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Everything posted by DAGGER ARMANET


    The Unsung Vietnam Mod 3.0 WIP THREAD

    Wow this stuff is looking incredible. Nice work Unsung team.


    Ah thanks i must have missed that, thanks for the point out Wiki


    Always fun to speculate, and without getting ultra specific, here is a list of stuff i would love to see in the expansion. Some of what i listed has already been seen in screenshots or concept art so thats why I included it. And YES there could and should be things like new uniforms / camo patterns, new weapons, etc etc, but I didn't include all of that because I just haven't thought about it much. But here is my list so far. Would love to see others proposed feature / asset lists. Game Systems / Features: Additional audio and graphics upgrades Further refinement of weapon resting (especially on gradients which sometimes really fight the shooter in finding a shooting position. Some sort of helicopter survivability system. Something to make helo crashes much more survivable within limits. Better transition animations from a swimming state to a walking state Refinement of swimming mechanics Rigging up booby traps/IEDs with existing equipment (i.e. a frag grenade, string, tape, rudimentary crafting system for booby traps) Refinement of movement through doorways and tight places, collision issues. Refinements to Ai pathing, especially in dealing with water, bridges, etc Ability to load vehicles into other vehicles like the "igiload scriptâ€, i.e. loading an assault boat into a chinook for example Blufor: VTOL aircraft More vehicle garage options for existing assets LSV a new boat class , maybe something that could launch assault boats or SDVs new scuba equipment, diver propulsion vehicles like the “Seascooter" Opfor: Compound helo in line with the S97 Raider or SB1 Defiant, something to both compliment and contrast Blufors VTOL aircraft (assuming that is a Blufor asset, a lil on the fence about a compound helo, i am currently building one, but unsure how that would play with Tanoas smaller scale. Would be great on Altis though.) LSV More vehicle garage options for existing assets new scuba equipment a new boat class, something that could hold a helo on the rear deck Independent: (a little unsure about this one since we don’t know its fighting capacity.) booby traps / IEDs Civilian: small light aircraft fishing boats jetskis motorbikes

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    I think the stuff you guys are cutting out makes total sense and is a good decision in the long run. I also applaud you guys for reevaluating the scope of the Mod. ALL projects change throughout their development. ARMA 3 did as well. So I think it was a great decision for your team to take a look at things and reevaluate the scope. Nice work ! And yes... ground vehicles i had no interest in having in this Mod.
  5. Agreed, I hope this mod gets updated and even adds some features soon. Its an AMAZING mission compliment to Zues. Alot of this stuff i wish was just in Zues from the get go.


    Thanks all , that will be great for us finding this mod late in the game. Especially with a 100 pages of discussion, and what looks to be a very robust and rich feature set. Thanks again.

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Abramia for A3

    Icebreakrs maps always tend to stand the test of time so when it releases... it releases. And it will be a great day


    Hello RAVAGE team. First off ... wow this mod looks amazing. I will admit I havent tried it yet but plan on it tonight. It sounds like great progress has been made in the MP enviroment in regards to zombie behavior etc. So am I correct in thinking the current version of the mod is SP only... with MP arriving in a future update ? Seems to be what I am reading unless I missed something. Sorry i tend to be holding a squirming 4month old when reading the forums. lol

    EricJ Release thread

    Wow that a helluva changelog EricJ, nice work. Looking forward to testing these out tonight !

    [MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

    Awesome that your looking into it diesel, The MELB is the only helo my group uses. It would be nice to see this functionality come to it, so interested to hear what your teams conclusion is. Either way still loving the MELB. It is a complete joy to just fly around on an empty map after a long hellish day at work. Its almost meditative. So thanks !
  11. Is it me and my group or are others seeing that in Advanced Medical, it takes way more bandages to heal a wound than it did before the update ? Curious and thanks !
  12. Yes still happens after hotfix unfortunately. Thanks again Shay for all the hard work on MCC, there isn't anything out there like it, so its a pretty vital piece of my groups ARMA nights. We appreciate it.

    Eden Objects

    This is awesome !
  14. Hey MCC Devs, sorry if this has been posted but I thought I would share. Through extensive testing my group as found that if we have the MCC module "Settings Mechanics" in a mission, then the mission will not load for clients, Dedicated servers will load into the mission fine, but the clients will not. Once the MCC module is deleted then the mission loads for everyone. Again i did believe i read that MCC modules possibly had issues with eden so just figured i would forward this issue. Love MCC and its our mainstay. Thanks !

    How to update mods without playwithsix?

    Use playwithsix's new "SynchWithSix" it works much better than PwS, and is definitely more stable than PlayWithSix. It even allows you to manage your collection through the web. Playwithsix and Synchwithsix isn't everyones preferred method for sure, but use what works for you and checks off the boxes for you. If you want software that will auto update and sync collections then they are prob the way to go.

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Curious to how Dev Branch builds are coming along, Has there been any RC yet for the hot-fix. Curious because several of the changes listed on the dev branch changes thread are things I was hoping would have been hotfixed by now. Especially the strings vs number stuff for respawn delay. Haven't switched to Dev branch because my group has had operations throughout the week. Thanks !!

    [Terrain] G.O.S Kalu Khan 2.0

    OH Very nice, i will check this out tonight !, Congrats on the updated release.
  18. Thank you baermitumlaut for all your hard work in implementing Fastroping into ACE3 !

    EA-6B Prowler

    Thats awesome of you to share your work Pookie, looking forward to seeing this mod in game, and nice to see someone helping like that.

    [IceBreakr/IBIS] Isla Abramia for A3

    oh dayum thats a nice pic.

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    OH WOW this looks gorgeous, congrats on release i will be testing this tonight
  22. this might have something to do with it. In the dev branch update blog, a fix for this issue is shown to be in the next hotfix for arma. So stay tuned it will be fixed very soon. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/188286-dedicated-server-mission-loading-error-need-help-rpt-included/

    Unlocked Uniforms

    That would be awesome Haleks, its a mod that gets quite a bit of use in my group.
  24. Then get involved. Dont throw your toys down and go home. Get involved in modding. Find out what you want thats missing from ARMA 3 and create it. And if you don't know how to create it, LEARN how to create it. Don't sit on your hands and hope someone else does it.
  25. Hrmm... Ok in more testing I am still having no luck. Here is what is occuring... On an older mission of ours that we opened in the Eden editor and made some updates. We tried with... 1. no description ext file = cant load in 2. description ext file with numbers instead of string = cant load in 3. adjust the respawn delay and other attributes within the attributes dialog within Eden = cant load in. Nothing seems to be working. However one thing to note is that when we first loaded the mission in Eden and resaved it, it was binarized. So I am curious if the binarization of the mission is somehow baking the problems into the mission ? I dunno, but we also resaved it unbinarized and still nothing. But maybe the damage was done. However we also created a new mission in Eden from scratch and it loaded up fine for everyone. I will generate an RPT tomorrow as i just shut machine down, So its sorta solved, but maybe the hot-fix and the ability for Eden to handle strings again will solve this problem. I dunno Couple of questions though... A. Should we not be doing description.ext files anymore and just setting all those attributes from within Eden itself ? B. Does description.ext and init.sqf files work the same way with Eden missions as they did with Pre Eden missions ? C. Should I delete the "respawndelay" from the mission sqm ? Thanks !