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Everything posted by nomisum

  1. nomisum

    Make all DLC Maps Free

    Thats the case already afaik.
  2. nomisum

    VR-Support! Please it´s time!

    This. VR needs not only steady 75/90+ fps *stereo* (i dont ever get that mono in MP) but also dedicated UI changes. BI stated multiple times there are only a handful of devs still working on A3, close to zero on an engine level. I kind of expect native VR support for A4 though, at least for vehicle control it would be a game- and immersion changer. For infantry you would need serious VR legs or a treadmill.
  3. https://cbateam.github.io/CBA_A3/docs/files/overview-txt.html
  4. FYI on his YT Teaser Jester commented 2 days ago:
  5. One of my current addictions is checking the forums for news on this mod on a daily basis. It will be an interesting and powerful alternative to standard CAS and I cant wait to put this into a full scale mission. (Sorry for anyone getting excited because he got a notification of this confession 😛 )
  6. Afaik its only possible through replacing the wheat "grass" with actual objects like Rosche does. Trades visual fidelity with rendering distance I presume. I would welcome any change in that direction but doubt significant changes like these will be made in this late phase of development.
  7. You can check each path node for restricted area and recalculate if necessary, for example. It potentially gives you a very good estimate where exactly a unit will move, much more reliable than rough waypoints. Could even use `setDriveOnPath` to disable any external impact on AI when they move.
  8. If I had one wish, I would love to have each of those objects with *only* the flare and no shine. Why no lightpoint you say? Well, lightpoints lag like hell after attachTo is applied whereas those light cone objects do not. If you want to create say siren lights, you would need a white flare on top of one of those colors. If you use the white cone object, it overshines the original color.
  9. No, maybe only changelog has a typo. Sorry for not being specific. PS: Still EH is executed twice, second result is garbage: Code _agent addEventHandler ["PathCalculated",{ params ["_agent", "_path", "_bla", "_blo", "_blu"]; diag_log str _this; }]; Result 11:47:24 "[Agent 0x9127e1c0,[[4171.09,1864.84,392.87],[4185.16,1878.91,394.512],[4211.72,1905.47,398.91],[4222.66,1916.41,401.702],[4232.03,1925.78,403.492],[4280.47,1925.78,402.38],[4282.03,1925.78,402.556],[4311.72,1925.78,408.977],[4324.22,1925.78,413.391],[4375,1925,437.97],[4475,1975,478.11],[4525,2025,491.11],[4575,2075,505.04],[4625,2175,546.37],[4725,2225,587.32],[4825,2275,614.19],[4875,2375,607.42],[4925,2425,609.01],[4975,2475,623.69],[5075,2525,648.99],[5125,2625,662.18],[5199.22,2689.84,664.388]]]" 11:47:24 "[Agent 0x9127e1c0,[[5199.22,2689.84,664.388],[5199.22,2689.84,664.388]]]" PPS: Looks like the last position is logged again, as if the agent after his travel decides to 'stop' and calculate the path to its stop (own) position again.
  10. "Fixed: The PathCalculated Event Handler would fill each path node with [X, Z, Z] instead of [X, Z, Y]" XZZ and XZY are both wrong 😅 should be XYZ?
  11. pathCalculated runs twice when executed (calculatePath ["man","safe",[5000,6000],[worldsize/2, worldsize/2]]) addEventHandler ["PathCalculated",{ private _pathCount = missionNameSpace getVariable ["pathCount",0]; _pathCount = _pathCount + 1; hint str _pathCount; missionNamespace setVariable ["pathCount", _pathCount]; }]; // hint result: 2 Also a param which can be retrieved in the eventhandler would be helpful to work with the result. PS: even better would be ability to use any unit as calculation agent ( _myUnit addEventhandler ...) so no agent in between.
  12. Different use cases. Fortification Script preplacing locally https://github.com/gruppe-adler/grad-fortifications/blob/045f2012921ce26ebb8343c0a5ec935d997b8f94/functions/place/fn_startPlacement.sqf#L19 Dropping Blood in Manhunt-Tracking (there was a reason why no simpleObject, cant remember exactly) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/TvT_Rattenfalle.prei_khmaoch_luong/blob/4a6550337897bc1c8956867597f1bb415ddfdd30/grad_pilotTracking/functions/client/fn_createBloodSplatter.sqf#L11 AA Script (needs to be local because ... smoke and mirrors when jumping and falling away from plane) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/Co_SchwarzerHusar.WL_rosche/blob/master/node_modules/grad-drop/functions/fn_spawnAA.sqf#L7 Fireworks Script (Local Explosions to lower performance impact) https://github.com/gruppe-adler/scripts_GRAD_fireworks.Stratis/blob/master/GRAD_fireworks/fireworks.sqf#L30 VCOM Vehicle Detection runs with local CanOpeners iirc as well as many other smoke & mirror helpers Maybe things clear up if its defined whats possible to still create locally. I presume effects like #lightpoint need to be? What else?
  13. I see a bit critical, it will certainly require adjustments in existing scripts and/or server configs. Why not make it opt in for server admins wanting more security?
  14. nomisum

    Key Frame Animation

    Sorry for doubleposting. Did anyone successfully manually start a timeline on a dedicated server? ([_timeline] call BIS_fnc_timeline_play;) For me everything works locally and in hosted MP, but on dedicated I get the following blob in my client rpt: 20:29:04 Error in expression <S_fnc_slerp; }; } else { switch ([_keys select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error position: <select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error Zero divisor 20:29:04 File A3\functions_f\Animation\Curve\RichCurve\fn_richCurve_getCurveValueVector.sqf [BIS_fnc_richCurve_getCurveValueVector], line 95 20:29:04 Error in expression <hen { private _Alpha = (_time - ([_keys select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error position: <select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error Zero divisor 20:29:04 File A3\functions_f\Animation\Curve\RichCurve\fn_richCurve_getCurveValueVector.sqf [BIS_fnc_richCurve_getCurveValueVector], line 77 20:29:04 Error in expression <de] call BIS_fnc_key_getTime) - ([_keys select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error position: <select (_InterpNode - 1)] call BIS_fnc_k> 20:29:04 Error Zero divisor 20:29:04 File A3\functions_f\Animation\Curve\RichCurve\fn_richCurve_getCurveValueVector.sqf [BIS_fnc_richCurve_getCurveValueVector], line 73 Edit: I gave up implementing this as it doesnt seem to work on dedicated no matter what – if it works (not with cam but with vehicles at least), its choppy af because the positions are presumably synchronized. What is missing is an option in 3DEN to make Curve_F/Timeline_F local only so you dont need to take in account any server sync. Its really a pity, being able to visually see your camera path with all easing options would be a gamechanger if only it would work.
  15. What makes you believe that? The Biki states the opposite:
  16. nomisum


    Stilk need to test, but highly interesting layout. Thanks for the hard work! Always excited when the Temppa strikes again.
  17. nomisum

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Its certainly possible. You probably would need to implement some sort of pathfinding algorithm together with a loop to also detect stuff moving dynamically on the road. I'm not sure if I will ever tackle this. My use case is limited to a mission with very specific constraints and I lack the time to make it more dynamic properly.
  18. nomisum

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Its not. But in some cases a predefined path is sufficient for the mission builder and all that is necessary for the vehicles is to drive and not hit a tree, get stuck or swerve off the road. I'm not aiming for ultra dynamic behaviour.
  19. nomisum

    Key Frame Animation

    <necroing thread> Clearly a lot of work went into this system, and its sounds so promising. Its a pity the documentation is still severely lacking. Amongst other things : how to address/play/pause/destroy timelines via script best practices how to attach a cam to it (camera module breaks 3den cam) Edit: It seems most things can be controlled via BIS fncs. Still digging/experimenting.. Edit2: Camera Module kind of works after reloading mission. Slowly getting somewhere.
  20. wait a moment. did they just give away the experimental DLC topic through an update bug? all aboard the hype train 😆 (this is pure speculation but its odd. a change in railway display is one of the last things I would expect changes in Arma in)
  21. nomisum

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Its no magic bullet in any way. setDriveOnPath lets the vehicle follow a path pretty accurately but disables every path planning. You would need to either script that for the leading vehicle or e.g. drive the first vehicle yourself as Zeus. Also it only works for one vehicle out of the box, not for a group. What I am currently working on is a Convoy Script in which every vehicle drops its own path as "breadcrumbs" which are consumed by the following vehicles with setDriveOnPath and some additional distance checks to speed up/slow down the individual vehicles. @mcdiod did most of the work actually, I merely added more data points and tweaks. Works quite okay so far, still some inaccuracies with many vehicles and/or many road windings. Having an index of the currently consumed index of setDriveOnPath would help tremendously as I could just use the original path for *every* vehicle, eliminating inaccuracies. But alas there is no such command. But for your initial question: Yes, as no path planning is involved, no vehicle will stop for whatever reason. Quite the contrary, they will drive to whereever the path leads them to, even rumbling over rocks if necessary. Edit: Still having problems with tracked vehicles. They seem to have significantly more problems with limitSpeed, breaking off the path and sometimes driving completely off into the wilderness. No clue.
  22. nomisum

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    When toying around with setDriveOnPath and custom convoy behaviour I discovered `setDriveOnPath` not working with vehicles having one or more turrets (APC/tanks). Then found out somehow the driver was interrupted by his superiors. Fixed by letting gunner and commander join drivers group 👌
  23. Would be really handy to have a command to get current index of setDriveOnPath path the vehicle is driving on. This would enable taking vehicles off the path to perform actions and go on their merry way afterwards.
  24. nomisum

    problem BIS_fnc_attachToRelative (Resolved)

    did you try attaching an items_base to the heli and then attaching the static to the item_base? just a thought. i remember having the same issue once but didnt resolve it back then.