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Everything posted by HorribleGoat

  1. HorribleGoat

    [WIP] Great White Shark

    Im pretty sure that rifle is for shooting the poor sap when the shark bites his legs off. :D Great progress!
  2. Asteland is shaping up!
  3. HorribleGoat

    Halo 3 Marine and Bravo-Kilos

    Scaling the RTMs might actually be possible in Object builder, but it might just be far more efficient to go for new animations straight up since the human skeleton does not that simply scale up into the Brutes form. --Edit--> I actually tried this with my ArmaWoman project and scaling the RTM frames is possible in OB, but the character then has to be of same proportions as a scaled up man and the mesh has to be made over that scaled skeleton for it to deform correctly.
  4. Some map probably has faulty/old/un-updated config that uses the old lighting and overwrites the new configs. Test without mods and then add them in one by one to see which one is the culprit.
  5. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    After lots and lots of concept refinement the map is now on its eighth version. Just got the ruined dome pieces up and on the map. They still lack textures and some details and whatnot, but since there is nearly 10k of them I call this a victory!
  6. HorribleGoat

    Chernarus Apocalypse A3 Port

    For forum access tell him/her to go around the ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION and post encouraging replies to mods he/she deems worthy of such. Couple of those and posting becomes available. For the port, it is possible that someone takes up such a task, but maybe unlikely, since female character porting requires some model and config tinkering. maxjoiner has started porting arma 2 women here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190907-max-women-wip/ But I don't know if the character in question is there. Would highly recommend on making those couple of posts and then making threads him/herself. I think it would be a more proper way to ask for help and show that you are actually willing to make the effort of following the forum rules and thus might make your question to be taken more seriously.
  7. HorribleGoat

    [WIP] Great White Shark

    Brilliant work!
  8. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Overview on the dome ruin object placement progress. I've managed to write up a script in Blender that can export object locations and their directional rotation with appropriate classnames in Terrain Builder importable format. This way I can build up large precise object compilations like the dome ruins here and bring them easily into the map. It is still a lot of work, but Blender offers far easier tools to place the objects where I want them than Terrain builder has. Some details of the dome ruin object set. (also on the image) Current total of dome ruins objects : 9007 total of 132 individual objects : 24 dome interior side pieces with 1 degree angle difference 29 dome exterior side pieces with 1 degree angle difference 24 damaged stripping off interior pieces with 5 degree difference 25 dome interior damaged end pieces 30 dome exterior damaged end pieces The grey outer and interior shell pieces are laid by forming a full dome wall of appropriate height by simply duplicating and rotating a full wall segments and removing then the excess pieces. The darker damaged and off stripping end pieces are placed manually to form the decaying details on the ruins. Current count of manually placed objects : 1210 which is about half way done.
  9. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Thanks for the tip! So far the design is on early concept stage, but I would think it would be required to be able to sprint. I drew the current leg just to get a feel of the overall shape so I'll heed your advice when I consider the final mechanics!
  10. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Something from the drawingboard! Concept for "B-1" designated single seated humanoid walker. I've actually drawn the torso, arm and leg separately but shopped them together to show what it could look like as a whole. The legs and arms don't have armor drawn to them as I've been thinking on all the joint mechanics they would need. Have to do the torso as armorless internal version too to figure out what kind of skeleton I want it to have and how much mobility it could allow. (and how much torso mobility would it actually need)
  11. Very cool! Could you make some sort of an script that would allow the engineer to set up a temporary repair point or something like that?
  12. HorribleGoat

    Optical/Active Camo

    If you check the date on OP you may notice it is 2 years old and if you read through the topic you notice it was never meant for releasing but more a demonstration what could be done. Kiory gave some clues how this could be achieved back then and the latest activity this year was mostly just speculation if it still works and how its done.
  13. HorribleGoat


    Highly doubt that since all models have their own textures that don't really work with models. Someone would need to make new textures with same style.
  14. HorribleGoat


    Brilliant! Vilas' work in A2 was inspiring and its great to see them in A3 too! Macser is correct, making a xenomorph and animating it is not too hard and it wont need that many animations to work and move in game either so the configs won't be that difficult either.
  15. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Thanks man! Much appreciated. I did hit a little ditch with inspiration as I had a grand idea to turn Blender into super mapping tool for exact object placement but it backfired on the Terrain Builder import. Basically I bashed together a script that read and wrote all object positions and rotations to a file with appropriate class names for each object type with coordinate offset to fit the map and everything went fine until I imported them to TB. Apparently TB handles object pitch and and roll rotations in map centric axis and I exported the said rotations in object centric values. This of course makes the values useless and my math skills aren't nearly good enough to calculate transformation matrix (or whatever it is called) for that. Or to figure out if I could export the rotations from Blender as such as I am not much of a coder and Python is so much different from what I've fiddled with before. Long story short, my plan to use smaller generic pieces to combine larger structures backfired badly as to use them would require the pitch and roll rotations. I took a few days do some other stuff and to work out the disappointment and figure out how to proceed. Today I picked up the hammer again and started plan B which is to use more unique objects. The 8 smaller pieces that I wanted to use have now turned to 79 larger, unique compilations that fill the same purpose. They are quite simple objects and compiling them from the small pieces would have been great, but it is as it is.
  16. Select the skeleton/armature/bones that has the animation, then use the .rtm export. You now have the mesh of the model selected, but that does not contain the animation data.
  17. HorribleGoat

    Tools Development Branch Discussion

    Hey! I've been working on a method to import object positions and rotations from Blender since we have huge compilations of objects that need exact positioning and for our custom objects we can have all the necessary data easily. Problem occured on import though as TB apparently treats the pitch & roll on world axis rather than on object axis and such translated values are hard to come by. (Talked with silola from x-cam and he faces the same issue as object oriented rotation values are easy to export so im not only one with this issue) Now then to the point: 1) What is the center of this world axis TB calculates the rotations from? Knowing that might be possible to calculate translation for object rotations and position adjustment. 2) Would it be impossible to get new import values for X/Y/Z rotation around object center or like with the relative/ absolute terrain height, the pitch/yaw/roll could be imported as object center related values via import option.
  18. HorribleGoat

    Converting srtm.tar -to- .asc

    Alrigth, something gets corrupted at export. I've seen different kind of corruption wih .xyz but .asc has never failed me. I would recommend sendig email with these pics to Aaron, the L3DT developer. He might have might have some insight in the matter, or at least he will want to know if there is a bug in the exporter. I've never seen anything quite like this so im shooting in the dark, but whats your terrain heightmap resolution? 4096x4096 perhaps? Do you scale it on export? Is the second image immediately imported immediately after export?
  19. HorribleGoat

    Converting srtm.tar -to- .asc

    Did you use .asc or .xyz for export? Could you maybe post screenshots of the problem? Right now there isn't much info to start debug your issue.
  20. HorribleGoat

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes please THIS! Posted the same suggestion in the Community ideas&wishes, but can never market it too much! Would be really helpful for developing alternate/expanded gameplay features if the mouse buttons too were fully accessible.
  21. HorribleGoat

    Changing Turret Location

    In short. Adding turrets into the vehicles via script is not possible. Attaching turret objects to the vehicle is. FiredEH already returns all you need to grab the fired shot/bullet/missile and do whatever you want to do to it. Use the ballistic values it already has when fired or change them. Reposition the shot to start from where ever you want. It is possible to add and attach a static turret, hide it and remote control it too if you want.
  22. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Thank you sir! We do try to push the engine "limits".
  23. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    That too. But I am hoping to be able double the terrain size by taking the heightmap from 4096x4096 to 8192x8192, which would essentially counter all such problems. I have successfully experimented with it so there is a chance it will work.
  24. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Little more mapping stuff to show! Got the dome wall dummy objects set and waiting for coordinate export. The dome still need the broken end pieces on each wall strip and then the dome is done for now! Im definitely going to raise the northern mountains to emphasize the crater form more.
  25. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Map 3D concepting process continues! Updated the heightmap with the concept ideas and regenerated the textures. After doing this, got a wild idea of bringing the map mesh from L3DT to Blender and alas there were export tools for just that! Map concepting is pretty much limited only by how much juice my rig has.. Its getting old I tell you. :9 Gotta start planning for an upgrade. Anyhow, changes to the concept include more defined crater shape around the city and the surrounding mountains. I am thinkinh of raising the north side (water is to south) even higher to make the crater shape even more distinguished. It might be tad too even right now and I don't want to sink the city any further as I already have. The wall tops are almost at the ground level now and the "walls" are not supposed to be obstacles. Their main purpose is being the base for the city infrastructure.