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Everything posted by naizarak

  1. naizarak

    Error mission in MP only

    sounds like your items aren't being replicated https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Multiplayer_Scripting
  2. the arma3battleye.exe automatically selects the arma3 executable appropriate for your system. to control it manually you can add the following params 2 1 0 -exe arma3.exe or 2 1 0 -exe arma3_x64.exe
  3. may i suggest not using pws? most groups transitioned away from it years ago
  4. i thought it was going to be completely modular?
  5. private ["_obj","_dat","_cString","_adString"]; [b]toDelete = [];[/b] _obj = objNull;_dat = [];_adString = "CAN_COLLIDE"; _cString = {_obj = createVehicle [(_dat select 0), call compile (_dat select 1), [], 0, _adString]; [b]toDelete pushBack _obj;[/b] if((_dat select 4) == 0) then {_obj enableSimulation false};_obj setdir (_dat select 2);if((_dat select 3) == -100) then {_obj setposATL (call compile (_dat select 1))} else {_obj setposASL [((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 0),((call compile (_dat select 1)) select 1),(_dat select 3)]};if((_dat select 5) == 0) then {_obj setVectorUp [0,0,1]} else {_obj setVectorUp (surfacenormal (getPosATL _obj))};if(count (_dat select 6) > 0) then {{call _x} foreach (_dat select 6)}}; _dat = ["UralWreck","[1870.203125,5703.727051,0]",132.314,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_GarbageContainer_closed_F","[1868.182495,5696.157715,0]",303.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_cargo_addon01_V1_F","[1868.182495,5696.157715,0]",303.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Tyres_F","[1871.369019,5702.731934,1.77752]",48.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Garbage_line_F","[1868.481079,5695.0405273,0]",48.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Garbage_square3_F","[1868.481079,5695.0405273,0]",48.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Tyre_F","[1867.447021,5703.179688,0]",48.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Tyre_F","[1868.509766,5702.548828,0]",48.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_BarGate_F","[1883.146851,5698.54541,0]",103.49,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["Land_Table_EP1","[1864.0161133,5694.772461,0]",142.996,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["FloorMop","[1863.653564,5695.608398,0]",142.996,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["SmallTV","[1864.343018,5694.71582,0.875487]",258.854,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; _dat = ["EvMoney","[1864.0554199,5694.316406,0.845836]",258.854,-100,1,0,[]];call _cString; sleep 0.5; hint "Prefab loaded"; then when you have to get rid of them: { deleteVehicle _x } forEach toDelete;
  6. just add each object to an array and then iterate with deleteVehicle
  7. i've noticed this too. my character will even hop out of heli/plane crashes nearly unscathed. might have something to do with the disable instant-death option. with headless client AI will also jump out of destroyed vehicles nearly unharmed
  8. i hope there's bison ;)
  9. naizarak

    Remote Execution Enhancements

    is the new JIP queue feature significantly faster than BIS_fnc_MP's old persistence option?
  10. does xeh work with user interface event handlers?
  11. I've had a similar problem on my server with HC, except mine refers to some random truck config but otherwise they're identical in structure.
  12. run arma3battleye.exe with params of "2 1" or arma3launcher.exe with params of "-noLauncher -useBE"
  13. naizarak

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    it happens if you remove then add the same uniform to a player in rapid sequence. the bug was supposedly fixed but you should still avoid it put this simple workaround in your gear script if (uniform unit != "uniform_you_want_to_add") then { removeUniform unit; unit forceAddUniform "uniform_you_want_to_add"; };
  14. basic revive enabled makes them invulnerable
  15. can anybody explain to me how the different bandage types are supposed to work in advanced medical? the medical system features-page says that each bandage is best suited for specific types of wounds, and that using a wrong bandage may increase the chance of re-opening. is that all there is to it? also from my short testing, i was able to completely close all wounds, regardless of size, using any bandage type. the injuries tab would then list all the wounds in the "head" section, even if the unit sustained injuries to other body parts
  16. naizarak

    Dedicated servers benchmarks

    yeah those are old and slow. i see you're in france, you should look at online.net. they have very low prices on decent systems. from their options the e2-1230v3 is best for arma
  17. enablesimulationglobal should be run server only. i actually run all the exported object commands server only, none of them need to be run on clients
  18. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    don't get confused, there's nothing wrong with using 1 mod alongside another one. that's how everyone use rhs. robowilso was saying it's not allowed to actually extract individual rhs assets and inject them into another mod, so basically stealing.
  19. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    you can use the virtual arsenal to get classnames, or dig through config files
  20. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    i reported this on the feedback tracker a while ago. the iron sights on aks in particular are way too small
  21. that addon must also be installed on all players to work might as well just use xcam
  22. I believe the "E" key does that Does anybody have a problem with the "Y" key not working(lock object in y axis). The "X" key function works fine though.
  23. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes a lot of nato assets have cosmetic resemblance to the modern israeli military but it's definitely not accurate in its portrayal of those respective weapons systems. actually in some ways they probably made their job harder because the future setting exacerbated the poor depth of the game's simulation in many areas, particularly vehicles, which you'd expect to have evolved far beyond the basic point-and-shoot mechanics of a3 by 2035. i'm reminded of this every time i see the completely non-functional trophy system on the merkava, which they abandoned because it was too difficult to model, among many other things. IMO they should've adopted a late cold-war setting, it would've been a more natural fit for the current capabilities of the game, and more importantly made the community happy
  24. naizarak

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yeah that's the general opinion in the community, but there's several reasons why devs go with the future route a)it frees them from licensing/copyright restrictions when making content b)it gives them significantly greater creative freedom when they're not bound to simply recreating existing weapons, makes the job much less tedious c)saves them from fanboy criticism when tank x isn't capable of killing tank y in game even though a bunch of obscure sources say it would happen in RL
  25. my hope is for a menu toggle option so it doesn't close after every selection. also would be nice if the options text was more visible, either through higher contrast or larger font. finding what you need is too difficult among the cluster of a thousand options. the new system is definitely a step forward but also needs further refinement