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Everything posted by Jastreb

  1. I am just now downloading this to my server trough PWS. I had AIATP Lite on my server, nevertheless its downloading AIATP ( full version ). Since I dont want that, and I think this should work with AIATP Lite, this should be added as an option. If I already have TP Lite it should not download full version again. Is this the right place to post this or should I let PWS team know about this?
  2. Hi Iceman. Im not sure if IM doing anything wrong, but I would like to know if this script should work with editor placed vehicles or not? Situation I have now is that it is not working. Here is what I did. Placed a HEMTT Repair named FOB in editor, and added this in its init: _nul = [ this, 120, 60, LVR_fnc_FOBInit ] spawn LVR_fnc_vehRespawn I then made a fn_FOBInit.sqf with this content _nul = [_this, west] execVM "CHHQ.sqf"; That should add action on the truck to deploy HQ. Also I have registered this function in functions.hpp class LVR { class vehInitFncs { file = "LVR\functions"; class vehRespawn {}; //main respawn function - Do Not Delete class hunterInit {}; // Example - Can Be Deleted class FOBInit {}; class MB1Init {}; class MB2Init {}; }; }; And added it in desciption.ext class CfgFunctions { #include "LVR\functions\functions.hpp" }; This is all done in MP editor. Once I save the mission, and hit Preview, vehicles are there as they should ( since they are placed in editor ) but functions are not working. No addaction on HEMMT Repair or any other vehicle function. Once I destroy the truck and it respawns ( clearly your script is working and vehicles are respawning ) only then addation shows up. I have tested this behavior thoroughly and it happens every time. What am I doing wrong or I misunderstood how this script works? Should I spawn vehicles trough script or what? Thank you.
  3. Count in CUP, AIA etc...merge A2/OA/DLC content in and you're back big time. I am so happy, and my body is ready. Missed you <3 Oh.
  4. Dont set weather conditions in parameters or in your mission? Make it update faster ( change conditions ) or ask the script creator.
  5. Jastreb

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    You are evil you know? It works, and thanks for the help I guess. Respawn, ammobox with VA, notification and all other parts will work for me with NSLVR script from Larrow. I wont bugg you with it. This is intended to work on Fallujah, Takistan, Sahrani and Rahmadi, we dont play on Stratis and Altis. Ill make another composition with light FO, which will be about 20m in radius. This one is not actually 100m I just used 100 to be on the safe side. Its 50 perhaps. Anyways thanks for the script, now it works wonderful. Will need a playtest on dedicated server, so I guess I let you know if it has any other issues. Cheers.
  6. Jastreb

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    Whatever "dude". I gave you right composition I have no idea what are you talking about. Its not like BI has a 3D editor, I gave you MCC grabbed missions.sqm. getPos wont work right, you need to use getPosATL or ASL, but I see you did that. Now it works with Y offset. CHHQ_fnc_getOffset = { _veh = if (vehicle player isEqualTo player) then {nearestObject [player, "allVehicles"]} else {vehicle player}; _objArray = []; _vehPos = getPosATL _veh; _vehDir = getDir _veh; { if !(_x isEqualTo _veh && _x isEqualTo player) then { _pos = getPosATL _x; _dir = getDir _x; _type = typeOf _x; _offset = [(_pos select 0) - (_vehPos select 0),(_pos select 1) - (_vehPos select 1),(_pos select 2) - (_vehPos select 2)]; _diroffset = (_dir + 180 - _vehDir) % 180; _objArray pushBack [_type,_offset,_diroffset]; }; } forEach nearestObjects [player, [], 100]; copyToClipboard str _objArray; }; With this I was able to grab what I wanted, Ill try getPosASL with your updated script and Ill tell you how it went. Of cousre this is pretty much demanding what I am doing. Average Joe wont need this, so your script will work nicely. Just add killed MHQ notification, and remove all other remaining composition objects after XX seconds MHQ is killed, not to clutter the server. Perhaps add ammobox with VA in the truck. FOB or MHQ, every forward outpost must have supplies. Without it its not FO.
  7. Jastreb

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    Its not wrong mission. Go ahead and deploy HQ. If you want composition is SQM format I can give you that. And Im just now trying to use getPosATL and 100m range. Ill see where it gets me. PS: Pls forgive me I forgot that you need RHS Escalation also. Missions.sqm
  8. Jastreb

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    Figured out about the double truck part, I had to remove the actual truck from composition. Now that part works fine. Still Hesco bags are not how I set them, and I ran the function from debug console while being inside the truck. Will attach the missions soon. Here is the mission > Dropbox link I have removed the housefly's, mosquitoes and other pests from array, increased scan range to 100 ( dont care about Altis and Stratis I dont play on them ) and from what I have is that all objects are there, but they seem to be flipped for 180 degrees ( not a problem Ill fix that in the grabber function, or you do it ) and still object place on top of each other dont work. Its missing Z coordinate, so I guess Ill have to add that to the grabber function. There is no Z ATL offset, and that is why ( I think ) landbags spawn all on the ground. Note: You will need AIATP, TFAR and AGM possibly to run this mission. Place it in %userprofile%\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\**Your_Nickname**\MPMissions and run it from MP editor.
  9. Jastreb

    CH Mobile Headquarters

    This is great and thanks for sharing it. However I seem to have a problem with certain objects. I was trying to create very advanced HQ, well more like a FOB, so I have spent a lot of time building. I have used MCC and Zeus, cause sometimes one of them is just not enough. In the end I use your function to generate a composition and ended up with this: [["HouseFly",[2.20801,-2.77197,2.13987],332.548],["HoneyBee",[-1.8501,-3.80566,0.698578],90.1849],["HouseFly",[3.20483,-4.96436,1.83639],84.0151],["HoneyBee",[0.131836,-1.29834,0.573361],212.148],["Oil_Spill_F",[2.41821,-2.12646,0.124091],178.645],["HouseFly",[-1.48145,-6.24048,2.16958],281.517],["ButterFly_random",[3.18115,-6.34546,0.147679],296.454],["ButterFly_random",[3.62866,-1.97583,0.583371],190.194],["B_Truck_01_Repair_F",[0,0,0],0],["HouseFly",[3.85596,-1.38086,1.89677],331.981],["HoneyBee",[-3.46094,-2.89209,0.458437],316.015],["Land_TTowerSmall_1_F",[1.89038,-8.44263,0.124091],178.645],["TF_NATO_Radio_Crate",[4.6355,-7.34351,0.099093],178.595],["HoneyBee",[6.08472,-4.95972,0.507335],112.188],["HouseFly",[-2.19043,0.732422,1.82737],135.612],["HouseFly",[5.12646,-7.89111,1.16623],161.094],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-4.47852,-1.38086,-0.146642],270.668],["HoneyBee",[3.29736,-9.70313,0.461686],118.543],["HouseFly",[0.838379,-10.4756,1.61881],113.42],["Land_Leaflet_04_F",[4.44653,-9.25513,1.44228],82.5485],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-4.46362,-0.0490723,0.124091],269.705],["Land_PCSet_01_screen_F",[4.87476,-9.15234,0.0534067],130.108],["HouseFly",[2.40601,-10.4524,1.78818],112.196],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-5.10669,-7.94556,-0.010169],270.668],["Mosquito",[2.01685,2.33423,0.985028],41.5494],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-4.41455,-8.37817,0.124091],270.467],["HouseFly",[5.64771,-8.63867,1.55979],241.324],["Land_Cargo_House_V3_F",[6.98438,-7.67749,0.124091],359.166],["OfficeTable_01_new_F",[4.91309,-9.47607,0.0990925],90.5304],["Item_FirstAidKit",[4.93652,-9.65552,0.124108],178.645],["Mosquito",[4.92578,-9.79224,1.12723],339.258],["Land_TacticalBacon_F",[4.77759,-9.97656,0.879985],178.731],["Land_PCSet_01_case_F",[4.8833,-9.95825,0.0990858],89.4273],["HoneyBee",[-6.19238,-6.74658,0.482352],148.11],["HouseFly",[7.17212,-7.88818,1.93985],79.0445],["Land_Graffiti_02_F",[7.94922,-6.39038,1.84769],1.85938],["Land_OfficeCabinet_01_F",[4.76611,-10.6641,0.099133],355.795],["Land_OfficeChair_01_F",[5.84619,-10.2996,0.0990939],308.684],["HoneyBee",[-7.26416,-5.4043,0.420335],39.1662],["Land_Pallet_MilBoxes_F",[8.24341,-7.46484,0.131279],359.913],["HoneyBee",[9.04639,-5.12915,0.370598],331.418],["Land_MapBoard_F",[7.22852,-10.2676,0.0968647],331.444],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-1.25562,-13.7913,0.0187016],181.054],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-1.18726,-13.6331,0.124091],180.626],["Land_PaperBox_open_full_F",[8.4751,-9.76099,-0.00475693],359.913],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[7.18457,-13.874,-0.0496759],181.054],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[7.21753,-13.5759,0.124091],180.626],["ButterFly_random",[11.5613,0.400391,0.13834],254.106],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-4.39575,7.177,-0.144029],270.668],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[-4.44897,8.2561,0.124091],271.217],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[12.6018,-10.3816,0.424091],270.558],["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[2.66968,9.35181,1.62409],180.91],["Land_HBarrierBig_F",[12.6001,-11.1089,-0.14962],270.558],["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[2.56396,9.42163,0.124091],180.91],["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[-0.558594,9.46143,1.62409],180.91],["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[-0.605469,9.49097,0.124091],180.91],["Misc_cargo_cont_net3",[5.76392,9.3064,0.124091],180.91],["PowGen_Big_EP1",[14.6819,-2.39844,0.124091],88.0809]] Housefly, HoneyBee and Mosquito? I have used some object that came form mods, such as AIATP and RHS, TFAR, but I have no idea why would some objects be recognized as bugs? Could it be that those objects are with scope=1 ( private ) or this script cant get classnames from mods? Here is how my deployed HQ ( FOB ) should look like. But when I deploy it here is what I get. Two trucks instead of one, and they spawn one of top another causing them to both blow up, the hesco bag fence is missing, at least half of it is, and its missing Z coordinate ( not one on top of another, they are all on ground, the HQ container house spawns rotated 180, and all of the furniture inside is thrown out. So, what do I need to add to your grabber function in order to achieve what I want? Also ammobox idea is fine, it just needs to be added trough the code t the cargo space of the truck and need a initialization code for virtual arsenal. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arsenal
  10. Jastreb


    Please see > http://dev.withsix.com/projects/insurgency and http://dev.withsix.com/projects/insurgency/news On behalf of Fireball I am asking moderators to close this thread. Anyone interested in helping on A3 version see the links above or PM me here.
  11. Jastreb

    RHS Insurgency ALiVE

    Yeah, I have tried turning off MCC4 same thing happens. I have unpacked the mission and looked into it, on my pc, from MP hosted and I can change parameters. But its not working on my dedi. Ill try disabling unneeded mods, and see how that goes. Not tested other missions, to see if I can change parameters, might be server issue or mod conflict. Posted here > http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190080-Unable-to-change-mission-parameters-on-dedicated-server-1-4&p=2903872#post2903872 Can you tell me how to remove armor or reduce it? I loved ACE Insurgency gameplay in A2CO, but this one has way more armor. We like to play with just a few support vehicles ( transport an HMG type ) and here, we need entire battalion to support us with CAS, and all kinds of fire support. Can you make a version which has no armor, or at least tell me how to reduce or remove it? Update: Fixed the param issue, its not mission it was some mod or server launch parameter, posted in the topic linked above. Still would like to know how to reduce or remove armor. Thanks in advance. PS: SRS revive script is brilliant. Much of it based on Simple Wounding System and works the best from all out there. Edit: I think I have found a way to disable armor in ALive modules. Can you look in this script and possibly make use of it? http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180082-Rooftop-Static-Weapons-Script There is also compatibility addon for Leights Opfor pack to make use of @rds static weapon pack. Downside is it would require two more additional mods, @rds and @rds_lop_comp but I dont care if it would work.
  12. Jastreb

    RHS Insurgency ALiVE

    Hi. Love the mission, even though I have a few remarks. Armor. Please either add parameter for the amount of it, or remove it completely. Yesterday 10 of us tried playing RUS version, we had one T72B, one BMP3 and one BMP2K, we were searching for intel on start in Loy Manara. After few minutes, and few insurgents killed in close by village, suddenly 6 TANKS popped behind our backs from direction of main base. We took out 3, the rest took us out. Most of people ragequited. New version, I'm just testing it alone on dedi 1.4 and I have this problem. http://i.imgur.com/maVoaIr.jpg I cant change any parameter even if Im logged in as admin. I haven't unpacked and looked in the code, but looks like some bug. Running all the required mods, updated, plus MCC4. Mision downloaded from gdrive. Also Ive tried US version and from the parameters menu it looks like old version.
  13. I got this setup, and main idea is to lessen the traffic and bandwidth usage, but I dont see any difference. By deleting files from local dropbox, what do you exactly mean? If I delete them from there, they would get deleted from the cloud also? Of course not if I shutdown dropbox client, but then again, I dont understand how would it work? I was thinking of doing this with a remote ftp folder. I have a web server hosting account, on which I can setup mpmissions folder somewhere in "\public_html\mpmissions\" and connect that folder on my machine where Arma3 server is running, sftp or whatever the means. Then I would use your method of creating a symlink on mklink /J C:\steam\steamapps\common\user\Arma 3\mpmissions ftp://ftp.mywebdomian.tld/mpmissions/ Would this work? I read that ftp wouldnt work with symlink and Id have to use sftp. Its not a problem, but if this works it would be great. Few questions though. Server would still need to connect to that remote ftp/sftp folder and download a mission? I guess so if it would really work. Would client connecting to the arma3 server download the mission from the remote folder directly, ro would it go over the server where server would have to fetch it first, lock it in memory and then pass it to client? Would arma3 server actually read the remote ftp folder and list all available missions in mission selection screen? I have no idea if this would actually work, but if it does that would be awesome. If not, can you explain further how does this dropbox method works? Is traffic actually going over the arma3 server to client connecting or are clients actually downloading missions directly from remote folder ( in this case dropbox ). I think that this feature or alike was requested long time ago for arma2, but it never got implemented. To be clear, my main problem currently is throughput, primarily upload. Its on a 20/2 Mbit connection. Until this is upgraded, ( and it will be in a few months ) I have to make a solution, which would not make a lagfest on other services ( such as TS3 ) running on the same machine as Arma3 server. Thank you for reading.
  14. What exactly do you want to run? Have your own script or some community created mod? If its a mod/addon it will run all the times if you have it loaded with your game. If you dont know how to load an addon see here.
  15. Jastreb

    Custom Faction with Dependencies

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?161027-Tutorial-Simple-Re-texturing-Guide-%28From-Start-To-Finish%29 If you are not changing textures, then all your work is on the config level. You need to look for the classnames in the config.cpp/bin in mod A/B/C and create your own addon with config which will use mods A/B/C classes as its base classes. You need to do this separately for uniforms ( soldiers ) including weapons they use, and then vehicles, which will be populated by your newly created infantry faction. Make sure not to use same factions and classes as mods you want to make it dependent on, or you will face errors and conflicts.
  16. Bump. Out of skype group where scripters mingle, I have got two workable solution a bit better formated and optimized. The first one is solution by kylania fnc_setUnitRank = { _unit = _this select 0; _patch = _this select 1; _index = 1; { if (_x == "rank") exitwith {_index = _foreachindex;}; } foreach getarray (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> gettext ( configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform _unit >> "ItemInfo" >> "uniformClass") >> "hiddenSelections"); _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, _patch]; }; _rank = rank player; switch (_rank) do { case "PRIVATE": { [player, "\\my_addon\rank\private.paa"] call fnc_setUnitRank; }; case "CORPORAL": { [player, "\\my_addon\rank\corporal.paa"]call fnc_setUnitRank; }; }; The second one is from X39 //The function fnc_setUnitRank = { private["_rank", "_unit", "_index", "_forEachIndex", "_x"]; _rank = _this select 1; _unit = _this select 0; _index = -1; { scopeName "out"; if (_x == "rank") exitWith { _index = _forEachIndex; breakOut "out"; }; } forEach getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> getText ( configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform _unit >> "ItemInfo" >> "uniformClass") >> "hiddenSelections"); _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, format["\my_addon\rank\%1.paa", _rank]]; }; //The call [player, rank player] call fnc_setUnitRank; Still haven't tested, base model is not yet prepared, but here is the solution for anyone that wants a custom rank image to appear in the predefined hiddenselection on their model, automatically based on assigned rank in the editor or the MP session. Many thanks to everyone involved. Once I test this I will update and post working solution.
  17. Hello. I have a problem creating this and I need assistance. I am doing this for the upcoming mod release I work on. Here it is. I have a model of a soldier, and he has a rank pallet on his chest. It is defined as hiddenselection called "rank". What I want to do? I have created rank images based on the Arma3 current ranking for my soldiers army. I can assign one of those images or make them random, but that is not what I want to achieve. I want predefined rank image to appear based on players ( or AI ) rank assigned in editor or the mission. It really needs to display players rank with proper image in hiddenselection named rank and update it if rank changes. It also needs to be JIP/respawn compatible. I was thinking if AGM or Alive or MCC mods can do it with overhead rank image displayed, it can be done for this too. It just needs a bit of good scripting in which I am not that good to make something like this completely on my own. Any ideas anyone will be very much appreciated.
  18. Wouldn't that set unit insignia on the insignia hiddenselection making my rank images to appear on the shoulder? What I came up with is this fnc_setUnitRankPrivate = { _unit = _this select 0; _index = 1; { if (_x == "rank") exitwith {_index = _foreachindex;}; } foreach getarray (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> gettext ( configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform _unit >> "ItemInfo" >> "uniformClass") >> "hiddenSelections"); _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, "\my_addon\rank\private.paa"]; }; fnc_setUnitRankCorporal = { _unit = _this select 0; _index = 1; { if (_x == "rank") exitwith {_index = _foreachindex;}; } foreach getarray (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> gettext ( configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> uniform _unit >> "ItemInfo" >> "uniformClass") >> "hiddenSelections"); _unit setObjectTextureGlobal [_index, "\my_addon\rank\corporal.paa"]; }; Where rank is a hiddenselection with index 1. Then I do this _rank = rank player; switch (_rank) do { case "PRIVATE": { call fnc_setUnitRankPrivate; }; case "CORPORAL": { call fnc_setUnitRankCorporal; }; }; I am not really sure if syntax is proper, haven't tried it yet, just tell me if I did anything stupid there, or will it work at all.
  19. Problem. After I removed Iront Front ( the game ) I played once' date=' and today after I tried, it wont start, stating [b']OA/Ironf Front not found?[/b] Haven't tried with other launchers, but PWS wont run it. Advise please. Edit: Runs with BATCH script, possibly other launchers, not with PWS. Still the same issue. I guess this is PWS issue and not IF related.
  20. Thanks kju for the quick response. Its not a problem although conversion to mod is a process that needs a lot of time and patience. What happens if a new community patch arises? Will @IF be updated itself or it needs the core game?
  21. Try double clicking on an object and see if gets a dialogue up. If not you will need to use MCC4 with it. I know I did it but I had MCC running, so it might be just that. Try without and then try with MCC.
  22. One short and simple question and forgive if its already asked but this topic is huge and I cant go trough it all. Do I need to keep IF installed after I complete the conversion to mod or not? Reason for what I ask this is disk space. I need an upgrade I know but I'm currently short for it. I have both A2CO + all the DLC + tons of mods ACe and noACE, plus A3 and another ton of mods, and have converted IF in mod for A2 and A3 which requires additional bunch of mods to be used, so you got the point I guess. Thanks in advance.
  23. Jastreb

    Random spawning

    Yes you can, but you must input values of the infantry groups in the array and use proper syntax. Note that you use only infantry groups from CfgGroups nothing else.
  24. Jastreb

    Arma 3 Server monetization

    I think this is a horrible mistake. A better model for this is a form of limited public server licenses. To explain it better I will just mention PR mod for BF2 or Arma2, where server files were not available to general public, and thus content and gameplay was preserved. Now since you want to allow this monetization thing, you can do just this, and put these servers in the separate filter from the others. Just to make sure you get it - I am not saying you to limit server files or hosting, just limit those who want to monetize. You will have better control over them in this way, and scene will not turn upside down. For this you may create separate branch of server app and add an option in game UI to filter it and just disable running any mods on these servers, or yet again add the ones allowed to be monetized. While I do not support this solution at all I can understand it to some point, but at "red apache" thing and "perks" you lost me. So I'm trying to think trough a solution. If its too complicated then disregard.
  25. Jastreb

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Yes you are. You cant use EPI without being defined a medic yourself. You need to set in a Medical System module In your case, as you got it set now, truck can only be used to heal yourself on it. Unconscious ones cant magically be healed by the truck itself neither truck can apply EPI. https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/wiki/For-Mission-Makers#17-medical-system https://github.com/KoffeinFlummi/AGM/wiki/For-Mission-Makers#21-defining-a-unit-as-a-medic Use earplugs?