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Everything posted by abudabi

  1. abudabi

    FSR 3 support?

    Yep feature needed asap, all videocards get stuck 100% GPU load all the time, 3d optics killing like 25% fps, it is so crucial during firefights 7800xt and i forced to play low on 3440x1440 to get stable 100+ fps
  2. abudabi

    DLSS and FSR2

    This, but I'm struggling on 3440x1440, lowest settings, 1080ti which is ~~3060 not enough, Other games like cod warzone and tarkov both have AMD FSR 2.1(DLSS), which is almost double my fps on performance preset
  3. abudabi

    Arma 3 performance improvement

    Anyone can pinpoint to latest AVX-512 version of any malloc for Arma 3? So far https://github.com/GoldJohnKing/mimalloc/releases mimalloc by @GoldJohnKing for AVX-2 with lock pages(huge) is best rn?
  4. AVX2 battleye compatible(im using on ryzen 5600x) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EoFNZE8rjZqlXXksX0aiIJGgcBSEquWJ/view latest save from armaholic(all versions) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zc4IHHBu72Mq-ez_uQUWzdbQI-Yr_1Bw/view?usp=sharing
  5. Played on particular community server 300hrs+ Ryzen 5600x+MSI B550 Torpedo bios Updated to Windows 11(you know TPM 2.0 enabled required for system install) Joining same server - Tried playing on Vanilla official Warlords and Vanilla Koth, no issues Solution: Go to bios - Trusted computing - turn off TPM key https://feedback.bistudio.com/T161643
  6. I want bots to spawn in random place in whole marker called "respawn" Im calling script with "start", both for independent and west, any way to randomize it?
  7. Script working until sometime later in scenario(deathmatch) Possible bug here is that MGI_agent_Grp = createGroup playerSide; might be MGI_agent_Grp = createGroup [playerSide, true]; will check
  8. I want call this script on already flying some Jet i create addAction What code should i edit to make script work? NVM.. found i've got another question, is there any way to fully randomize weapons on pylons?
  9. 9900K with fastest memory smth like DDR4@4000 Watercooled, overclockable to around 5.3 all cores
  10. abudabi

    Server FPS limit testing

    Any updates @Dedmen?
  11. 2016 12 14 dll's reupload https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XnWpnsSVLejgLRWQnSfx0FqQm2z0bOLs
  12. All trees and caustics is so strong, that makes RHS tanks like M1A1 and T-72&T-90 laying upside down every mission in every chernarussian forest Any kind of fixes for this? https://youtu.be/WjRwgoUgHyo?t 0:00 - 0:10 we got very lucky that we got back on the ground.. AllInArma Terrain pack had less tree-antiarmor(antivehicle) slowing force, less flippining tanks was there
  13. @Brisse run benchmarks again pls, win10 updated
  14. Toggle gunner zoom on vehicles on pure 1.68 x64 have big latency again, on 1.66 it was fixed Tryed in SP scenario, everything work ok, will test in multiplayer
  15. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_vatZXoRzdQYk9HUGhoUkNBYlU updated link
  16. @fred41 you mean about this thing? And the third advantage is the xtbb, im right?
  17. @fred41 hello, i'll very pleasured if you can find some another perfomance boosts since x64 bins was realeased
  18. abudabi

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    @ruPal click on quote
  19. abudabi

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    From previous post - Tnaks to @rezss
  20. How many threads single Arma 3 server is going?
  21. @Brisse You need to test on windows 7 x64 somehow, also overclock your dram to 3400 on next bios update
  22. Set resolution 1080p>click Ultra>play scenarion>yaab Version 0504 Description PRIME X370-PRO BIOS 0504 Enhance memory compatibility. you using this one? from 2017/02/28