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About drdetroit

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  1. drdetroit

    SOG AI

    I primarily run Alive, SOG PF and Lambs (with it turned off for AI squad), run on LAN, which is the exact same as when it was working before latest update. Missions I run are Alive persistent campaigns for SOG PF. I'll check the rpt next time I try to run it. I figured it's just me as I haven't seen any other reported issues as such.
  2. drdetroit

    SOG AI

    All of a sudden I'm running into an issue where I get an error message during initialization about "multiple gesture modules found" and it causes issues with the radial wheel not functioning - it opens, however, nothing happens when a gesture selected. EDIT: BTW. I have deleted the mod and reinstalled several times, to no avail. Any idea? Thanks! DrDetroit
  3. Interesting, thanks for the post! How's the table you provided work? Thanks!
  4. Run the Dev build, they pretty much fixed the opcom stall bug related to logistics. Not fixed in the normal released version.
  5. There is software the DCS players use that shows your wings entire flight in campaign, missile fired, guns, ect, that you can view, review, rewind, and save. Called TacView I think...I think it works with ARMA, but not certain. It's awesome for finding you and your wings tactical mistakes in A2A knife fights, air-to-ground missions and such. I would think it a no-brainer for ARMA guys. Good day, DrDetroit
  6. drdetroit

    ARMA still alive?

    Don't forget, many play in MP mode solo, like me running ARMA via LAN; the added FPS is typically the largest benefit from doing so. I still use AI squad in MP. But yea, ARMA 3 and it's community is still very strong considering the above points such as age. However, ARMA 3, like a fine wine, seems to age very very well.
  7. This is awesome, thanks for the update TPW! I just purchased this DLC just for the map, it looks awesome... a good one for some WW2 Eastern Front scenarios. Will have to use HAL though, as Alive hasn't indexed it yet. Good day! DrDetroit
  8. drdetroit

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Yea, sorry, all I can see in your vid there are troop markers on the other side of the wall, where the rifleman is shooting. That particular instance you have showed is a bit wonky to be honest, as he is shooting at a wall for no reason lol. He knows troops are there, but tries to kill then through the wall. I don't see that kind of thing too often, but yea, it happens.
  9. drdetroit

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I see this behavior, and what is happening is your AI team has seen the target, and they are suppressing the building, giving you the opportunity to flank and kill. It's usually fairly effective, giving you cover fire. I could be wrong, of course. Although this does seem to be the case most of the time, your AI team offering sustained cover fire. Not sure, I guess the author will address the issue when he sees fit.
  10. drdetroit

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I will mess with the settings later tonight and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
  11. drdetroit

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    I think you may be correct. I'll have to make sure the checkbox is unchecked for AI_radio. Thanks for the reminder!
  12. drdetroit

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Seems I can't get my guys out of danger state if there is any gun fire, no matter how far away, and they remain in combat mode with the DEV release. I can usually disable the combat mode with AIO or similar but it's not working with the Lambs DEV version. Also, seems my platoon is receiving orders from another team member, I can hear the order being barked out by my second team lead (Mstr Sgt). Wonder if this is where the permanent combat mode is triggered. Anyhow, going to revert back to previous version I have. Good day! DrDetroit
  13. Yea, TPW is one of the best mods you didn't know you needed until you use it. Can't give TWP enough kudos for this!! Been using it since the release, but just started utilizing the skirmish mode, and wow! It is excellent for filling out missions, like if running a campaign on a large map with Alive, as it will keep you busy fighting as you make your way to the AO 15 kicks away from your FOB. For quick fun you could probably just use skirmish on a blank map, it's that good...and configurable. Good day! DrDetroit
  14. Just a heads up; you can use shift+key for the vanilla menus. I agree with your assessment otherwise, especially the need to scan horizon or scan a specific direction.