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Everything posted by james2464

  1. Beautiful work! Can't wait!
  2. james2464


    Nice work!
  3. Channel 9, Channel 7 and the Westpac rescue chopper! Made me smile. :D Congrats, looks great!
  4. Thank you DarkDruid and Bouben for bringing this issue up. :D I can confirm the FPS also.
  5. Not that I know of, I'd be interested to see if someone does though personally.
  6. Very interesting indeed! Thanks Ruby :D
  7. james2464

    F-35B Lightning II

    Awesome work! Nice.
  8. james2464

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Beautiful work Opticalsnare! :D
  9. james2464

    3D Max 2010 and ArmA3 Terrain

    You will need to export the mesh to Mudbox (can be downloaded free) and render a height-map which can be imported into Visitor 3. From there the satellite image can be layered etc. It's rather complicated for beginners, read this: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_Terrain_Tutorial
  10. james2464

    Various problems with A3 terrain making

    Nice work Egil, keep it up! Your problem seems to be an inheritance issue, your config is by default correct if you compare it with Stratis but it may be worth trying what I have below: This could be a BIS issue that needs a ticket on the feedback tracker. class CAWorld: DefaultWorld { class Grid{}; class DayLightingBrightAlmost; class DayLightingRainy; class DefaultClutter; class DefaultLighting; class Weather: Weather { class Lighting; class Overcast : Overcast { class Weather1; class Weather2; class Weather3; class Weather4; class Weather5; class Weather6; }; }; }; class Tunoe: CAWorld { If that doesn't work you may just need to dePBO the bin back into your P drive.
  11. Absolutely stunning! Happy New Year and happy holidays!
  12. james2464

    Damage system sucks - fix needed

    I had a new player complaining to me about this today, something about 50cal's and soldiers shrugging them off at 1200m.
  13. Great initiative Kju! I'll definitely contribute where I can.
  14. james2464

    ARMA 2 Frigate Port

    BI Simulations :)
  15. Awesome ok, we've begun with basic objects. We'll wait for some kind of announcement from you. :)
  16. Kju are you still going to setup a repo? :)
  17. james2464

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Thanks BIS! :D
  18. james2464

    Multiplayer not in playable state

    Thank you BIS. :D
  19. Very impressive! Looking forward to future updates :D