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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. Midnighters

    Best parameter settings and hardware for highest fps

    never had any luck with any programs setting task priority. Nor optimization ones.
  2. Midnighters

    Why is the M-900 now part of the DLC??

    Agreed, I totally agree. Freaking karts DLC was the worse, I had a helmet on and I'd get the splash screen every couple of minutes. I ended up just getting the dlc bundle. It was cheaper then buying them all individually of course. Don't know if that is still around or not.
  3. Midnighters

    Best parameter settings and hardware for highest fps

    The most optimal? It's really different for each system, depending on what your system is lacking it could swing one way or the other. Since you have at least 8gb of memory. I'm not too worried with the new 64 bit. your g p u could be lacking power for things like anti aliasing or texture quality. It quite most literally is different for each and every system.
  4. Midnighters

    Why is the M-900 now part of the DLC??

    Either way, (personally (note that please)) I think that the helicopter dlc is extremely useful and worthwhile. They are extremely easy and smooth flying vehicles. The advanced flight model alongside gives a touch of realism.
  5. Hello, I want each side to use the draw tool, in combination with markers and what not. Before entering the game, is this possible quite yet?
  6. Neat, this is pretty damn cool. Keep the effort up yeah? :)
  7. Right, that makes sense. Just needed some clearing up on that. I knew it had to do something with executing multiple times on the wrong players. Thanks for this, appreciate it.
  8. Cool, so it does change colors based on the fps count? (ex: if the fps is below 20 it is red)
  9. Midnighters

    Combat Patrol

    I honestly have no idea how the new radar didn't get in. Unless it had a super critical error to it, I would not mind a post update release hot fix. There is still a lot they have to fix, and they need to release a hot fix. Let's just hope this doesn't get thrown back into testing and we'll have to wait another seven weeks.. agh!
  10. hey @Grumpy Old Man can you clear up as to why this wouldn't work? I'm trying to build good practices. what's the difference from it to : if (player in units ALFA) then {hint "something something hint"};
  11. Midnighters

    titleText Color

    get rid of the parseText. In a hint and format this should work on it's lonesome.
  12. I would assume selection 0 , (obviously an array) would be an array of unit classnames. Then for selection 1, you have the RGB color code used for the object.
  13. this excessive use of BIS_fnc_MP drives me nuts. It was only sort of "grandfathered" in for backwards compatibility. remoteExec should be used.
  14. interesting, this is a neat way to do this
  15. Midnighters

    Persistent Non-Dedicated Server?

    You mean saving mission progress? Or having the server run when your pc is off?
  16. Midnighters

    How to remove arsenal action

    Wait a sec, isn't there a control like "bisArsenalCamera" I know for sure that's not correct. But I believe at one point in time Larrow was able to add the arsenal without calling bis_fnc_removeVirtualEtc .
  17. Awesome concept. What'd be cool to add to this would be the tracking of humidity. So while the player is running around, they get dehydrated faster if the weather had brought on heavy humidity.
  18. personally my only negative for this one would be the setup time
  19. Awesome. Yeah this was off the top of the head, thanks for clarifying.
  20. Midnighters

    titleText Color

    ah darn, thanks for letting me know.
  21. Midnighters

    titleText Color

    parseText with a hexadecimal color code should change the color of the text. Hopefully this is what you're looking for.
  22. depending on which vehicle you use, I believe some of the RHS vehicles have animation sources for that kind of stuff? But yeah, attachTo is your best best (as to my knowledge) for this kind of situation.
  23. if(!alive enemyunit1) then { {hint "Good job, move to the next objective!"; } forEach (units ALFA); }; this should work well. This may not be the best way to do so though, hopefully someone else gets to see this and throw their ideas in as well. But this should be local to each unit in the group.