dead. Now you have all these damn stupid kids running around wearing FUBU shirts pretending to be "gangstas" as they call them. It's disgusting. I have been Anti-Rap/hip-hop or any of that putrid music that seems to be all about life is some slum. I'm sorry if this is offencing to anyone. But I grew up in a good decent neighborhood where decent people lived. This sort of thing that is spreading all over the nation should be stopped. I can't stand that I cannot go out somewhere without hearing some cRAP music or someone speaking in this "ebonics" slang. It's disgusting. I feel like walking up to them, yelling at them to get some good normal clothing. And learn to speak correctly.
  17. DarkLight

    What kinda music d'you like the most

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ May 09 2002,23:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I like classical music best, especially Bach. Of popular music I like: Massive Attack Portishead Unkle David Bowie (older albums - Space Oddity) Velvet Underground Pink Floyd Lou Reed (Transformer album) Jefferson Airplane (Surrealistic Pillow album, not the later  shit) DJ Shadow K's choice Beach Boys (Pet sounds album) Avalanches<span id='postcolor'> K's Choice huh? They are Belgian, you know I'd like to clear something up (dunno if that's the right way of saying something like this), i don't like the gang bang rap with all those freaks who act like idiots. I like Beastie Boys and Run DMC and that kinda rap. Just thougth i'd say this
  18. Nic

    What kinda music d'you like the most

    Music is a very big thing to me..here are a few bands i listen to... Nine Inch Nails, Type o Negative, Pantera, GWAR, White Zombie, Tool(older stuff anyway),Prong,Ministry, Ozzy,Filter, Sepultura,Soulfly,The Cure,Janes Addiction,Radiohead,Dead Milkmen, Butthole Surfers, Primus and even older stuff like Van Halen, Motley Crue, Megadeth, ACDC,Shotgun Messiah,Pink Floyd....well I think you get the idea.... Music hated: Rap, Country, Boy Bands, Girly Bands, oh yeah and rap!
  19. advocatexxx

    Celebrities you would like to shoot

    Seriously. The Hip Hop culture is destroying America. All they ever rap about is money, sex, hoes, drugs and violence. Every second word they say is either f*ck, sh*t, m*therf*cker, dick, etc etc. No one is gonna do anything about it of course. It's cash, and when it comes to money, everyone only wants a piece of the action. If I had to choose, I'd rather have kids listen to NSync and such instead of hardcore rappers talking about depressing topics, as bands in the likes of Nsync have harmless lyrics and most of their songs are of positive attitude. I swear if my kid gets into trouble because he got hooked on rap since everyone else in school listens to it I will do something. A survey, a study to show that it's fucking up America.
  20. 168GRN HPBT

    List the best songs

    I dont listen to any new stuf its all crap i can't stand pop,Rap,Hip Hop ,R&B, its all just shit real R&B is great but the shit they call R&B now is just diferent shades of rap but there is some hope left Greenday is ok , as is pearl jam i am a bit of a CCR fan along with the mandatory Led Zepplin - AC\DC colection
  21. Assault (CAN)

    Most freaky music video..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now, if a white kid wants to piss off his parents, gangsta rap is the music of choice, even more so than satanic death metal.<span id='postcolor'> That was more of a late 80's, early 90's thing , rap is in now, unfortunately. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">go on kazaa and do a video search for "come to daddy" <span id='postcolor'> I did, and I wan't 5 minutes and 50 seconds of my life back! They call that music? It was pretty freaky/stupid with all those ugly midgets running around but I liked it after the guy crawled out of the TV. I will eat your soul, wobble!..................... Tyler
  22. nordin dk

    Most freaky music video..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Damage Inc @ April 29 2002,18:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">MTV is crap, even my pet crocodile agrees with that. Just that rap and that's really easy to do. In fact I can write a few rap lyrics here now "YO NIGGAS WHAZZUP ME IN DA HOUSE YO F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T YO NIGGAS" Pay attention to the "F**K S**T" part, it's important.<span id='postcolor'> lol. right on brother! Suondgarden "Black Hole Sun" - excellent and disturbing.
  23. Damage Inc

    Most freaky music video..

    MTV is crap, even my pet crocodile agrees with that. Just that rap and that's really easy to do. In fact I can write a few rap lyrics here now "YO NIGGAS WHAZZUP ME IN DA HOUSE YO F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T F**K S**T YO NIGGAS" Pay attention to the "F**K S**T" part, it's important.
  24. ADuke

    OA pbos

    I am unable to use either unrap or armaunbin, not sure what I am doing wrong get an error with both that says invalid rap file.
  25. 614hardcore

    Questionable video on war.

    That's nice of you to say to a 16 year old -_- I was simply just looking for peoples opinions. Partially soo that I gain knowledge, and partially so that I can make my opinion with out being ingnorant to other people's opinions. YES. it is a poorly done video. YES. It is rap. But Im just talking about the content of the "song". Sorry for anybody that I may have "offended" with this video.