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  1. AI VEHICLE RESPAWN SP/MP Hi all, Did you ever try the BI respawn vehicle module? That works well on empty ones, as far as you linked the vehicles to the module. With some disappointment trying to link a flying helicopter and see it (them!) falling to the ground. A little code in the "expression field" and, yeah, you create a new crew and a helo just hovering now! But, what if you want, not only the standard crew, but also the airborne assault squad into it? When? Where on helo track (waypoints)? And, why not respawning a crate? and the loadout for any respawned vehicle/crate? I suggest the following script to allow AI vehicle, manned or empty, but no player on board), respawning according to parameters. This works in SP or MP. Only vehicles (+ full crew if any) / crates are concerned as far as the respawn for killed infantry AI units is the object of a this other script. version April 29th 2020 Totally reworked for better reliability in heavy scenario (MP/SP) This script is also available as module in MGI ADVANCED MODULES, with more possibilities. parameters: VEHICLES / POSITIONS / DELAY / RESPAWN WHEN DISABLED / EMPTY VEHICLES (ALL) Examples: [] spawn MGI_fnc_vehicleRespawn // [] passed as parameter equals to [ [ ], "death", 10, false, true] All empty vehicles can respawn on their position at death, after 10 sec delay, without possibility to respawn if just disabled. [ [WEST,EAST], ["mrk1","death","start",""], nil, false,false ] spawn MGI_fnc_vehicleRespawn // equals to [ [WEST,EAST], ["myMrk1","death"], 15, false,false] here, only WEST & EAST ai vehicles can respawn: - on the marker "myMrk1" if any, (on death position if marker not present), for BLUFOR vehicles - on the position of death for OPFOR vehicles, (other strings in positions array are useless), 10 second delay (default), without respawn when disabled. Code to be run on server (eventually on Headless Client). example: initServer.sqf if no HC. or inside a simple trigger in 3den, server only, non-repeatable, condition true ___________________________________________________________________ SCRIPT Enjoy! Pierre MGI Notes: - If you choose to respawn the disabled vehicles, these will be destroyed (then respawned), probably earlier than for the normal destruction. Destruction occurs sooner but not before the crew leaves the vehicle. So, if you allow crew staying inside immobilized vehicle, this "respawn on disabled" is postponed until destruction by enemy or abandon. - using the second script, some behaviors like custom loadout and actions menu needs to fire the EH handle damage. That is to say, you have to damage the vehicle in-game (firing at it), not using a simple setDamage via debug console (this command doesn't trigger the EH). Also, let some seconds after mission start (Arma engine actions menu returm something for the actionParams). Version 13112018: added possibility to "respawn" the code written in init field of a vehicle. Version 06122018: improved jets respawn. Version 09102019: spawning vehicles on carrier at sea. Version 13103019: fuel management and some extra cases Version 26112019: all mags are restored with the exact ammo count. Version 19122019: respawned vehicle is locked same as destroyed one. Version 19042020: better reliability in heavy mission context. All in one script. Version 21072020: repaired UAV respawn
  2. Hello o7 I have a JS_JC_FA18F and E variant that I've placed down in the 3den editor and I have set up a custom pylon loadout and livery texture. But I noticed that every time the jet respawns, it reverts back to a default livery and pylon loadout. I tried using this script, however when the jet respawns using this script, it respawns with the default livery and with empty pylons. And I don't know enough about scripting to figure out what's wrong or how to adapt this script to the John Spartan FA-18s. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated and thank you for your time.
  3. Hi guys, I have a mission that contains a vehicle respawn module. This respawn module is connected to a helicopter with [missionNamespace, this] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; in its init field. in the module's expression line I have execvm "MobileRespawn.sqf" . in mobilerespawn.sqf vehInit = { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this select 0; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this select 0; [missionNamespace, _this select 0] call BIS_fnc_addRespawnPosition; }; This all works dandy when I host locally, however when I run it on a dedicated server it does not appear to run the script, or at least does not apply the script to the respawned vehicle. What am I not getting here?
  4. Hi! I'm kinda new to advanced mission edditing scene. In the past, I've been able to plop the units I want and the vechiles I need down using either Zeus or spawning them before the misssion in abundance. Now, I know a bit about using the Eden Editor, and I've been able to find lots of help within this forum. But recently, I've been unable to find how to have a vehicle keep it's custom init, paintjob, and other atributes after respawn. I'm unsure if this is even possible. I have a helicopter which my server plans to use as a mobile rearm station, using an amazing virtual arsenal script I've found on this site. Since this server will be up nearly 24/7, and my squadmates are not the best at flying, I'm attempting to ensure that when and if the helicopter is crashed, it will respawn with the proper init. Any help would be greately apprciated!
  5. Hi! I'm kinda new to advanced mission edditing scene. In the past, I've been able to plop the units I want and the vechiles I need down using either Zeus or spawning them before the misssion in abundance. Now, I know a bit about using the Eden Editor, and I've been able to find lots of help within this forum. But recently, I've been unable to find how to have a vehicle keep it's custom init, paintjob, and other atributes after respawn. I'm unsure if this is even possible. I have a helicopter which my server plans to use as a mobile rearm station, using an amazing virtual arsenal script I've found on this site. Since this server will be up nearly 24/7, and my squadmates are not the best at flying, I'm attempting to ensure that when and if the helicopter is crashed, it will respawn with the proper init. Any help would be greately apprciated!
  6. Hey guys, I am using the vehicle respawn script by Quicksilver and though its working fine for me I would like to get it to show a notification upon respawning the vehicle like the default BIS spawner does. This is the script: /* @filename: fn_vMonitor.sqf Credit: Tophe for earlier monitor script Author: Quiksilver Last modified: 23/10/2014 ArmA 1.32 Description: Vehicle monitor. This code must be spawned, not called. Ex. ______________________________________________________*/ if (!isServer) exitWith { /* GO AWAY PLAYER */ }; //======================================== CONFIG private ["_v","_t","_d","_s","_i","_sd","_sp","_ti","_u"]; #define DIST_FROM_SPAWN 150 _v = _this select 0; // vehicle _d = _this select 1; // spawn delay _s = _this select 2; // setup _i = _this select 3; // init _t = typeOf _v; // type _sd = getDir _v; // spawn direction _sp = getPosATL _v; // spawn position sleep (5 + (random 5)); [_v] call _i; //======================================== MONITOR LOOP while {true} do { //======================================== IF DESTROYED if (!alive _v) then { if (({((_sp distance _x) < 1.5)} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) then { _ti = time + _d; waitUntil {sleep 5; (_ti < time)}; if (!isNull _v) then {deleteVehicle _v;}; sleep 0.1; _v = createVehicle [_t,[(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))],[],0,"NONE"]; sleep 0.1; waitUntil {!isNull _v}; sleep 0.1; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos [(_sp select 0),(_sp select 1),((_sp select 2)+0.1)]; sleep 0.1; [_v] call _i; }; }; sleep (5 + (random 5)); //======================================== IF ABANDONED if ((_v distance _sp) > DIST_FROM_SPAWN) then { if (isMultiplayer) then {_u = playableUnits;} else {_u = switchableUnits;}; if (({(_v distance _x) < PARAMS_VehicleRespawnDistance} count _u) < 1) then { if ((count (crew _v)) == 0) then { _v lock 2; _v allowDamage FALSE; _v setPos [(random 1000),(random 1000),(10000 + (random 20000))]; _v enableSimulationGlobal FALSE; _v hideObjectGlobal TRUE; waitUntil { sleep (5 + (random 5)); (({(_sp distance _x) < 1.5} count (entities "AllVehicles")) < 1) }; _v enableSimulationGlobal TRUE; _v hideObjectGlobal FALSE; _v allowDamage TRUE; _v lock 0; _v setDir _sd; sleep 0.1; _v setPos _sp; sleep 0.1; _v setDamage 0; sleep 0.1; _v setVehicleAmmo 1; sleep 0.1; if ((fuel _v) < 0.95) then {[[_v,1],"setFuel",true,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}; if (isEngineOn _v) then {_v engineOn FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isCollisionLightOn _v) then {_v setCollisionLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; if (isLightOn _v) then {_v setPilotLight FALSE;}; sleep 0.1; }; }; }; sleep (20 + (random 20)); }; And this is the part that goes into the vehicles init line. I have gone over it and tried various ways to get it to show a notification but to no avail. 0 = [this,30,FALSE,QS_fnc_vSetup02] spawn QS_fnc_vMonitor; Please, any help? thanks :)
  7. Hi guys, though I am getting better to tackle scripting in Arma I still have some issues for some of my functions despite having searched the internet.. a lot. I am not a programmer and have no real background about scripting. I combine the work and scripts from others in this community and alter them for my own needs. I have fun fullfilling ideas I have for my dedicated server and the small group of friends frequently coming together. During my research, trial and errors I found out how flexible and powerful Arma can be. But enough of that. To my problems: 1. Running scripts on dedicated servers/ locality in MP I run a helicopter supply drop script (credits: soolie) available for the players via the radio menu (radio trigger) Problem: works well in single player. But in MP the script fires for all players (not only the initial caller) resulting in getting 1 helicopter for every player and multiple crates being dropped. Strangely when I am the only player on the server only one helicopter appears but it drops two crates simultaneously... tried different ways to call the script but I didn't get it running (lack of knowledge) Caller: ["supply\supply.sqf", "BIS_fnc_execVM", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; (tried also _nul = execVM "supply\supply.sqf";) Script: openMap [true,true]; clicked = 0; hintc "Left click on the map where you want the supplies dropped"; ["supplymapclick", "onMapSingleClick", { _supplyLocArray = [+1000,-1375,-1500,-1125,+1250,-1000,+1375,-1250,+1500,+1125]; //:::::::::::|USE THE ONE BELOW FOR TESTING, IT SPAWNS THE HELI MUCH CLOSER|::::::::::: //_supplyLocArray = [+500,-500]; _supplyRandomLocX = _supplyLocArray select floor random count _supplyLocArray; _supplyRandomLocY = _supplyLocArray select floor random count _supplyLocArray; _supply = [[(_pos select 0)+_supplyRandomLocX, (_pos select 1)+_supplyRandomLocY, (_pos select 2)+50], 180, "UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_24", WEST] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle; _supplyHeli = _supply select 0; _supplyHeliPos = getPos _supplyHeli; _supplyMrkrHeli = createMarker ["supplyMrkrHeli", _supplyHeliPos]; _supplyCrew = _supply select 1; _supplyGrp = _supply select 2; _supplyGrp setSpeedMode "FULL"; _supplyGrp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _supplyWP1 =_supplyGrp addWaypoint [(_pos),1]; _supplyWP1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _supplyWP2 = _supplyGrp addWaypoint [[(_pos select 0)+_supplyRandomLocX, (_pos select 1)+_supplyRandomLocY, _pos select 2], 2]; _supplyMrkrLZ = createMarker ["supplyMrkrLZ", _pos]; "supplyMrkrLZ" setMarkerType "Empty"; "supplyMrkrHeli" setMarkerType "Empty"; _supplyHeli flyInHeight 150; clicked = 1; openmap [false,false]; onMapSingleClick '';}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; waitUntil {(clicked == 1)}; hint "The supplies are on the way"; _supplyMrkrHeliPos = getMarkerPos "supplyMrkrHeli"; _supplyMrkrHeliPos2 = [_supplyMrkrHeliPos select 0, _supplyMrkrHeliPos select 1, (_supplyMrkrHeliPos select 2)+50]; _supplyHeli = _supplyMrkrHeliPos2 nearestObject "UK3CB_BAF_Merlin_HC3_24"; _supplyMrkrLZPos = getMarkerPos "supplyMrkrLZ"; _supplyLZ = createVehicle ["Land_Laptop_device_F", getMarkerPos "supplyMrkrLZ", [], 0, "NONE"]; deleteMarker "supplyMrkrHeli"; deleteMarker "supplyMrkrLZ"; _supplyLZ hideObject true; waitUntil {( _supplyLZ distance _supplyHeli)<400}; _supplyHeli animateDoor ["CargoRamp_Open",1]; waitUntil {( _supplyLZ distance _supplyHeli)<200}; sleep 2; _supplyHeli allowDammage false; _supplyBoxFnc = "B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"; _supplyBox = createVehicle [_supplyBoxFnc, position _supplyHeli, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _supplyBox; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _supplyBox; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _supplyBox; clearItemCargoGlobal _supplyBox; _supplyBox addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_L85A2", 2]; _supplyBox addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_NLAW_Launcher", 2]; _supplyBox addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AP_Launcher", 2]; _supplyBox addWeaponCargoGlobal ["rhs_weap_fgm148", 2]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T", 5]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd", 5]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T", 5]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd", 5]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd", 10]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T", 10]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag", 4]; _supplyBox addMagazineCargoGlobal ["rhs_fgm148_magazine_AT", 4]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing", 30]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["Laserdesignator", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine", 30]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_CableTie", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine", 20]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["HandGrenade", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_EarPlugs", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShell", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellBlue", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_DefusalKit", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_CableTie", 10]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_Clacker", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["NVGoggles_mas_h", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Hamr", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["tf_anprc152_2", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Hamr", 5]; _supplyBox additemcargoGlobal ["tf_microdagr", 5]; _supplyBox addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_Carryall_cbr", 1]; _supplyBox addAction ["Arsenal", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; _supplyBox disableCollisionWith _supplyHeli; _supplyHeli disableCollisionWith _supplyBox; _supplyBox allowDammage false; _supplyBox attachTo [_supplyHeli, [0, 0, 0], "CargoRamp"]; _supplyBox setDir ([_supplyBox, _supplyHeli] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); detach _supplyBox; //:::::::::::|Marker|::::::::::: _marker = createMarker ["SupplyMarker1", position _supplyLZ]; _marker setMarkerType "mil_objective"; "SupplyMarker1" setMarkerText "Supply Drop"; "SupplyMarker1" setMarkerColor "ColorKhaki"; //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: deleteVehicle _supplyLZ; _supplyChute = createVehicle ["B_parachute_02_F", position _supplyBox, [], 0, "FLY"]; _supplyBox attachTo [_supplyChute,[0,1,0]]; //_supplyChute hideObject true; _supplyChute setPos getPos _supplyBox; //:::::::::::|LIGHT|::::::::::: _supplyLight = "Chemlight_green" createVehicle (position _supplyBox); _supplyLight attachTo [_supplyBox, [0,0,0]]; _supplyFlare = "F_20mm_Red" createVehicle (position _supplyBox); _supplyFlare attachTo [_supplyBox, [0,0,0]]; //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: sleep 1; hint "The supplies have been dropped and can be found in the marked zone within a 200m radius."; _supplyChute hideObject false; _supplyChute allowDammage false; //_supplyHeli allowDammage true; //_supplyBox allowDammage true; _supplyHeli animateDoor ["CargoRamp_Open",0]; //:::::::::::|SMOKE|::::::::::: _supplySmoke = "SmokeShellPurple" createVehicle (position _supplyBox); _supplySmoke attachTo [_supplyBox, [0,0,0]]; //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: //:::::::::::|LIGHT II|::::::::::: sleep 10; _supplyLight = "Chemlight_green" createVehicle (position _supplyBox); _supplyLight attachTo [_supplyBox, [0,0,0]]; _supplyFlare = "F_20mm_Red" createVehicle (position _supplyBox); _supplyFlare attachTo [_supplyBox, [0,0,0]]; //::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: waitUntil {(getPos _supplyBox select 2)<2}; //detach _supplyBox; _supplyHeli allowDammage true; _supplyBox allowDammage true; _supplyChute setPos [ (getPos _supplyChute select 0)+0.75, getPos _supplyChute select 1, getPos _supplyChute select 2]; hint ""; sleep 5; {deleteVehicle _x;}forEach crew _supplyHeli;deleteVehicle _supplyHeli; //hint "end"; // Cleanup sleep 1500; deleteMarker "SupplyMarker1"; 2. Running scripts for respawned vehicles My vehicles (and crates) have customized inventories. Instead filling every single vehicles manually in the editor I run a script and I can change the amounts very easy: //Settings _weaponAmount = 2; _magAmount = 20; _itemAmount = 10; _atAmount = 5; _drugAmount = 40; _bandageAmount = 50; //_this allowDamage false; //Clear Box clearBackpackCargoGlobal _this; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _this; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _this; clearItemCargoGlobal _this; //_this addmagazinecargo ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag", _magAmount]; //_this addmagazinecargo ["SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag", _magAmount]; //_this addmagazinecargo ["SmokeShell", _magAmount]; _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_L85A2", _weaponAmount]; _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_NLAW_Launcher", _weaponAmount]; _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_AT4_CS_AP_Launcher", _weaponAmount]; _this addWeaponCargoGlobal ["rhs_weap_fgm148", _weaponAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_100Rnd_T", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_762_L42A1_20Rnd_T", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_127_100Rnd", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_556_30Rnd_T", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag", _magAmount]; _this addMagazineCargoGlobal ["rhs_fgm148_magazine_AT", _atAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing", _bandageAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["Laserdesignator", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine", _drugAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV", _drugAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250", _drugAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_CableTie", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine", _drugAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["HandGrenade", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["Laserbatteries", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_EarPlugs", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShell", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellRed", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["SmokeShellBlue", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["UK3CB_BAF_1Rnd_HE_Grenade_Shell", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["1Rnd_SmokeGreen_Grenade_shell", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_SpottingScope", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_Tripod", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_DefusalKit", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_CableTie", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ACE_Clacker", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["NVGoggles_mas_h", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["optic_Hamr", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["tf_anprc152_2", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["tf_rt1523g_bwmod", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ItemAndroid", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["tf_microdagr", _itemAmount]; _this additemcargoGlobal ["ToolKit", 1]; _this addbackpackcargoGlobal ["B_Carryall_cbr", _itemAmount]; Caller: null = this execVM "Z_Crate.sqf"; (in init field of every vehicle) Problem: works fine at the start of the mission. If destroyed the vehicles respawn via the Arma vehicle respawn module. But they are then empty / have standard items (=script does not fire after respawn). Bonus: Any ideas how to combine 2. into 1. (running the inventory script from 2 in the supply drop box instead filling it individually) I would really like to get this working, any ideas highly appreciated Thanks guys