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Everything posted by maquez

  1. buy a X-Box controller, a HOTAS Joystick for arma... is way exaggerated, this game not DCS World
  2. maquez

    Debug console broken

    delete entry ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; and execute empty code line in console should get rid of that command
  3. No more downloads for CUP Terrains Complete ?
  4. maquez

    1-10 FPS at High-end laptop

    .... no miracle you get bad FPS ... your viewdistances way too high use these settings as a reference: with above settings I get on my 6700K with a GTX 980 TI arround 60 FPS stable in singleplayer/multiplayer
  5. maquez

    Forums Upgrade

    same here since a few weeks lot of "502 bad gateway" errors, I use Firefox ESR 52.4.0 32bit.
  6. maquez

    I need fix lag

    Burmese ... lol, Have you ever heard about Vietnam?
  7. looks like you search for them on the wrong place and with the wrong tool ... do NOT use browser for search and install, use steams own client go menu tab LIBRARY, then menu Tools and you will find Arma 3 Samples, Arma 3 Server, Arma 3 Tools
  8. disable stupid windows firewall or generate rule for 64bit.exe required ports defined on router/firewall ?
  9. maquez

    Broken Zeus causing crashes

    how about a hotfix officially released on steam and not be pushed to use experimental branches? not everybody do read in this forums and this error is quite a game breaking bug for all zeus users
  10. with a 6700K and upwards you can expect stable 60 FPS in arma3. with your CPU you may expect arround 30-40 FPS
  11. windows taskmanager open menu processes right click on the arma executable and choose set affinity... done
  12. maquez

    Anyone using Tobii 4C?

    Section "Gaze tracking settings" - Gaze tracking mode: Extended View - Responsiveness 20% - Sensitivity Speed 2.00 Exponent: 2.50 Inflection point: 0.80 Start point: 0.00 End point: 1.00 Section "Head tracking settings" - Head tracking mode: Direct - Responsiveness 20% - Sensitivity Speed 10.00 Exponent 1.50 Inflection point: 0.20 Start point: 0.00 End point: 1.00 Section "Control features" Enable/Disable key: Toggle, Oem102 Center view on disable: On Center view key: Mouse Right I do use these settings not only in Arma3, use this also in DCS World and Elite Dangerous
  13. maquez

    Jet's DLC Balancing REQUIRED

    sorry, I never played and will never play KOTH ... there are also other players arround that had once fun with arma3, but these changes the latest few years did erase most of the cool parts of the game I can list a few of them: - audio overhaul, was arround march, april 2015 very good but got messed up later - fatigue/stamina, no comment here or I risk a forum ban - weapon sway, same as above - visual upgrade, night missions are now just a bad joke - Jet's DLC, VTOL's now just pain in the ass to fly and other overdone changes specially with the sensors and so on...
  14. maquez

    Jet's DLC Balancing REQUIRED

    wow militarism fanboys with pink glasses because of guys like you constant whining for realism, we have now in arma3 the most ridiculous stupid fatigue/stamina system and weapon sway I experienced in any shooter I ever played... the OP has really some debatable reasons, these new Jet's DLC flight dynamics and other changes that did come with the DLC are just overdone, a game should make fun and not generate frust. if you like so much realism go and commit for army services in your country, arma3 is STILL a game !
  15. maquez

    64-bit Executables Feedback

    leave pagefile system managed, if you mess arround with pagefile this your fault and no bug of 64bit executable
  16. wish you good luck... asked BattlEye Support few months ago to unblock/support EVGA PrecisionX 16 On Screen Display guess what it still get's blocked
  17. listen I told you already... if you use a mission made with ALiVE that uses may crazy or exaggerated module settings, this can bring even a NASA highend computer to it's knee
  18. maquez

    Forums Upgrade

    What did happen lately to this forum, it slowly drifts towards a total mess and chaos. Looks like nobody do respect or follow anymore any forum rules. You find posts spread all over and not in the corresponding topics, looks like nobody uses any forum searches before posting. So dear community please do respect the forum rules, do a search before you start posting and have a look if your topic may already exists.
  19. test again with no mods loaded ! my guess is messed up ALiVE mission settings/parameters ...
  20. maquez

    PageFile Size?

    do not mess arround with pagefile, leave that on system managed size and make sure automatically manage paging file size for all drives is set! pagefile can get fragmented after long time of use to defrag pagefile simply disable pagefile then reboot, this will delete the pagefile finally re-enable system managed size and automatically manage paging file size and reboot again.
  21. maquez

    Possible memory leak?

    this is for sure not a memory leak, sounds more like a broken sound driver install and update your sound driver to the latest version, do install also directx new if the above does not help, it could be a dead ram stick stress test your ram with this software http://www.memtest.org/, or use windows own memory tester for that
  22. now for the second time, heavy mission editing (lot of save/delete objects) did corrupt the mission.sqm! so be warned, lot of editing your missions can corrupt the file with Eden Editor... would be cool if BI could take a look, this never did happen using old 2D Editor
  23. maquez

    heavy editing corrupts mission.sqm

    cba and alive binarize off placed/deleted several times different modules and after a while mission.sqm got corrupted, strange errors appeared when placing more modules then preview mission first corrupion did happen few months ago using no addons while heavy editing a mission template with lot of object placing/deleting this is for sure not an error of any addon, it is a weakness of eden editor
  24. maquez

    Arma3 Overview - Helicopters

    yeah sure rude would be, report your post as posted in wrong forum section/thread
  25. maquez

    Arma3 Overview - Helicopters

    you made of porcellaine ? again I do not find any arrogant in: next time use... this is a simple statement