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Everything posted by Moon_chilD

  1. I have a moderate/huge problem atm. I want to build a coop mission for my group. As it is standard in our group, I want to have MCC enabled (just in case we need a teleport or anything else). Since I don't want the base (as an example) to look boring I want to have some AI standing around and do their things and I don't want them to just stand around, I want them to play an animation. Since I like that function I really want to use bis_fnc_ambientAnim. This is the code I use to make it work in MP. [UNITNAME, "ANIMATION", "EQUIPMENT"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_ambientanim", 0, true]; The problem is, it was not working all the time. It was actually pretty random. Sometimes all AI's played the animation, sometimes non...sometimes unit1 was playing the anim. but unit2 not and sometimes it was the other way around. Completely random (at least it appeared to me). I might need to add that I have not changed ANYTHING between these tries. Okay, I wanted to investigate a bit more, because that bothered me. I created that simple mission: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4x7N57WyGnSanpYaEFucENuM0E/view?usp=sharing VR, about 15 Units each with (partly different) Ambient Anims (as described above), no modules and then launched in MP. Here are my test results: 1. No mods: Everything works flawless 2. Only CBA: Everything works flawless 3. Only MCC: Everything works flawless 4. CBA and ACE: Everything works flawless 5. CBA and MCC: It does not work I don't know where the problem lies. If its MCC or CBA but maybe you have an idea! Thanks in advance Many Greetings Moony
  2. Moon_chilD

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    I can still spot some blood. I'm triggered!
  3. Moon_chilD

    Bis_fnc_ambientAnim in MP

    Yeah this worked (I guess). I'd say, this noobish mistake never happened xD Psssssh! (Thank you)
  4. Hey guys, just right from the start. I already searched for that topic...that's the reason why I open a new thread here. Basically: Can I somehow make BIS_fnc_ambientAnim work in MP? Would really spice up the mission I plan atm. I already tried around a bit but I can't seem to get it to work! These are my tries: 1. if (isServer) then {[this, "STAND_IA", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientanim}; 2. [this, "STAND_IA", "ASIS"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_ambientanim", 0, true]; 3. [this, "STAND_IA", "ASIS"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_ambientanim", 2, true]; 4. [this, "STAND_IA", "ASIS"] remoteExec ["BIS_fnc_ambientanim", -2, true]; I hope someone can help me! Thanks in advance. Many Greetings Moony
  5. Babe_core should be Enhanced Movement!
  6. Moon_chilD

    Enhanced Movement

    Thats how I did it ;-)
  7. What mission do you choose? I have problems with the rescue HVT mission. It just does not create. However...in the Zone you are using, are there enough buildings? (If there are no buildings, MCC will not Generate a Mission from what I know)
  8. Depends on how you set up the Mission Generator. Do you use a Zone? Do you you use the setting "whole map"? Do you use a mod island?
  9. Might be because you are on a newer version. Can't really see why another mod would interfere with the Mission Generator but maybe somebody else could tell us how it works for him. Thats what I use these mods for :P. Alive for an overall Battlefield and MCC for specific mission ^^. I just hoped that GAIA could help us with the stupid Vanilla AI which ALiVE seems to use. @.@ BUt anyway, thanks for your words. I guess I just eagerly wait for the update and hope things work better than (especially the mission generator!)
  10. Moon_chilD

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    You are probably driving foxone and the PWS guys insane xD But man good to see it finally aligns! Now even I'm going to test it out! :3
  11. I depbo'ed the LHD file and found that in the config.cpp! Gonna test myself now. Gimme a bit. I'm gonna write you a PM then!
  12. Yeah, to be honest, sending someone just a link to a very basic video on YouTube is a bit (The word that was written here before was not meant to be here) annoying. Especially if the request comes from someone who stated who builds his first ever scenario. -,- I've been digging in the files for the LHD though and found that: this animate ["door_welldeck", 1];this animate ["door_welldeck_2", 1];this animate ["door_welldeck_3", 1]; I'm not the best at scripting but I guess that lets the well deck door down in the beginning of the mission P.s. This should do it instantly: this animate ["door_welldeck", 1,true];this animate ["door_welldeck_2", 1,true];this animate ["door_welldeck_3", 1, true];
  13. 1. Yeah and thats the sad part because for me, they are just static (Like 80% of the units spawned via the Mission Generator are not controlled by GAIA. I can see that on the MCC Menu that they don't have the "G" in front of them and that they react like the stupid Arma AI....meaning they dont react to us @.@) 2. Yeah but at that part I just think that ALiVE is superior to MCC when it comes to random spawning, beginning with all the stuff you can set up in Alive (such as Random IED spawning and others....but thats just personal preferences ^^). But yeah I can see that this might cause trouble. As I said, no hurry! But thanks for letting me know!
  14. Thanks for the answer. However it only does partially what I expected. so two additional questions: 1. How comes that Units generated by the Mission generator are not controlled by GAIA? 2. Is there some way to - maybe through a trigger - also give units to GAIA that are spawned in during the mission (maybe even with waypoints). The thing is, I still want to use ALiVE and would love to hand over the AI spawned by ALiVE to GAIA. A trigger appears to be the easiest solution (maybe it would also help with the units spawned via the Mission Generator ^^) Another thing, and don't understand me wrong - I don't want to appear pushy in ANY way, about 2 Weeks ago spirit posted that he expects the new version on that weekend. How is the status of that update? (I want to clarify again, I don't push here. I'd just like to know if we can expect it soon or not and maybe get some infos about the hold up. ^^)
  15. Moon_chilD

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false; I think these are the codes you need in your init.sqf (https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/wiki/API:-Variables)
  16. Moon_chilD

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hey guys, I have a question. I know there was (sometime ago) a script flying around the interwebs that lets AI hear your talking over TFR radios. (It was NOT an official script. Was made by someone else) From what I can remember, it was a slightly changed ACRE script. However, does anyone reading this, have something similar (that is still working)? To not interrupt this thread, I'd say, just write me a PM...would be very nice. (I want my people to finally stop shouting around all the time -,-) Thanks in advance Many Greetings Moony
  17. Moon_chilD

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Bohemia Interactive - We will always guarantee continuous work for modder. *sparkle*
  18. Moon_chilD

    Enhanced High & Low Script

    Have not tested it yet. Will test during the week. One question I have though: Does the damage work well with ACE? If it does not at all, I'd request that. E.g. it could lower the puls and maybe add contusion wounds all over the body (that would be the only thing I could think of)
  19. Moon_chilD

    Enhanced High & Low Script

    Very nice Idea. Since we started using Chernarus Winter lately I was thinking about something like that Gonna test it later that day :3
  20. Okay, I might be late here and this might have been asked before but: Could it be that overpressure and backblast do not work at all?
  21. Bohemia did not but from what I know Battleye did. However, this should not interfere with the mod, does it? Does anybody know what this logistical issue was? :P
  22. Moon_chilD

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    You basically see it in the way how the AI reacts to you and to anything else. (E.g. When the move to a position they move from cover to cover instead of stupidly running towards you) I just recommend the BIwiki ^^ (But this one is not so easy to find so I'm going to link it) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters#Developer_Options To make it short, you need to add -filePatching to the startup parameter. OP? Who, genesis? You mean if he still works on VCom? Yes he does! (From what I can see)
  23. Moon_chilD

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    That should do the trick, though I don't know if you need to have filepatching activated even when you just play SP. So better turn it on! ^^ From what I know, the difficulty settings are overwritten by the mod (the userconfig file) @Everybody: Correct me if I'm tlking s**t! xD
  24. Okay, can see that. Duh~ stupid me. However, it says it breaks ACRE or TFR xD But you are right. >.<
  25. They know that is possible, but if you read the github link he send you, you'll see why they don't choose to implement it. It will simply break other things! As soon as someone finds a way to not break anything with it then they'll happily take it in. (That's what I understood from the Link!)