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Everything posted by laxemann

  1. laxemann

    Sound update ruined this game...

    What mega said. Not liking the current sounds is one thing (I have my issues with them as well but imo they're the best in the ArmA series so far) but please stop throwing around with dangerous semi-knowledge. The current sound configuration is great and opens up many possibilities and let's not forget that it was mostly done by one person (which would be nor argument if it was bad - which it isn't).
  2. Nope, this just means they changed some sounds. The issue I was talking about is already fixed in dev branch though, so it's just a matter of time till it hits stable. In the meantime I'm doing the sounds for DynaSound and RHS on Dev. FYI, progress list: DynaSound 2.0: MX Katiba F2000/mk20 Tavor/Trg2 Bulletcracks with dynamic tails Some explosions RHS: AK-74 M4 M249
  3. Coming from the other side, during a traffic jam... in winter :D Awesome!
  4. Yo! Today I've been able to fix an issue with my framework which prevented me from doing pretty much anything. The new sound configuration enables quite some cool stuff, here is a random "feature" DynaSound 2.0 will have: Gunshots fired from inside a building are heard not even half as far as if the gun was fired in the open. Now combine this with a silencer and snipers or people who prep. an ambush have an actual reason to fire out of a building. :) This will be an RHS feature, too. Edit:
  5. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm currently still in the "design phase" (read here). This means I'm still tweaking the amount of low end and treble in relation to explosions etc - the frequency balance might/will change a bit most likely :D
  6. laxemann

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Sneaky sneaky, seems like sound occlusion was added:
  7. I can't describe the level of awesomness. I'll be glad to pay my workplace a few more visits at night when the map comes out :D
  8. Yes yes, it's because the old DynaSound used scripted distant explosion sounds. The spotting round most likely inherits from a grenade or so and therefore a sound is played. I should be able to fix this for the next RHS update. :)
  9. laxemann

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    These features aren't in the default game and it would require some heavy scripting and effort to implement them. Also, they don't "need" to be added and increasing the volume of explosion sounds just for the sake of making them louder when being inside a vehicle makes no sense. I'm not speaking for LJ, but please show some respect towards people who spend their free time for your pleasure.
  10. A larger differentiation between calibres (By differences in volumes (duh), the amount of low end and general equalizing) Weapons with the same calibre will almost be impossible to differentiate at larger distances The actual "character" of a weapon is defined by it's mechanics, the further you go the more will each weapon just sound like an ordinary bang Quicker, more precise transients A bit more low-end in rifle distant samples "Authenticity" - no hollywood-like noises "Clear" soundscape - No additional echos or effects, especially for explosions Some "general" stuff might be a bit hard to follow for people who are not really into audio editing. If you want to understand the following lines, please watch first. I'll try to put it simple: The thing is that there is a clearly defined "maximum" in loudness which a digital sample can reach, everything above that will get distorted (at the parts it crosses this border). This mark is usually referred to as 0db. So you measure the loudness of a digital sound basically from minus infinite up to 0db. So far so good. Now, there is a huge issue with weapon sound mods: Guns are loud. Like, really loud - let's say around 160db. A regular conversation is between 50 and 60db. Noone would play ArmA if the gunshots were as loud as real gunshots, obviously. You'd literally go deaf. There are some technical restrictions as well, but I'll put them aside for now. The core aspect is that I have to balance the whole mod so that a footstep isn't as loud as a gun, however the gun shouldn't make you go deaf either. In digital sound, even -20db is already real quiet. So, while in reality we have a difference of almost 100db between a conversation and a gun shot, you can say that I have an average range from let's say -15 up to 0db to work with, so 15db in total. In this area there should be a clear difference between footsteps, reloading sounds, pistol shots, rifle shots, sniper shots, grenades, shells, bombs... and with difference, I'm not just talking about volumes. A sound consists of frequencies. How dominant we perceive a sound is up to many factors, mostly to the other sounds that are going on and what frequency range the sound emphasizes on. Example: We humans tend to react stronger to higher frequencies. So, even though an ArmA tank shot is a bit "louder" in volume, we might perceive a pistol shot as louder because it mainly consists of high frequencies. So, when working on DynaSound, I have to take this into account as well. If a distant gun shot has a tad too much low frequencies, it might drown out the bass area of a nearby gun. Cheers LAxe
  11. No, Eden does not implement ES features and it should still work, however I wouldn't recommend using the current version. Horrible performance from back when I started scripting :D Why didn't you ask this in the ES thread?
  12. Awww, the hotfix didnt fix the audio problem ;( To easy a pain a bit, have a listen to the new RHS M4 sounds. Before I had different sound design approaches to RHS and DynaSound, now they will be pretty much the same on a design perspective:
  13. The sonic cracks standalone addon doesn't work in 1.56, nope! To clear things up: The next release will be the "legacy" version which is nothing but the "old" DynaSound ported so that it works with the new engine. Oh, and there will be a huge performance boost thanks to the new engine features as well as the grat help of Jokoho48! I will then focus on the sounds for RHS (The actual RHS sounds), which will be completely new and make use of the new features for the most part. After RHS is ready, I will then start with a completely new version of DynaSound, let's call it DynaSound 2.0 for now, which will get all-new sounds and make use of the new features, too, Edit: oh, a new fix today? I'll check if it fixed the issue when I get home from work - and if it did, prepare for the ported version :D
  14. Good news: It seems as if the sound issue was fixed in yesterday's dev - I only checked it real quick and in low volume, but couldn't hear the issue anymore. So, the "legacy" version of DynaSound will be released with the next A3 stable update and I can begin to work on DynaSound "2.0" and RHS (which is my priority atm)
  15. laxemann

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yup, it is. I explained it in the DynaSound thread :D
  16. laxemann

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey there, sexy people! There still is this engine-side bug which makes ingame sounds sound a bit weird and prevents me from realising stuff, but I couldnt hesitate to make the first RHS soundset with the new sound configuration. Tadadada, the AK-74: Once again: Keep in mind that the sounds are affected by aforementioned bug. :)
  17. One of my design concepts for DynaSound has always been that similiar calibres sound almost indistinguishable at a distance. This made getting the "mechanical parts" of the weapons right even more important. I'd love to work more on DynaSound at the moment, but I'm stuck with the exam phase right now. And then my first priority will be RHS :D Here's some new stuff I quickly put together:
  18. AFAIK, the current released DynaSound doesn't work in 1.56 at all, the vanilla sounds will override the DynaSound ones
  19. Yup, that's right. Everything works, just waiting for an engine bug to be resolved :P
  20. Maybe ambient sounds but no bullet impacts. They sound reaaaaaaally boring in real life and the hate they'd get wouldn't be worth the effort for now :D. I have libraries of bullet impacts (veeeery good recordings) and all you hear is a short "umpf".
  21. So, to get an idea of what I'm going for, here are the MX and Katiba protoypes. Please note that the sounds are affected by the aforementioned bug which causes them to sound as if they are low-bit-rate samples (bad quality) at times, especially noticable in the tails. The video shows the MX and Katiba in both open and urban areas. You can then hear the smooth blending of the different distance sounds when an MX is shooting. :) I still have to tweak stuff like volume and filter curves, so don't worry about that haha
  22. laxemann

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    There are different reverb types, just not for the cases you'd like them to be. These types are Meadows (no special surroundings) Trees (Trees nearby) Forest (Inside a forest) Houses (Urban/City) Interior (Inside buildings)