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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Make sure, when you get teleported to the Aircraft for jump, to turn on your Jump options (shift+L default), and scroll down. That should give you multiple options for turning on your Auto-pull, and your Gas/Oxy.
  2. So I finally managed to get another testing map built with the new Spookwar modules. Issues I found just goofing around last night. FROGS: Tried making a mission on Lingor 3.66 using sub infil, but the water appears to be too shallow on the entire map for it to work. I attempt to pick Shallow or Deep, but the script throws an error and then stops executing. I moved everything over to Altis, and it works fine with placement of the Sub. When TPing to the Dive room and LOC, it spawns them out in BFE uner the water (which I assume is what it's supposed to do) and I show up. No issue there. I cannot TP back to the HQ with the option though, it does nothing. Opening door to the LOC is OK, filling with water works. No hatch opening (as you stated above). I made sure to set up Zeus for #adminlogged just in case, so I was able to TP myself out to the Sub. From there I WAS able to access the CRRC/SDV control box on the back of the sub. I had to get to a funky angle on the side of it, but I did release an SDV and was able to pilot it to shore. So, if you are using the Sub to INFIL, Zeus TP will work after everyone is geared up to get them to the submarine until the LOC chamber TP is working. I did NOT see the new Stingray gear in the sub though, only the older wetsuit and rebreather.
  3. ski2060

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Any plans for the STEAM version to be updated or is the SMA Project website and Armaholic going to be it from now on?
  4. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    VME PLA is an outstanding mod from what I've heard. Top quality work on them. I'm looking forward to some vehicles to flesh them out. I haven't had time to check on things with the newest update Pook, aside from your big one that fixed the SAM targeting and Frag damage. That really fixed things well for long range targeting and airframe damage.
  5. Yes, VME PLA has Alive configured groupings. Right now it's just infantry I think, because there are no associated vehicles in the Mod.
  6. ski2060

    Map Kidal - Mali

    Ahh ok. Guess I'll be utilizing a lot of compositions then.
  7. ski2060

    Map Kidal - Mali

    Do you have any plans to add villages out in the desert away from the main city? I would love to see some interesting POI's out in the surrounding areas.
  8. Oh, we had fog so thick we couldn't see the end of our rifles the other night. I drove from the center of the main island to Harcourt Bridge in the dark, with that fog, using GPS only... it was pretty damn crazy. I drove THROUGH a NATO patrol squad, almost striking infantrymen, and they couldn't see us in it. It was crazy. You can use the setfog command in Admin debug to reduce the fog to a manageable level, or remove it entirely.
  9. ski2060

    Zero Dark Zero

    Awesome work! Looking forward to seeing what you can do with the underwater environments. What we need are waterborne targets that we can affect (small craft, Dhows, patrol vix etc), and I think that Offshore facilities would be perfect targets for SCUBA insertions. Also excited for a STEAM version that I can pimp out to my unit.
  10. Didn't have a chance to check it out yet, was playing Antistasi Warlords with the crew all last night. I'll see if I can get a look, but working for the next 6 days :(
  11. Clean install of CBA on the server fixed the issue.
  12. I am getting that exact error on my server also. I just updated to the CBA release from this morning on the server. So, all clients and Server have this version.
  13. CBA cfgFunc error when loading into Warlords after today's CBA patch. 9/30/16 EDIT: This was NOT Warlords related. It was CBA related, and if anyone else is having this issue, delete your CBA install and do a clean install of the new version. Clean install fixed this error for me.
  14. Using the Wiki found here: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/ORBAT_Toolwill give you all the info you need about Orbatron for putting a Faction together. It seems as if they forgot to ad in the @test_mod folder that was in the Github RC for us to test it with. On the ALiVE OS GitHub page, here: https://github.com/ALiVEOS/ALiVE.OS/blob/master/utils/tools/%40ModAutogen.rarYou can get the ModAutoGen tool that has the @Test folder with the autogen, cfgpatches and other file you need to complete making a new faction with. Keep in mind you will also need a Tool that can pack and unpack PBO's with, such as one of the ARMA 3 tools, or PBO Manager.
  15. You have to input all your unit classnames into the CfgPatches file to get your units into Zeus. I am having some issues with Crew not spawning correctly in certain instances, like GunCrew for RHS ZU23s.
  16. Yes, there will be a confirmation. Depending on how many assets you have in the mission, how many profiles you have etc... it can take a while. Big missions have taken me a while to save. I will Alt-Tab and go surf the web while the mission saves usually.
  17. Woo! Will check that all out asafp. I just unzipped the RC to look at it, and you guys go ahead and drop the Update. I'll get my crew of miscreants on it and see if they can find any broken-ness.
  18. I can certainly do the composition placement by hand for a mission. Eden Items looks small enough, shouldn't be a problem with getting that for the actual items. I'm not sold on the Euroforce just for the Commander though. Is there any way to give an option to use either Ops Center? Automatic for the old style, or if users are willing to place the items and use the new style? I'd just like to be able to try an Ops Center with a working Sub Insertion option.
  19. I haven't had a day to work on missions or testing yet. Soonâ„¢ ;)
  20. Small things don't sync up on Dedicated servers sometimes (HALO altitude watch, few other things.) For the most part they do. Would you be OK with someone looking at the code to see what needs to be added/changed in order to get Dedi Server compatibility working? It may shave some time off your already filled schedule for SpookWar dev.
  21. I'll ask my buddy about the Mission Briefings getting broadcast out to all the players in the mission, or JIP players. He made a munch of missions for the unit, and they had TASK/Briefings that showed up for everyone upon trigger of the brief.
  22. First off, VonQuest will tell you that NONE of the Spookwar stuff is tested or verified to work with Dedicated Server Multiplayer. Anything working correctly at this point on Dedi is just icing ;) The SATCom stuff is not working. I think that VonQuest either hadn't got to that, or it broke when he was porting this stuff over from his earlier work. Any briefing stuff not going out to other players is probably due to the modules for SpookWar being set up for SP or Coop Hosted, and not Dedi Hosted at this point.
  23. Regarding Laser Designation from Pilots, I found this gem in todays Patch Notes: Added: Pilot cameras now support laser designating
  24. I think someone had a bit of a problem with cut and paste. Each bandage should have advantages and disadvantages depending on wound type, like before.
  25. As reported in the thread previously, Tripflares were accidentally left out.