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Everything posted by GieNkoV

  1. Spotted an error on your download page: Should be 2016 ;)
  2. [ACE] (common) ERROR: File ace_rupal_rhs_to_ace.pbo is outdated. ACE RC2
  3. Let me know if you like it :) And thanks Foxhound! Wysłane z mojego Moto G 2014 przy użyciu Tapatalka
  4. It's very neat idea. I will add shell cam to the next version. Cheers! Wysłane z mojego Moto G 2014 przy użyciu Tapatalka
  5. Can you make option to limit it to given players?
  6. v10 release! This will be propably last version of EqKreator cause of three things: Ability to assign gear in 3DEN Feature complete Bugfree Download is here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18t0s8xsgl6jqt7/EqKreator_v10.zip?dl=0 Changelog: Simplified whole script Script converted to function - uses call now instead of execVM (using execVM in unit init line is highly not advised!) Added ability to assign callsigns for BFT markers from ACE3 New: immediately after assigning uniform/vest/backpack clear it from any equipment that could be added from uniform/vest/backpack default config items - no more additional unwanted items Attention! Way that gear is assigned is different now, follow this steps to update your mission: From your mission folder remove all files in ek folder except for case.sqf (it contains your loadouts!) Paste all new files from downloaded package. Use my description.ext or follow steps below: Add this to your description.ext: class CfgFunctions { #include "ek\CfgFunctions.hpp" }; Or if your mission have that class defined then just add this in between {} #include "ek\CfgFunctions.hpp" Now you have to update all unit init lines so it uses new format for assigning gear: ek = ["case_name",this,"callsign"] call EK_fnc_loadout; That is right! You can use third value to assign callsign to your unit, this has to be done only on leader tho. It is not required and you can just use: ek = ["case_name",this] call EK_fnc_loadout; Have fun with your loadouts! ;)
  7. Low shadow setting does that, you have to increase it.
  8. ACE3 lasers and FCS compatibility planned? You know, LOAL, LOBL and stuff :D
  9. Whom I should contact if I want to continue doing polish translation? I did it before for you guys but it wasn't updated in a long time.
  10. Problem solved I've overwrited plants_e2.pbo from AiATP with this one. It seems you need to have original AiATP one file or run both.
  11. You mean this? http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=28885
  12. I get warning: Addon 'Bornholm' requires addon 'AiA_Plants_e2_Data' I have newest @AiATP version 2015-01-01 hotfix. Any clues?
  13. Is ACE3 issue and should be fixed in upcoming ACE3 v3.4.0.
  14. GieNkoV

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Is it normal that it takes way too many shoots to destroy RHS tanks/bmps with your launchers? I have RHS compat but it just doesnt seem right... Wysłane z mojego Moto G 2014 przy użyciu Tapatalka
  15. GieNkoV

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    FYI ACRE2 works no problem on newest TS3 3.0.18. ;)
  16. This is our server CPS when we engage in a first firefight with DAC AI: I can reproduce it with other ppl and alone as seen above, with and without Headless Client. Vanilla units and no addons. For comparsion, this is our server CPS and HC CPS on mission without DAC, based on CBA functions only, 200 AI:
  17. Is it normal that my HC's have only 25 CPS max? It's at 25 CPS even with 0 AI.
  18. GieNkoV

    Sarugao A3

    Do you gonna update this map to CUP Terrains Pack compatibility?
  19. Can anyone confirm that caching works on dedicated and performance on it is good?
  20. GieNkoV

    3CB BAF Weapons

    Hello, there is mortar included in your addon that seems to be somewhat compatible with ACE3 (you can set charge 0, 1, 2) but there is no rangetable for it. We do not use "artillery computer" from vanilla for shooting mortars and without rangetable you can do almost nothing. Will you consider doing one ? There is already one for Mk6 mortar in ACE3 but not for your mortar.
  21. Hello, I'm getting "Artillery call aborted - reason 4". What reason 4 exactly means? Is there list of reasons and why they happen? Had once "Reason 13" too. Please help Silola :(.
  22. Very good candidate for ACE3_SoundMod :). Still waiting for your immersion mods implementation.