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Everything posted by loopdk

  1. You can make any screen object display the satellite feed by putting "[this] call MRH_fn_IsSatMonitor;" in its init box. is not working :/
  2. Hallo :D Is there a script ore a nother way to get random trains driving around tanora?
  3. Hallo sir... Is there a way to disabnle this command CAN CREATE RESPAWN POINT DURING MULTIPLAYER
  4. loopdk

    Parachute MC1/MC4/T11/ W.I.P

    You need to make this in to a statisline mod
  5. loopdk

    ADV - ACE Splint

    Perfectly mate
  6. loopdk

    ADV - ACE Splint

    I have this in my ace settings force force ace_medical_healHitPointAfterAdvBandage = true; But still no option for sam split. and yes i got 2 in my backpack Eny iders?
  7. loopdk

    ADV - ACE Splint

    wuhu, tnx mate:D
  8. whay use time when its already out there http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28098
  9. loopdk

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Didt you guys fix the iron sights for next update?
  10. loopdk


    Hey Mate. The "set radio frekv" can i safe that somwhere?
  11. About server updating.. Oure game server wont allow me to upload dll files so i have to use steam and i hate that. Can i just upload the folders ore didt the dll files change to??
  12. loopdk


    Tnx for the time mate. and tnx for a GREAT mod
  13. loopdk


    vannila mines and yes the workede in earlyer versions
  14. loopdk


    Hey mate. still dont work....:(
  15. loopdk


    yep. just seen i can add mines ore eny thing by that funktion eny more
  16. loopdk


    we cant add arsanal to enything eighter
  17. loopdk


    wait out :D
  18. loopdk

    GRAD Trenches

    Lythium dont give the option for camuflage
  19. loopdk


    Year i know mate but only for 1 player at the time... wot be cool if i cot heal grup ore entire side
  20. loopdk


    if you are in a good mood , a ace heal option for all ore group
  21. loopdk

    Looking for a skilled enemy clan

    Come se me at www.3para-gu.com teamspeak server ;)