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Found 22 results

  1. Survival Pack ---------------------------------------------------------------- this mod allows you to create scenarios with hunger & thirst through a module, and adds some functionality to food items and canister fuel, and that's pretty much it ^_^ Features: - makes basic in game existing items such as foods and a fuel canister usable with animations and sounds, though all items are mostly in game existing there is a new MRE (military ration) throwed in after an update - after an update, item functionality is there without the needing of any modules, you can refill water bottles or refuel canisters, you can have items working without activating Hunger & Thirst - mod items has compatibility or support with other mods or scripts that has a different hunger and water system, but this works if the custom mod/mission uses getVariable to store player's hunger and water, which I'm pretty sure it will be 90% mostly getVariable Modules (Survival): - "Hunger & Thirst" module activates player hunger & thirst (very obvious, why am I typing this? xD) - "Item Properties" module sets item properties food nutrition value, water value and consuming duration - "Settings" module defines the variable names for 'hunger' and 'thirst' to store in player, and sets max hunger & thirst value - "Strings" module for changing texts, action texts, messages and icons of this mod Functions: - eg: retrieves a player's hunger & thirst value: _firstPlayer = allPlayers select 0; [_firstPlayer] call survivalpack_fnc_getHungerWater; waitUntil {!isNil "sp_recievedpacketvar_player"}; waitUntil {_firstPlayer == sp_recievedpacketvar_player}; systemChat format ["player '%1' actual food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, sp_recievedpacketvar_food, sp_recievedpacketvar_water, "%"]; systemChat format ["player '%1' displayed food and water values are %2%4 %3%4", name sp_recievedpacketvar_player, round(sp_recievedpacketvar_food * 100), round(sp_recievedpacketvar_water * 100), "%"] - eg: set hunger & water for player, sets the first player's hunger to 50% and thirst to %20, -1 to ignore [allPlayers select 0, 0.5, 0.2] call survivalpack_fnc_setHungerWater ClassList: - adding items to player inventory: player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuel"; player addItem "SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_TacticalBacon"; player addItem "SPItem_CanSpirit"; player addItem "SPItem_CanFranta"; player addItem "SPItem_CanRedGull"; player addItem "SPItem_Waterbottle"; player addItem "SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Canteen"; player addItem "SPItem_CanteenEmpty"; player addItem "SPItem_Cerealbox"; player addItem "SPItem_PowderedMilk"; player addItem "SPItem_RiceBox"; player addItem "SPItem_Pumpkin"; player addItem "SPItem_Orange"; player addItem "SPItem_BakedBeans"; player addItem "SPItem_MRE"; - adding items to container: this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuel", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanisterFuelEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_TacticalBacon", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanSpirit", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanFranta", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanRedGull", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Waterbottle", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_WaterbottleEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Canteen", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_CanteenEmpty", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Cerealbox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_PowderedMilk", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_RiceBox", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Pumpkin", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_Orange", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_BakedBeans", 10]; this addItemCargoGlobal ["SPItem_MRE", 10]; - animation classes: sp_anim_start_eating sp_anim_eating sp_anim_end_eating sp_anim_start_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_end_drinking_waterbottle sp_anim_start_canister_fuel sp_anim_canister_fuel sp_anim_end_canister_fuel
  2. Okay so im currently building a mission which involves an oil rig. There are some things the players have to destroy which trigger some smoke. But everytime the action is complete the smoke is under the rig on the surface of the sea. I dont know what to do. I'm not outside the map and they are placed on a solid surface but still get forced onto the water.
  3. Hello everyone. Does anyone know a reliable way for getting the water depth measured from the water surface at a given position? The only command I know is: selectBestPlaces [position player, 1, "waterDepth", 1, 1]; Which is a bit slow for my use (around 0.035 ms, IIRC) and not 100% reliable (sometimes it returns empty even on water) Note that the water may be "inland" (not sea water) so the general conception: _waterDepth = -(getTerrainHeightASL _somePos); is wrong.
  4. Hello, I'm currently working on a project dealing with terrain around the Iseltwald area of Switzerland, and a significant part of this area is represented by the presence of the Lake Brienz. I have imported my terrain, satmap and mask without issues, and upon loading up Buldozer, I find that my terrain works! Except for a small issue, that being the lack of water where the lake should be (http://prntscr.com/vw75nh). I'm not new to terrain making, and I've done the PMC tutorial a couple times, however I've never dealt with water in a terrain and I'm not sure what I need to do to get my lake to show up with water in it. I appreciate any help, I know this is probably an amateurish question but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask for help.
  5. Hi i have a doubt about a script to move the USS Liberty (static ship)... Are any script guide or something to make it work? Like to free move as a vehicle. I found this on reddit but the publisher said that is works "fine" in SP but in Mp didn't work (I test it and he is right), he said that may be it could be fix doing... that was 2 years ago, someone could tell me how to do that to fix this error? just imagine the possibilities in multiplayer with a movable USS Liberty 😎 . ·Link (reddit post): ·Link (files): https://github.com/Keithenneu/arma_moving_ships
  6. Hi folks, I'm pretty new on the forum so please forgive me if I don't know someting that was discussed before my post. I'm not a native english, so please ignore my poor spelling. At this point of time, I played Arma 3 for ca. 900 hours. I noticed a pretty annoying bug on some of the community Maps. Every lake, pond or river above sea level is glitched and just not nice to look at. I don't know if it's a problem with the texture of the water, because the only texture I can see, is the one of the ocean (and the one of the river that flows through Livonia, but I think those are the same ones). That bug is extremely annoying, because it ruins so well made maps for me. Chernarus 2035, Virolahti and more are affected by it and I wasn't able to find anyone with a similar bug. I've made a video where you can see the bug, but at that point of time, I didn't know that I was able to walk through the river on one or two locations. The map in the video was Virolahti, I highly recommend you to give Virolahti a try if you haven't done it yet. Video: Summary of the bugs: Reflection is not reflecting what it should + weird shift of the reflection waves are… well… broken water renders incorrect if further away I have noticed that bug ca. 1 and a half year ago and it really is gamebreaking for me and my friends. If you can help me fix that bug, I would be very thankful! Have a nice day!
  7. Did someone ever succeed in implanting flowing water in game Arma? Arma 3 specifically. Have any of you guys ever have to played with waterfall, muddy river and such with real psychical mechanic (meaning your dude move where the water flows)?
  8. Hey Terrain Aces , need your help with this issue: As you can see , during nighttime , coast line is kinda "glowing" when in game. Fog like "wet sand" layer goes all along the shore line. When light hits it , it gets even brighter... First , I though it's somehow related to seafoam and its different params. Started tweaking it , nothing. Changed it to vanilla configs of Altis, Sratis, Tanoa ones. Didn't work. (atm Stratis config is used) Then , I found shoreWetLayerReflectionIntensity param and lowered it. Nothing. Reverted back. Then I thought maybe its the problem with light source that is reflected in this wet layer of sand shore... moon? skyObject? Could't find problems there either, all vanilla should work just fine. Something about it ... uh...banging my head on a keyboard here. Anyone encountered similar where to look?
  9. CheyenneAH56

    SCmod v1.42

    SCmod aerial firefighting simulator VERSION 1.42 Updated June 2018 mod for ARMA3 Links STEAM WORKSHOP YOUTUBE USER DOCUMENT WHOLE ISLAND OPERATION (mission) ARMAHOLIC > PAYPAL SCmod
  10. As the title says, I'm needing help calling a script once the character touches the surface of water, I have tried calling in the script from a game logic module but when I attempt that on the intro of the mission the script is running and it begins and it bugs out, any help would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if it's as simple as // while {surfaceiswater (getPos Player)} do {execVM "Coldwaters.sqf";// or some type of call like that, but I keep getting errors in my expressions as I don't know the syntax very well, thanks! If it cannot be called by a Gamelogic module then I'll be needing help with inserting the call at the beginning of the script as well. :)
  11. I've recently started working with the Eden Editor again, and I've run into a problem with spawning. I've placed spawn points, playable soldiers, edited game settings and I still keep spawning in the ocean at (0,0). Everything is working fine (except for the zues module) when I test it in the editor, both in single and multiplayer. However upon hosting a server, selecting the mission, and playing it, I still spawn in the water. Yes, I have exported the mission to multiplayer. Any help would be appreciated, thank you! Sorry if some of the pictures are a bit blurry. Soldier settings: Attributes >> Multiplayer: Respawn points: Spawning in the water: (You can see where I spawn in the bottom left, and something spawned where I was supposed to.) Zues module that wont work, would appreciate any help with this as well:
  12. SaphireAbyss80

    Can't Pick up crate in water

    On the Fisk Factory map I killed a player who was in the water, It was up to his knees but I couldn't pick it up, is this a bug. Other than that enjoying the game
  13. SyzygyHoax

    Loving Vigor

    First off i'd like to say this is a wonderful fresh game. For how long its been out it really is a breath of fresh relaxing air. The graphics are very well put together and the scenery is awe inspiring. With that being said i definitely have some feedback i'd like to share with the devs. Im sure all of these issues have probably been addressed already but these are some i've come across. Main issue has been when exchanging fire and i take a shot, it seems like my shots arent registering because of the EXTREME flniching mechanic. Next, walking in water is extremely slow and once its waist deep your not able to ADS. Clambering at any angle besides a direct 90degrees is virtually impossible. Lastly that i can think of, your own foot steps are very loud and i'd like to see a reduction in the volume coming from your own character. Other than these small issues. Bohemia, good game so far and thanks for bringing this to Xbox exclusively, we needed something like this.
  14. Hello Folks, this is my "new" Mission created for MP Dedicated Clan Server environment. its supporting several Mods and have lots of adjustable functions. Like: Group Manager with ranking (choose your No.1) Invite players to your Group Pre define existing Groups Kick players from your group Request joining a Group Predefine Keys for easy access the Group manager Create own persistent Groups Team Color Management a.m.m. Combat Support: Artillery support with: accurat Laser Guided Rounds a.m. Transport support with: Pickup Landing Rope insertion CAS Support with: Napalm, accurat simulated laser guided JDam and GBU! Predefine Keys for easy access Combat support a.m.m. Civilian interactions Ask for enemy locations Try to communicate and stay polite Trigger Missions by speak to civilians up to 3 missions per group at one time cancel missions in group manager (see above) Task Creator in Main base: Available Tasks: Kill Officer. Destroy Weapon Cache. Wipe Enemy Convoi Find Intel Free Hostages Deploy Communications Download Data Destroy AA or Arty Defend City (WIP) + Main Mission + Clear Area! Special Roles in seperate Slots Pilot (Air support Roles) Logistic (support your friends) EOD (Defuse Mines or IED´s) Engineer (Repair vehicles) Leaders (Manage your Team) Medics (heal 4 times faster) Restrict Arsenal (Parameter) [Configurable Whitelist Files for every Role!] Restrict CAS (Parameter) Restrict (only Pilots can Fly) (Parameter) GPS MAP Force Tracking (Parameter) Revive System (Parameter) ACE3 Supported Mission Environment (Parameter) Choosable Startloadouts for: Vanilla (Tropic/MTP) RHSUS (D/W) R3F(D/W) 3CB(D/MTP/W) BWMOD (D/W) FFAA (D/W) (or choose Random automaticly) Coosable Base Vehicle Sets: RHS,Jack French,3CB,BWMod,FFAA Mod (or choose Random automaticly) Own Logistic System with many Features... Multiple Headless Client Support FPS Optimized Mission! Dedicated Server KIT for Download Find your way to Free the Map! Read the Briefing (ger/eng) REQUIRED MODS (works without Mods too!) ACE3 + ACE Compatibility Mods Supported Maps STEAM WORKSHOP FTP SERVER MISSION FILES (latest Versions) Dedicated Server Starter Kit POST BUGS HERE PLEASE!
  15. Story [Tanoan] Since the Tanoa is rich in natural resources, an official government in the year 2028 gives a decree to research territorial waters around the archipelago. Shortly after that, a head of research group "Enclave" found an oil field near the Tanoan International Airport. Building of first offshore oil platform on Tanoa was started. A platform was named "E-77". It was built really fast in the year 2029, because of enthusiasm of Tanoan workers. Since then, Tanoan economy grew up fast. But it couldn't last forever. In 2035, Tanoa was struck with critical flooding. The story of oil rig E-77 has ended. Structure E-77 is a tension-leg platform. It's a vertically moored floating structure. Main platform has 2 sections. The top section is used mainly for living purposes of staff of the platform. There is also a warehouse and big radio tower. Main platform is connected to a secondary platform, which has 3 sections. The top one is used as helicopter LZ. You can get on a platform through it. Also, there is an pier on a main platform to get on it by ship. You can move through platforms and sections by using bridges and stairs. Usage To use it in your mission just subscribe to it and then launch it from Multiplayer (Multiplayer > Server Browser > Host Server > Host Server > Altis > Oil Rig E-77 [VANILLA]). You will download it. After it, you will be able to unpack the pbo of the mission (mission.pbo) in your profile folder. It is located in here: C:\YourUsername\YourUsername\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\YourUsername\Saved\steamMPMission\Oil%20Rig%20E-77%20[VANILLA].Altis Use PBO manager (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369) or something else to unPBO mission file. After it, you can take mission.sqm file from there. Place it in a mission folder as your own mission in folders like "mpmissions" and "missions". They're located in your profile folder (C:\YourUsername\YourUsername\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\YourUsername). From now on, add this one to your mission. It will be good, if you will mention author's name in your scenario. Dependency No dependencies ;) Screenshots Download Steam Workshop Armaholic
  16. Does the Arma 3 Game engine support multiple different "sea" levels. For example, does it support a lake and river that is above the sea level?
  17. In the two different missions I made, players spawn either in the water, or floating underneath their spawn point. I'm using the respawn on location of death setting, in case that matters. One of the maps is Altis, the other is Winter Chernarus. Any way to fix this?
  18. Hey, i made a simple 3D Object and ported it into Arma 3, the problem is, that the Rescue Basket isn't floating on the Water, it just drops down. So my question is, how do i make the Rescue Basket swimming on the Water?
  19. Igor Nikolaev

    [Template] Oil Rig E-77

    Story Since the Tanoa is rich in natural resources, an official government in the year 2028 gives a decree to research territorial waters around the archipelago. Shortly after that, a head of research group "Enclave" found an oil field near the Tanoan International Airport. Building of first offshore oil platform on Tanoa was started. A platform was named "E-77". It was built really fast in the year 2029, because of enthusiasm of Tanoan workers. Since then, Tanoan economy grew up fast. But it couldn't last forever. In 2035, Tanoa was struck with critical flooding. The story of oil rig E-77 has ended. Structure E-77 is a tension-leg platform. It's a vertically moored floating structure. Main platform has 2 sections. The top section is used mainly for living purposes of staff of the platform. There is also a warehouse and big radio tower. Main platform is connected to a secondary platform, which has 3 sections. The top one is used as helicopter LZ. You can get on a platform through it. Also, there is an pier on a main platform to get on it by ship. You can move through platforms and sections by using bridges and stairs. Usage To use it in your mission just subscribe to it and then launch it from Multiplayer. You will download it. After it, you will be able to unpack the pbo of the mission in your profile folder (use unPBO Tool or something else). After it, add this one to your mission. It will be good, if you will mention author's name in your scenario. Dependency You need Apex DLC to run this. Screenshots Download Steam Workshop
  20. Good day, after installing the hotfix for 1.58, the water reflecion settings and the new effects, seem to be gone. Before the patch it looked like this in multiplayer, but single player was fine. Maybe it could be "very hot fixed" by adding the line into the "xxxxxx.Arma3Profile", but i don't know the words... Greets and thanks Ra!dar
  21. The concept of " water temperature " and " oxygen concentration " It is a script that gives Water Enhanced • Depending on the time and the water temperature is staying on the surface of the water or water leads to death • Elapsed time until death depends on the time zone month ( season ) in the game • up to the land , if get on a ship and helicopter to recover from hypothermia etc., but the degree of fatigue will be Max • is possible underwater work to avoid such as hypothermia if wearing a wet suit Oxygen Enhanced • leads to death in about 15 seconds, the oxygen concentration is thin at an altitude 3000M more • oxygen concentration if fitted with a jet pilot helmet (A3,RHS,USAF,CUP) is kept normally • in an aircraft , such as a highly regardless of helicopter and jet has been pressurized Download https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-oJmEA...sp=sharing Ver2.0 ChangeLog [added] World index - water temperature of each map(Map that has not been indexed will be the Standard water temperature). [fixed] fatigue limit increase during wet suit worn only when you are in the land. fatigue limit increase during oxygen helmet mounted only except when the vehicle ride. ---World index List--- "Altis" "Stratis" "Koplic" "bozcaada" "evergreen" "SugarLake" "Gorgona" "Takistan" "Zargabad" "pja310" "Shapur_BAF" "Chernarus_winter" "utes_winter" "anim_helvantis_v2" "ThirskW" "Panthera3" "Chernarus" "Chernarus_Summer" "Woodland_ACR" "ProvingGrounds_PMC" "utes" "Bornholm" "Thirsk" "sfp_wamako" "Napf" "sfp_sturko" "imrali" "imralispring" "pja305" "Sara_dbe1" "SaraLite" "Sara" "Porto" "Intro" "IslaDuala3" "Mog" "lingor3" "wake" "Atlantis" "abramia" "australia"
  22. Hello everyone, today I come here on the forums once again for help. This time it's very important, to me at least. It has become a matter of life or death. I have been trying to figure this out the whole day and have been trying not to beat the living shit out of my computer. I have been working on a campaign for the past few months and I recently with the update moved to EDEN. The editor it self is all good and very easy to use for people that were previously experienced with Zeus and the 2D editor. In the campaign which I am currently working in, I use CUP Terrains for the terrains I plan to use in the campaign. I was looking through the stuff and I noticed "A2 Water" or something like that. There were ponds there and I thought how that would look in game. I placed one, saw that it looked shit and deleted. When I previewed the mission after a couple of changes I kept hearing water, like you know your regular wave sound. I approached it and my character started swimming on the air. He could go underwater, he could drown. How on earth am I to remove that. I tried looking through the mission.sqm but thanks EDEN for making everything so complicated outside the game. You try to simplify something ingame and you complicated out of the game. This is the mission.sqm, I hope the spoiler worked because it's a long one.