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Everything posted by EO

  1.  EO


    I've already made a few variations of the winter parka, unfortunately I wasn't happy with the end results so they didn't make it into the pack. Working on anything white is a PITA. 🙁
  2.  EO


    It's possible to have authentic GM car patrols... "gm_ge_army_kat1_451_cargo_wdl","gm_ge_army_u1300l_repair_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_reammo_wdl","gm_ge_army_kat1_451_refuel_wdl"
  3. I use the Addon Builder that comes with Arma 3 Tools.
  4.  EO


    Thanks buddy, I've added the Armaholic mirror to the OP.
  5. Here's the pbo i created... https://www.dropbox.com/s/z19tpersrpyfplr/OtruVests.pbo?dl=0
  6.  EO


    I'm loving Ravage 80's style... ...maybe a little too much eh?
  7. Mods: Ravage, GM, Sullen Skies, EO GM Uniforms.
  8.  EO


    The only thing that's stopping a pure Ravage/GM only hybrid is trader backpacks, they still spawn with either vanilla bergens or carryalls, @haleks any way traderSupply could be amended to spawn traders with GM only packs? As for the rest, trader experience is perfect, he only sells GM gear, hell he's even selling my own EO GM uniforms I added to the gearpool array, that's really awesome the trader scripts pick up on that. Bought a snazzy Combat Uniform for $30.
  9.  EO


    Sorry, I only upload to Steam Workshop, it may well end up on Armaholic in the coming days if they pick it up. The texture templates for Global Mobilization are available here. I use GIMP too and things seemed to turn okay.
  10. The problem is on your side, it works fine on my side.....why the need to have a bin file and a cpp file inside the same pbo?, it's either use one or the other, not both.
  11. Alright buddy, i've taken a closer look and made a few changes, this works perfectly, you just need to build a new pbo with the amended files. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tadwas24lzznera/AAAgwfx9uFGcRWkTz421vkHGa?dl=0
  12. okay, lemme take a closer look here....i'll get back to you.
  13. Okay, your mod structure is wrong.... So within your pbo you have an addons folder that contains your data folder....you don't need to have the addons folder in there, that's why your texture won't load. When you build your next pbo you only need to have the data folder and your config, it should load properly after that.
  14. Like i said were in the dark here and only speculating, if your willing to upload your mod in it's current state i'd be willing to take a look and see where the problem lies.
  15. For the most part that config looks okay, however this a slight mistake which might stop your texture from loading. You have this.... "OTRUVests\data\Baguetto_Vest1_co.paa" Try this... "\OTRUVests\data\Baguetto_Vest1_co.paa"
  16. All i can suggest is posting your new config so we can see what's happening, beyond that, without knowing how your mod is structured were in the dark here.
  17. The path to your texture is wrong, it currently looks like this... "\OTRUVests\addons\data\FrankTwitchVest1_co.paa" Try removing "addons".... "\OTRUVests\data\FrankTwitchVest1_co.paa"
  18.  EO


    On a lighter note i've just released EO GM Uniforms, made specifically for Ravage. For maximum effect, load up Weferlingen then add the classnames to the newly updated Gear Pool module. AI looks wicked. Classnames: "eo_combat_1","eo_combat_2","eo_combat_3","eo_combat_4","eo_combat_5","eo_combat_6","eo_field_1","eo_field_2","eo_field_3","eo_field_4","eo_field_5","eo_field_6","eo_parka_1","eo_parka_2","eo_parka_3","eo_parka_4","eo_parka_5","eo_parka_6" Enjoy!
  19.  EO


    I blame Rabbage...
  20.  EO


    Wholeheartedly agree with Zak. ^^ I subscribe, not just for future content, but for all that's gone before. Good luck buddy. 🤞
  21. Your config is missing a few things, here's an example from my own vest pack that you can use as a reference if it helps. Edit: This probably should have been posted in the Configs and Scripting section.
  22.  EO


    This may help....https://cbateam.github.io/CBA_A3/docs/files/xeh/fnc_addClassEventHandler-sqf.html
  23. Some GM Combat Uniforms... In the coming days I'll open a new thread with this GM uniform pack. Edit: EO GM Uniforms can be found here.