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Everything posted by maquez

  1. maquez

    Arma3 Overview - Helicopters

    sorry what in my post is arrogant? how about using your brain? if there is already a sticked thread named arma3 video thread, don't you think your video should be posted there? .../irony off
  2. maquez

    Ranking system?

    if arma3 or any future arma ever has any ranking system, I would immediately shift delete game folders and never touch the game anymore !
  3. maquez

    Combat Landings, Pawnee, Redneck Pawnee

    next time use correct thread for your videos: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/183918-arma-3-video-thread/ how about using your brain? if there is already a sticked thread named arma3 video thread, don't you think your videos should be posted there? .../irony off
  4. maquez

    Arma3 Overview - Helicopters

    next time use correct thread for your video: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/183918-arma-3-video-thread/
  5. looks like the mission.sqm got borked somehow... I really do not like Eden Editor, this is second time this happens (never occured with old 2D editor) tested on fresh empty tanoa map and it worked, looks like I have to build up mission from ground up new... really? ...this way ... #zensored So guys be warned... if you edit and save mission many times the probability that file gets corrupted afterwards is increased!
  6. don't you think this first I controlled? (btw this option is disabled by default) listen I have no need for pointless advices... I do make missions since OFP the slingable objects are ammoboxes placed by me again spent several hours to get Player Combat Support to work with no success, did delete all Support modules and placed them new now Combat Support refuses to work completely and new problems surfaced, after mission saving/reloading it messes up synchronizations from other modules did follow too this procedure: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Combat_Support (section Advanced Vehicle Placement) also with no success
  7. I have big trouble with the Player Combat Support module. helicopters do not spawn anymore near ALiVE module marker or on placed helipads, they spawn instead on top of any slingable objects or other ALiVE CAS aircrafts and explode instant. planes do not spawn anymore near ALiVE module marker, they spawn instead on top of any slingable objects or other ALiVE CAS aircrafts and explode instant. the above repeats when they do respawn again setting up CAS for more than one side is totally borked, all CAS from each side do spawn on BLUFOR side on top of any slingable objects or other ALiVE CAS aircrafts and explode instant. spent ~6h trying to solve this problem, any help would be very appreciated I can upload mission if anyone like to help/test map used: Tanoa, addons used: cba and alive factions used: BLU_T_F, OPF_T_F , IND_C_F, CIV_F Three side CTI mission, Independent assymetric each side should have CAS
  8. okay buddy ... stay happy with your ryzen and keep your pink glasses on I have no problem with my CPU and can run multiplayer with average 60 fps with all settings on ultra you still don't get that.... there are barely any games that do take advantages from multicore performance and sadly but true AMD still sucks concerning it's singlecore performance btw, I see here many YAAB benchmarkes and have my laugh about how bad they perform compared to my results over and out now
  9. still bullshit... getting same results with 1.79 version of software won't change the fact that Ryzen is a fail
  10. bullshit ... sorry https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1gWUNu0kwK1bjNYVGI2R0xlZnc I get, Single Thread: 2110 Multi Thread: 9450
  11. second fact is they do beat skylarke CPU's in no way as predicted when Ryzen got announced... (/irony off) no need for that, never in my life I will buy anymore any AMD CPU did this mistake once few years ago that's enough
  12. I do not know really well all the features of the Ryzen, fact is that AMD lacked this feature for years...
  13. maquez

    Helicopter camera

    wait, this means they did now a fixed camera behind air vehicles that follow it's movement, does this mean no more freelook arround planes with the use of any headtracker? can't test atm, can anyone confirm if free 3rd person camera headtracking still works?
  14. maquez

    Anyone using Tobii 4C?

    I tweaked my settings further and finally found some very natural ones, will post them soon here.
  15. there is a reason why only ~20% of steam users do use AMD CPU's: http://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/processormfg/ AMD is a good CPU for home office, but badest choice you can do for gaming. have a look at different game forums, I suspect 80% of the people that do claim about performance problems there are probably AMD users. you better stick with that Intel CPU btw, there are barely any games that do use more than one core of a CPU Intels advantage over AMD is his very good single core performance and that Intel can handle two threads per core at the same time.
  16. maquez

    ARMA3 & Ryzen

    how many more threads about this Ryzen ?... there is already one linked in the post above mine I do not remember a such drama the Skylake did come out simple solution for play arma3 with good performance: do not buy any AMD CPU.
  17. best BI could do, make this moaning stop once you used a first aid kit... for now it's terrible annoying and sounds really stupid... it drives me really away from playing any longer this game it is so annoying that I started to throw grenades near my feet's ground, so at least I can die and this bothering porn moaning stop's I am not brain dead, I do not need any disturbing boring acoustic aids to remind me that I am wounded.
  18. Dear Bohemia Interactive Developers, For god's sake, please do change or disable this terrible moaning when player get's wounded!!! It sounds like watching any porn ... really I would really appreciate this would get changed that it is not so annoying anymore
  19. try this solution: https://forums.bistudio.com/forums/topic/203123-fps-drop-when-flaringfiring-tank-cannon/?do=findComment&comment=3186889
  20. maquez

    FPS Drop when Flaring/Firing Tank Cannon

    to avoid freezes and stutter during heavy gunfire set sound preferences: 16bit 44100hz looks like BI still not fixed this bug (exists since ~jan 2016)...
  21. strange, I do run my mouse at 1000hz polling rate and do not encounter these problems.
  22. - first disable browser running in background - second why do you use 10'000m viewdistance .... - third adjust your post-process settings they are all way too high take my settings as an example for good stable and performant gameplay: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773240860 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=773240727 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=818393730
  23. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    after spending hours in ALiVE with the ORBAT Tool to try to correct this, then have to find out even there it is messed up and impossible to define own factions/groups that do work. Yeah sorry I lost after that in some way my temper... so sorry for my rude post ... this okay?
  24. maquez

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I have a few questions regarding ALiVE compatibility, what was the reason for changes in the definition of factions, they worked previously nearly flaweless together with ALiVE? What does you really hinder to use BI standard faction/group definitions?
  25. maquez

    [Official] Launcher Feedback

    Works when turn off Battleye ... So what now, do I need to ask Battleye to allow EVGA Precision X OSD or will you do this.