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Everything posted by Meiestrix

  1. Meiestrix

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    Hi, does someone know if there is a compatibility issue with Firewills F15 and John_Spartans / TeTeTes F/A-18 Super Hornet (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164308-F-A-18-Super-Hornet-for-ARMA-3)? Today i added the F-15 to my mods and now i will always get a error message when i place the F-18. This does not happen without the F-15. I am not sure if this a problem of the F-15 or the F-18. Here is ta picture of the error popup: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qfkmo4se40o2k27/20170731130137_1.jpg And the part of the RPT Logfile: 13:01:35 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/HitPoints/HitHull.name'. 13:01:35 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 13:01:35 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/HitPoints/HitHull.armor'. 13:01:35 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 13:01:35 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane_Base_F/HitPoints/HitHull.passThrough'. 13:01:35 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
  2. Does someone know how to use the new vehicle quick mount function? I have tried to change the key to different keys on my keyboard but nothing happens when i look at a vehicle and press the quick mount key. EDIT: Oops, just realized that there is a module for quick mounting.
  3. Meiestrix

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Hi, does someone know if there is a compatibility patch for SMA and RHS? It would be very nice if you could use the RHS ammo in the SMA weapons. At the moment you cant use the ammo wich is already stored in the RHS vehicles when you spawn them.
  4. Hi, Is it possible to adjust the skill of AI units in a Zeus mission, without using the skill slider for every unit? It tried different setting, for example the difficulty settings in ****.Arma3Profile on server side. But there is no difference in Zeus between a value of 0.1 or 1.0 for enemy AI. Also i have tried to use the Asr ai 3 mod to adjust the skill. I changed the skill values in the userconfig of this mod on client and server side, but there is no difference in the behaviour the AI react. In most cases the AI is so fast, that they kill an enemy spawned AI direct in front of them in under 1 second. In close combat it is nearly impossible to kill the AI with your rifle as a player. This is really a big problem for me, because 80% of our missions are Zeus missions. I also tried to use the AGM mod, which tries to make the AI more human, but they are still to fast. Does anyone have a solution for this problem? That would be really nice.
  5. Hi, I have noticed that Zeus missions which are created with the Eden editor do not work. For testing purpose i created a mission with just with following objects. - Gameplay mode - Gamemaster - Zeus - Gamemaster - Virtual Entitie - Zeus Placed objects: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rafk46jj5sjiawy/arma3%202016-02-19%2011-52-20.jpg?dl=0 Everytime when I want to start the mission as multiplayer there is just this error: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r0m1cr77r4g7vta/arma3%202016-02-19%2011-44-22.png?dl=0 When I click on continue the mission stops with the end screen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r35l85cltd84934/arma3%202016-02-19%2011-44-37.png?dl=0 I am using no mods and I am on the normal release version in Steam. The mission can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/49bs7xkavb0d053/AACYP-V_RgA-0DYQKl-kiKkza?dl=0 It would be nice if someone could look if the same happens for him. Just create a little test mission with Zeus in Eden. Then click on the option "Play" on the top and chose "Play in Multiplayer (MP)".
  6. Meiestrix

    3 FPS Bug and Random Crashes

    Same problem here in the my community. Since the release of Tanoa the 3 FPS bug startet and got worse every update. At the moment Arma 3 is unplayable for us because every couple minutes someone has a disconnect because of the 3 FPS bug or Arma 3 crash. In this situation i cant understand why BI does not try to fix this as fast as possible. There are many people with this problem, but it seems like no one cares at BI.
  7. Meiestrix

    CH View Distance Addon

    Thanks for the fast response. I will test the new version when I am back home. EDIT: New version works fine.
  8. Meiestrix

    CH View Distance Addon

    For me the latest version does not work on a dedicated server. I can open the interface and change the values in the interface but they are not saved. When i move the slider the value does not change.
  9. Meiestrix

    CH View Distance Addon

    Thank you for the update. Can you maybe explain the difference between the "Dynamic" and the "FOV" setting? The FOV setting changes when you look through your scope or binoculars. But what does the dynamic mode do?
  10. Meiestrix

    Little Yacht

    @foxhound There is something wrong with the Armaholic download. The downloaded files are another mod. There is just one file called Winter_Marpat_1.pbo in the Armaholic download.
  11. Yes i have Windows 10. The memory allocator is the default one i have not changed anything on the allocator.
  12. Since 1.66 the frame drop bug, where als the models and textures are broken, is back for me. This is not my picture, but it looks the same as the probem i have: https://gyazo.com/da4eefcde24fb88cc496ff6296aaf963 I have tested with the profiling build yesterday and today without it. In both sessions the fps broke down after some time and i had to restart Arma. Does someone else have this problem too, or knows how to fix this?
  13. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately remoteExec does not work for me, maybe i did something wrong i am not sure. Here is a example of my script. This is the CBA function, which works fine on a dedicated server. https://cbateam.github.io/CBA_A3/docs/files/network/fnc_globalExecute-sqf.html [-1, fnc_start_music, [MusicObject, MusicFileName]] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute; This is the remoteExec function which does not work for me on a dedicated server, when i start the mission in a Eden multiplayer session there is no problem. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/remoteExec [MusicObject, MusicFileName] remoteExec ["fnc_start_music", 0, true]; fnc_start_music = { _MusicObject= _this select 0; _MusicFileName= _this select 1; _MusicObject say3D [_MusicFileName, 200, 1]; };
  14. I have found a solution for my problem. Now i am using CBAs CBA_fnc_globalExecute function.
  15. Yes, theoretical say3D would be Ok because you can stop it by deleting the object, but it does not work when you use it just on server side. Say3D does not execute an all clients like playSound3D does. Is it possible to send say3D from the server to all clients? That would maybe fix the problem. Maybe with BIS_fnc_MP? I have not used this before.
  16. Thanks I have changed the LR radio key and now everything works like it should.
  17. Does someone else has the problem that you have to push the personal radio button twice after you have used your long range radio? For me the first push on the personal radio transmit button does nothing, directly after using the long range radio. My short range transmit button is CapsLock and my long range transmit button is Tab. EDIT: There is another bug when I dont have a long range radio and then press the long range radio transmit button (CapsLock) my personal radio starts sending and locks this state. This problems startet with 0.9.12 for me, with 0.9.10 everything was fine.
  18. Hi does someone know if it is possible to add information of multiple mods in one mod.cpp? In my community the mod folders are ordered like this: @tools @weapons @vehicles In this mod folders are, for example, all the pbo's from different weapon mods. This works without problems, except one. You cant use the original mod.cpp file from each mod, which means all the mod icons are missing in the Virtual Arsenal. My idea was to put the information off all mods in one mod.cpp file, but i dont know if it possible. Does someone know if it is possible to fix this problem?
  19. For me the problem occurs even if there are no objects at all. Just open the map in the 3D Editor.
  20. Does someone else have the problem that Arma 3 stops working and crashes after short time when you are in the editor on DaKrong. A friend of mine has the same problem. Tested only with Unsung, no other mods.
  21. Meiestrix

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hi, does anyone else have the problem, that after some time you cant capture some locations anymore, when using a headless client? Also enemies are not spawning anymore after some time with a headless client. Without a headless client everything is fine.
  22. Thanks for your answer. I have tested this today, but it does not work for me. Still a blackscreen for the Zeus player after a disconnect.
  23. Meiestrix

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    For the map Utes i used a workaround and spawned the player in the sea and then teleported them on the ship. I think this would work here aswell. Just create a marker on the ship called "flightdeck" and copy this code in a trigger where the player are spawning in the water. player setPosASL [getmarkerPos "flightdeck" select 0, getmarkerPos "flightdeck" select 1, 15.5]; The value 15.5 is the height above the water. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPosASL Now player get ported to the marker flightdeck when they enter the trigger area.
  24. Meiestrix

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Same issue here. The problem started with APEX for me. After some time the FPS break instantly down to 3 FPS and all the textures and models are broken, like all the others here already have described. I am playing on a MP Server on Tanoa. It looks like the problem only happens on Tanoa but i am not completely sure about it. Testet with and without profilling branch. My System: - Windows 10 64bit - Intel i7-4790k - 16GB RAM - Nvidia GTX660 (latest driver)
  25. Meiestrix

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Thanks for the answer. I figured out how to disable the instant death. Is there currently a way how I can force a setting for every player on a server, or has every player to change this setting manually?