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About Sweedn

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. Can't find on my own, do you have a screenshot ?
  2. Sweedn

    ArmedForces:UK Vehicles

    Sad to hear : No more MBT for UK
  3. Sweedn

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Probably this one
  4. Is there a possibility to use the "PATROL_URBAN" task without spawning in the vicinity of the marker ? I'm trying to get some reinforcements spawning 1km away from the patrol zone. Even with the last parameter, (SPAWN_POS) I cant't get it work. wave_04 = [ [ [ [_QRF_ARRAY], "mkr_patrol_zone", WEST, false ], [ "PATROL_URBAN"] [ false, false, false ], "mkr_spawn_away" ] ];
  5. Sweedn

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    It's a line to add in class insignia = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "pictures\seal_insignia.paa");
  6. Sweedn

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Hello, I tried to get a custom icon texture in orbat viewer : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ORBAT_Viewer The thing is the picture is loading with good colors somewhere else like in the insignia part, but not the icon which became green. I'm not a SF fanboy, it's just a concept-proof. edit 17/06/2017 15h13 :from arma 3 official discord edit 17/06/2017 22h53 : Found a solution, I added this block of code, seems to works now ! texture = __EVAL((__FILE__ select [0, count __FILE__ - 15]) + "seal_team_v_insignia.paa"); color[] = {255,255,255,1}; edit 18/06/2017 17h20 : WIth some time and patience you can do stuff like this https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/861725582633693292/38569B04B8CFDC448322B76864F506AC81D95AF1/
  7. Sweedn

    Wrong color with .paa files

    Hello ! Long time since last post but I can't make picture without the green/blue tint either. Are you sure about the 2:1 ratio ?
  8. Hi there ! Does anybody figured it out how the showcase deals with AI then ? I'm sure there is a way more subtle.
  9. Well, that's quite impressive. Foliage and dirt roads are looking great. Great job ! What about performance thought ? edit: I should have checked your answer up, nevermind.
  10. Sweedn

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    I really like your work. Here are some pictures taken on Cherbonyl Zone map. Thank you Adacas !
  11. Sweedn

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I believe in you klamacz, you can do it !
  12. Sweedn

    Zee Identity Pack

    Well Zee, I didn't know that you had given your models to Bohemia... ;)
  13. Sweedn

    Mod issues with 1.60

    Okay so we maybe figured out something. We moved our mods folders on different place, and it seems to work... It's easy but weird. We just moved modsfolders. edit: You should avoid having multiples folder for your mods in root. Before I had arma3folder\ONEFOLDER\ANOTHERFOLDER\@CUP_units You should try arma3folder\ONEFOLDER\@CUP_units Or even move it on desktop, another drive... Just move it.
  14. Sweedn

    Mod issues with 1.60

    Thanks for your answer. Sadly we, in our clan, uses the same mods. Some have no problems, others do... If everyone had the same issues we could be certain