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Everything posted by kerozen

  1. kerozen

    USP Gear & Uniforms

    I don't know the structure of the mod but i'm guessing they want to minimize that kind of thing (separate pbos for each camo) so people don't reupload their mod separately based on camo/equipment choice. if i remember correctly they will have 2 versions of them mod a full version with everything available and a lite version with fewer options to declutter the arsenal
  2. Anyone got CUP templates?
  3. You can merge missions that have dependencies with an empty mission and the dependencies will go away keeping only the mods you have loaded
  4. kerozen

    The ACU Project

    Thanks, so atm its not possible to retexture the jacket is that correct?
  5. kerozen

    The ACU Project

    Quick question: How do i change the jacket's texture in the editor? Can't find hiddenselection for it 0 changes the shirt and pants 1 changes the boots 2 does nothing 3 changes rank Is it only possible to change via config?
  6. kerozen

    The ACU Project

    Any tips on how to make the details (pockets, seams, etc) more noticeable? I suck at this without templates xD
  7. kerozen

    The ACU Project

    Is there any template that could be used to create private retexture? It would make it a lot easier since i suck at retextures without templates
  8. kerozen

    The ACU Project

    Nice mod! Is there any way to make the ranks on the jacket bigger? It might just be me but i can barely see the ranks, they are really small. Also don't know if its intentional but the right arm velcro texture is going over the "border" Again, thanks for the awesome mod
  9. crap... one less mod that the community could enjoy standalone without any problems.
  10. And another loss for the Arma community due to greed
  11. Why is the modding community in Arma so bad... Modding was supposed to be for creating and sharing content to make the game better but all it is now is a fight to be the only person to create a uniform or car or else all hell breaks lose and DMCAs start flying. Its no longer about the game its all about fame... its sad.
  12. kerozen

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Yeah sorry, i had this ones on hand and used them instead of french versions
  13. kerozen

    [WIP] French Army Mod : ArmaModFrance

    Will there be more versions of the VBL? like these 2 bellow?
  14. The maps have really weird lighting, it seems to have some kind of blue tint. If the lighting was more natural it would make the maps a lot better.
  15. kerozen

    Community Factions Project

    Ever considered making a Portuguese Army faction
  16. kerozen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Well there really is not point in jsrs for the weapons, they are really good! Now we need a vehicles only jsrs for rhs
  17. kerozen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I stopped playing a while ago and just came back. When did the RHS sounds change? They sound so freaking good!
  18. There is a standalone mod on the workshop with some new stuff that cup doesn't have https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1689577574
  19. kerozen

    DHI Battle Dress Uniforms

    I wish VTN didn't have so many forced "features" . Makes it so i never use it but it has so many good vehicles and weapons
  20. Hopefully the "advanced startup" could be will be optional?
  21. kerozen

    Copyright Laws

    you didn't even ask anything... you just made some statements
  22. kerozen

    RKSL Puma HC1 for A3

    Not sure if you are still owrking on this but is there any change for a Portuguese Air Force skins?
  23. kerozen

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Read the DLC description and find out
  24. kerozen

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Why would they announce a DLC/expansion and then its A4? Doesn't make any sense...