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Everything posted by prykpryk

  1. prykpryk

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    It takes more time than 1 minute though. And rate of rearming in arma depends on the type of ammo, larger takes longer.
  2. prykpryk

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Why does vehicle resupply use some kind of a script making you wait for getting ammo, fuel, repair? Wouldn't it be better to just use of arma build-in resupply actions (which are still there) and give resupply boxes/vehicles very large amount of ammo/fuel/repair using: ammobox setAmmoCargo 1e100;... The arma system is working quite well actually and works for drones too (current Liberation script doesn't).
  3. Any devs reading this? Please, how many times do we have to report a bug that is there since beta... https://feedback.bistudio.com/T75211 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T70752 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T85460 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T68540 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T84491 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82792 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T85909 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T69532 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T72892 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T76947 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T69646 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T76947 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83323 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T79829 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T81648- not Zafir LOL https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82098 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T82317 https://feedback.bistudio.com/T70892 This is actually funny, please at least say it won't be fixed ever...
  4. It's still in 1.64 now. IHUNTERI Yep, you can't drive when that's called.
  5. prykpryk

    Arma 3 targeting review - revision 2

    Related SACLOS guidance bug https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120172
  6. Hi. I'm working on a script: Pryk_fnc_hitTranspose = { _array = getAllHitPointsDamage _this; _text = ""; _newarray = []; for "_i" from 0 to ((count (_array select 0))-1) do { _hitpoint = _array select 0 select _i; _dmg = round ((_array select 2 select _i)*100); _text = composetext [_text, linebreak, _hitpoint , ": ",str _dmg, "%"]; }; //_text = formatText ["<t align='left'>%1<t/>",_text]; //My best bet _text; }; This function returns a structured text with linebreaks in it. I'm displaying this using another hint function somewhere outside. However I also want the text to be aligned to the left. My attempt of doing this is commented. parseText only accepts strings and turning _text into a string loses linebreaks. Any ideas?
  7. Nice idea. Thanks. PS. Removing _text = "" in outer scope did break it :)
  8. I extracted full config for Arma 3 Apex 1.62 with all DLCs - no mods apart from MapBuiled, profiling branch. Thanks for the script authors, its very usefull. 7z seems to compress the config very well, here it is just 1.5 MB - https://mega.nz/#!eFsj2BpL!iYbGFfh0m-hwcBzkw0-frAQ6aR1tH9JXn2GNHNbUK5M
  9. Tiny issue. Polish flag isn't that white. It looks too bright on uniforms. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flaga_Polski#Odcie.C5.84_bieli_na_polskiej_fladze Pozdro
  10. Most of us (especially in communities) play on Veteran or Elite. Enemy tags are disabled and Uavs are quite underpowered. I have made a script that scans for Uavs on given side and places markers on map where visible units are. It takes terrain, objects and range into account. You can customize some variables on the beginning of the script. Place execVM "PrykUav.sqf" in mission init. If you want to attach script to manned vehicle or unit execute this spawn PrykUavInit - not working _what = this spawn {While {isNil "PrykUavInit"} do {sleep 2}; _this spawn PrykUavInit;} - use this . Comments are welcome. Dropbox download Version v1.5 is now PvP compatible. Please give some feedback. I don't play PvP so it is hard for me to check the script.
  11. I'm trying to develop my old script http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?170825-Uav-Marker-Script so UGVs could detect mines. However it seems that its impossible to setVariable to a planted mine/explosive. Is this intended? Storing data and timestamp in objects namespace is how my script works. Any ideas of creating an invisible object at mines position so it could store some data or other workaround? Thanks, prykpryk
  12. Does anybody know what performance I can expect from switching to laptop config. That is Current PC: i5-3570k@4ghz, gtx660, 8gb 1600mhz, Arma on SSD @1440x900 Hypothetical Laptop: Intel Core i5-4210H, GeForce GTX 860M, similar RAM @FHD Will this laptop allow to play medium-scale multiplayer fluently? Also what part should change in the laptop to get better perf. CPU or GPU?
  13. prykpryk

    Polish Armed Forces Mod

    Hi! Did you fix that there are two Zafir MGs available in game while using your mod? One of them is a base weapon for UKM, it weighs nothing and some scopes doesn't work on it. You should set scope to 0 :)
  14. prykpryk

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    I tried once to overspeed the rotor in Littlebird (by pulling high-g turns at low collective) and it oversped so much that the game crashed :)
  15. Thanks, Lesson 2: Do not trust forum search engine :D Edit: Uncheking Autonomous box fixes that? I hope so :D Now question regarding tracked artillery. It has laser guided shells which are indeed laser guided. It has also guided shells which should have much smaller spread region. However they're not guided at all. Try yourself. In my tests only 1 out of 5 shots hit the target. Rest went even beyond the spread range. It would be great if, by default, artillery had more laser guided rounds when we have Laser Designators, Uavs and such. Or just make guided shells precise :D Thanks guys!
  16. I remember that devs have fixed the erratic Darter "AI pilot" flying. However it's happening again. When Darter/Taryan flies near enemy it does some crazy evasive maneuvers. It is then impossible to designate a target even with new turret stabilization. Also AI can't fly straight, it flies in a S-pattern way. Again, very pissing off. Checked both on stable and DEV. I think DEV version with RotorLib is even worse. It would be great if, by enabling auto-hover manually, UAV would stay in place no matter what. I could swear there was a thread dedicated to UAV development. Have it been deleted?
  17. prykpryk

    Feedback tracker administration

    Great graphics downside - http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=15758
  18. prykpryk

    Server arma 3 crash HELP

    Our community is getting access violation errors too. Prev. code bytes and Fault code bytes are always the same. Is this hardware failure? AFAIK our dedicated is from OVH too. However we don't run massive multiplayer servers. Sometimes it takes 1 min. to crash, sometimes few hours.
  19. Relax, as long as rest of the game is in stable edition the editor is in stable too. Bottom-right hand corner information in editor is just the version of the game. If you were using DEV branch you would see this number change almost every day. Stable version is 1.18.124200. You should verify integrity of the game in Steam. Or reinstall it.
  20. We are not going to change the domain for our website just because the update is not backward compatible. http://olikow.pl is a website, and the password prompt is only for admin logon. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work with normal site either.
  21. olikow.pl is our website. It is down at the moment. http://olikow.pl/a3sync is always public. Repo worked until I updated my (client side) A3Sync. Server has the newest version.
  22. Ours don't work either. Update on client side broke it - I send http url to you.
  23. prykpryk

    Uav Marker Script

    Ok I understand now. It will be difficult to make it work without modifying the script but I will try to solve it :)
  24. prykpryk

    Uav Marker Script

    then if you placed that Raven in editor, put this in init line of the plane _null = this spawn {While {isNil "PrykUavInit"} do {sleep 2}; _this spawn PrykUavInit;}