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Everything posted by oukej

  1. oukej

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    Temporary bug caused by some tweaks of movement feedback in vehicles. Will be fixed. You can switch off the "camera shake" in difficulty settings for now for a simple "hotfix" (don't forget to switch it back on later;)).
  2. Should be improved with the new RLib libraries we were provided. (The consequences may still be kind of... fireball-ish, but the game should no longer crash. Pls report back if it does.) And there it is. (no VRS yet)
  3. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Not true. Apart from teaching the AI all the new functionality (slingloading, firing from vehicles... ref. roadmap) the focus so far has been mainly on fixing issues. Most recently it's been low level AI optimizations and the pathfinding in buildings (which had been broken for a long time in buildings without the floor level). There are more improvements coming and some "new" features are in the process or under investigation. (I know, I know - and you've hinted it - some of them have been an industry standard and "should have been there from the start"). But to put into manpower perspective - it's been only relatively recently that we were able to expand the team and even now our programming dept. is about 3 times smaller than the one from OFP-DR. Btw, the cover system in Arma is generic. The AI will happily walk your map and take cover behind objects you created. Not that the compatibility (also backwards, data and scripting compatibility - not to break much of the already created content) and universality didn't come at costs :/ As for the DayZ zombies - running straight up to you is all they need ;)
  4. It was "sides". What if e.g. the sides changed during the course of a scenario? What about PvP - who's side should be enemy and who's friendly? While it's nice to retain configurability, in my opinion the goal is the actual utility. Not just having all sorts of chaotic controls with questionable effect on the gameplay all over the UI ;) I think Jedra's ESS is a good mod, but its place remains in the mod's sphere. I could possibly imagine something a bit like it in the editor as an enhancement of current Set Skill module. (it's a good practice for scenario makers anyway to create a centralized control over the AI skills (to maintain and tune whole elements of the AI)). I remember spending days of just tweaking the AI skills and looking for recommended values (and values for this and that AI mod) in the Arma 2 days. I could have been playing the game instead, right? I would rather not have a game of experimental research and a game of messing up with unknown values. I'd rather focus on the actual gameplay and simulation instead - there's a lot, lot to be done. As for the whole difficulty - it is still planned, also with server control in mind. Just a cheeky note - there's never been anything like a "cinematic press-x-to-win" shift in our team, never ever ;)
  5. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=20638 Not me, it's The Four Musketeers from the other room. They don't always flirt with the AI, but when they do... ;)
  6. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    btrw, the issue with drivers should now be gone ;)
  7. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    The a little "L" at the bottom of the line drawn from the cursor always indicates an AI position outside of the building, by its ext. walls. (the point "by the stairs" is actually outside) Blame the intuitiveness, seems like we should do something about it. But that hesitation whether to follow the proper path or make a shortcut is interesting, thanks for the repro. Let us investigate whether we rly want to take our support of Poltergeist mod so seriously ;)
  8. It's a fix I am really happy about and imo a big improvement, but no black magic has happened - it aint no fix all the things fix :) Hope it works for you ;) Please, let us know how if you encounter any issues! (especially ghosting, being stuck,... some little clipping is possible)
  9. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Change log notes, v. 127034 In other cases, these guys would follow yours orders a bit too much. To the death one could say. Literally. We all know the fastest way to make it from the top of a tower to the ground is usually by jumping down. Well, while it may be considered a plausible solution in some cases, it kind of does not feel right. If you nodded at least once while reading this, we hope you'll understand our decision to remove these, uh, 'features' from our game. You might still come across some similar issues from time to time, however, we're doing our best to make things history. We'd appreciate it if you could let us know about any improvements / problems specifically related to AI planning in these circumstances.
  10. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Change log notes, v. 127005 And I've heard stories that there is more to hear soon from the very programmer who had been dedicated to the pathfinding lately.
  11. FYI we're now running two of our official servers on non-default Steam branches Arma 3 1.28 Hotfix @ (pass. to unlock the branch: Hotfix128Arma3) Legacy Arma 3 1.24 Stable build @ (pass. to unlock the branch: Arma3Legacy124)
  12. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    In fact they receive the maximum error an AI can ever get ;) The speed of "recovery" is dependent on their skill (unlike some other aspects, I believe the skill effect here is quite pronounced). You can't really observe that visually (thru animations - there's no visible sway on AI), but you shouldn't get hit by the AI you've just shot (other than by pure bad luck;)). At the same time I am not saying this purrfectly reflects the sway player receives in the current stable build.
  13. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Should make the behavior of AI controlled tanks' turrets more
  14. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    Try placing a soldier next to you, keep giving you both fatigue by a script and have some careless targets down the range. He wont be much better than you ;) But isolated tests are one thing - emergent gameplay situations are different and more important.
  15. oukej

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    It is (even though it may not visually seem so when looking thru AI's eyes). It is affected by injuries and fatigue in (almost) the same way as the player. Issue might be that AI is rather good at compensating the sway. There are adjustments in progress. Ideally it should be more dependable on the AI skill.
  16. We would like to kindly ask you for helping us test this change. It was made to fix the ugly issue with crew members of a vehicle flying all over it (while they should supposedly sit inside it). It may easily cause severe issues, break join in progress, bring down servers,... turn doges into kittehs, etc. Let us know, please. Thanks a lot!
  17. [TABLE] [TR] [TD]What difficulty preset do you prefer? Recruit, Regular, Veteran or Elite? Please, vote in the poll! If so, please specify how in a post in this thread. [*=left]Do you adjust the AI UNIT SKILL sliders? How? [*=left]Do you change some of the sub-options (Enabled/Disabled)? Which? [*=left]Do you make any manual change inside the .Arma3Profile? [/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] Thank you! Do you adjust the preset of your choice?
  18. Isn't it called Death Valley for a reason? ;) Please post your feedback in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167827-Death-Valley-WTF-BI/page6 Other than that, I've posted a post in the Captain's AI changelog with a sum of sum recent fixes/tweaks. Let the questions and feedback roll in http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159710-AI-Discussion-(dev-branch) pls (or straight to FT if "AI is headshoting me thru - that - bush - 5 o'clock" w/ repro) And we'll be back ASAP regarding the AI Levels
  19. oukej

    Development Branch Captain's AI Log

    Another little round-up (again, not exhaustive). One I wasn't able to locate in the change log, but it has brought some improvements was related to http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18324#c70505 The roads on Altis went thru major repairs during the long spring. The AI-tians can now enjoy more time on the road than off it. Although there are communities on Altis that have applied the newroad-safety 3D technology acquired via the cohesion fund from Ireland. http://goo.gl/Y6mGH9 (according to Google Images also used in Romania and Czech Republic) which makes the poor AI-tians still go offroad when avoiding this virtual threat. Also http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18343 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19218 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18343 http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19417 & this http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18370 & that
  20. oukej

    What Difficulty settings do you use?

    Will bump this once again (hope I won't get bananned). If you haven't voted yet, pls vote. It would be nice to have the defaults based on what's used the most. Ideally achieve a state where detailed customization is available but not needed - in let's say at least - 80% cases ;)
  21. Acknowledged. There might be however something more to it. Thank you for your repro mission! Would you by any chance remember which rev. it was still working correctly for you?
  22. It is. The last one used is valid. (Slider being the first) Also don't forget to utilize the forEach command - it can save you a lot of time, especially if you later decide to overhaul the skills in your scenario.
  23. The SkillAI and PrecisionAI are global coefficients. The starting skill of each individual unit is what you set by the slider or setSkill command. Also units placed in groups via "F2 Insert Group" have their initial skill already according to their position in the group (which you can easily change again using the slider or by scripting). An user-friendly dialog to massively adjust skill of units in a mission (based on allegiance, type, etc... something like ESS) has been considered.
  24. The neverending story (/list) part 2. [/img]