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Everything posted by Neviothr

  1. Edit the units[] = {}; section in your CfgPatches to include your vehicle. From the wiki: class CfgPatches { class MyAddon { // List of objects (CfgVehicles classes) contained in the addon. Important also for Zeus content unlocking. units[] = {}; }; };
  2. I'm pretty sure it needs to be placed inside a config.cpp like so: class CfgPatches { class hal_cleanApexMenu { name = "Clean Apex Menu"; author = "Haleks"; units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class RscStandardDisplay; class RscDisplayMain: RscStandardDisplay { enableDisplay = 0; delete Spotlight; class controls { delete Spotlight1; delete Spotlight2; delete Spotlight3; delete BackgroundSpotlightRight; delete BackgroundSpotlightLeft; delete BackgroundSpotlight; }; }; (untested)
  3. When will all the assets feature 4k textures? /s
  4. Neviothr

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    I'd also like to see disabled units being able to move.
  5. Neviothr

    Run Forest Run

    I don't recall Usain Bolt being added in 1.66.
  6. Try downloading from Armaholic.
  7. It's sad to see you go, thank you for all the hard work you've put into this. Farewell and good luck in your future endeavors!
  8. I've made a RscTitles class using this, and placed it inside the description.ext, then tried to display it using the following: cutRsc ["NewArmAUI","PLAIN"]; But it doesn't appear on the screen, any ideas? This is how my description.ext look like: Thanks in advance.
  9. That was simple enough. If anyone is wondering just remove RscTitles {};
  10. How did you make the cursor appear when displaying the shop menu?
  11. A related question: how does one go about displaying the cursor while a dialog is open?
  12. Could you please explain further?
  13. That's how it works, and there's really not point to changing it since rain doesn't go from 1-100, the script detects if it's above 0 (0.1 or more), and immediately changes it back to 0.
  14. I've tested the above solution and it seems to be working fine (note that I optimized it a bit by removing the _rain variable). Also, the next could also be used: while {true} do { waitUntil {rain > 0}; 0 setRain 0; forceWeatherChange; }; Although I've noticed that it caused some stuttering for me.
  15. Untested: while {true} do { if (rain > 0) then { 0 setRain 0; forceWeatherChange; }; sleep 1; };
  16. Great work, thanks for the new update!
  17. I'm trying to use DAC and whenever I preview the mission I created in the editor, I get the following error (taken from .rpt): And yes I've posted this issue in DAC's thread, but no answer there so far. I've narrowed it down to dac_find_wplog.sqf and dac_find_polylog.sqf, which both have (what I assume is) the problematic code. DAC_find_wplog.sqf: DAC_find_polylog.sqf: Thank you in advance.
  18. Never mind, this ended up being a problem with the DAC parameters inside the trigger. The handle can't have the same name as the zone, FYI.
  19. Thanks for the input, I'll look elsewhere for any errors.
  20. Neviothr

    Arma 3 Working Horse Mod - WIP

    I'm sensing a Red Dead Redemption total conversion mod.
  21. I'm getting an error along the lines of the below whenever previewing a mission. I've narrowed it down to dac_find_wplog.sqf and dac_find_polylog.sqf Any ideas? Edit: Never mind, this ended up being a problem with the DAC parameters inside the trigger. The handle can't have the same name as the zone, FYI.