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Everything posted by krzychuzokecia

  1. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    Yeah, contact info is indeed messed up. How it looks for me: Blue - new data from IPB Red - data transferred from vBulletin. Few days ago blue was editable, and visible in sidebar. Red was not editable, and visible only in profile page. Also - links doesn't link actually to TW/FB pages. Now, after yesterday's change blue is still visible, but not editable, and red is still not visible, but editable. So nothing works as it should now. EDIT due to BohemiaBeck's post: As You can see from my example - it doesn't work. "Old" (transeferred from vB) Contact Methods are editable, but doesn't show in sidebar, and links are not links in profile. Sidebar shows "new" info (from IPB, added after migration), but these are not editable now. Also, because I'm doing edit - I still don't see "Reasons for edit" anywhere, even after checking "Add the Edit by line".
  2. krzychuzokecia

    OFP Addon request thread

    Some SW addons from Master of Sci-Fi mods (Lenyoga). Early version.
  3. krzychuzokecia

    WW4 Extended - Unofficial expansion for WW4 2.5

    Well, unfortunately, no further updates are planned, apart from bug-fixing: Also, adapting WGL sight views/different CG model would need permission from WGL team/original authors - which may be hard to achieve. However, it is possible to make custom EXT config which would replace original (WW4) Carl Gustav model, with another. The file You're looking for is in ww4ext_magazines.pbo - \rocketlaunchers\carlgustav.hpp. Open it up with Notepad, and change model=""; value.
  4. krzychuzokecia

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    JdB! PuFu! Stop crying, don't despair! You can revert Your nicks back to their previous form by Yourself! Don't be scared, it's not so hard! All You need to do is visit this little site. :) @Vilas: Send PM to BohemiaBeck, he may be able to fix it.
  5. As BohemiaBeck reported: @Ruebe: I know it's hard, but I'm sure You'll get on with it somehow... :P
  6. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    You mean the old Private, Sergeant and so on? Yes, it is dead. You can change it to what You want in Member title field in profile settings.
  7. I'd disagree. Even more - post number and link to it should be in the same line like post date, but on right (top-right corner of the post). Why? That's where it is present in most forums: vBulletin and Kunena have it there, phpBB have everything in left top, only XenForo is a bit different - it's on the bottom of the post. Nobody puts it in the sidebar, and that would be weird and unusual. I've already lost five minutes frantically searching for post link.
  8. That's all I'd ever need to know. Thanks a lot!
  9. Oh, how cool... BTW: I don't quite get the difference, but I thought that in OFP it is better to convert sounds to .wss format. .ogg is said to give lower performance (as it is converted on the fly to uncompressed PCM). Is it really that important (most of the addons seem to use .ogg)?
  10. Ah, well, since You've mentioned me by the name... But not earlier than next week (I've got real life, ya know?) :P EDIT: Call me Chris.
  11. krzychuzokecia

    DUNE mod V1.0

    Yes, they move without problems :)
  12. krzychuzokecia

    DUNE mod V1.0

    Understood. Ah, I feel Your pain! :P BTW: There's something wrong with Squad Leader version - when calling other squads for their position report, there's an error: Position Error #1: Big letters Also, it would be better to send them new coordinates by single-clicking on map, instead of double clicks.
  13. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    For once I feel better than the Firefox-master-race.
  14. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    You mean that hitting RMB on a picture doesn't give You context menu with Save/Copy/Etc. options? Check if it isn't somehow Your browser - for me it works, Opera 30.0 with JavaScript enabled for BI pages.
  15. krzychuzokecia

    DUNE mod V1.0

    Vehicles are looking really, really great, but their interiors should get more love. Weapons too aren't that great like the rest of stuff. And there's some mess in the editor categories. But nothing game breaking with that - vehicles and buildings are top-notch! However, there is one really big problem: I demand more missions with t3h w00rmzz! :P
  16. They're not. I was only reffering to the problem with... Don't hesitate to visit us more often! :)
  17. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    That's why some other method of PM archivisation (apart from send it all to my mail) would be appreciated... ... but that doesn't mean we don't appreciate what was already done! Thumbs up Beck & Co! :)
  18. This is the addon you're looking for, and this is the thread you're might be looking for in the future.
  19. This is somehow related to texture format. Kenoxite here have some solutions (but no answer why the hell it should matter what file type was used in source image). BTW: STGN! Where have You been? We missed You!
  20. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    Another problem with PMs (I bet that Invision Power guys would proudly call that a feature): when you're deleting some messages from your inbox/outbox, they're automatically deleted also from recipient/sender account. This is firstly very weird, and secondly annoying especially in community which is based on permissions. Link this with impossibilty to archive PMs (sending them to e-mail account is the worst possible solution), and we can expect problems when trying to prove to the mods that we don't steal stuff from other's. BTW: I'm curious, does anyone from BI webmasters have some past experiences with IP.boards? I don't have any, but those IP guys seem to break simplest things! EDIT: yeah, I know - it's not possible to fix it, apart from changing the engine once again.
  21. krzychuzokecia

    New forums, you decide

    Well, that's what BohemiaBeck stated in his post. Actually, such feature was wanted by community/users since Bohemia's Store and BIki were founded. But IMHO now it's too late. Why? 1. With the move to the Steam as a main distribution platform, BI Store have become obsolete technically and morally. 2. BIki is plagued with it's own issues, and still can't share user accounts with other services. So, it's only Mini-DayZ which can use the same accounts with forums.
  22. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    In a true Bohemia's fashion new forums are plagued with bugs on release. 10$ DLC is expected in 6 months. Standalone expansion in two years! That's actually the main reason behind the change - somehow old forum engine could not share user accounts with other BI services. From my reconing, it happens with everything you want to do. Seems like it's part of the transplantation process - first time kicks you, but later it works (happened to me with PMs). BTW: quote blocks could stand out a little more - now it's hard to see where's quote and where's the rest of the post.
  23. krzychuzokecia

    List of issues with the new forums engine

    Ahh... Once again, since previous try seems to have dissappeared. 1. Not a big issue, but somehow annoying: previously an user name (and password) was everything I would need to log in. Now I need to type my e-mail address, which is quite longer. Time is precious! 2. Community groups seem to have vanished, which is a shame, because a lot of interesting discussions were hidden there. Though, I can imagine it;s impossible to transfer this feature to the new enigne. 3. The bottom panel, one which showed current forum time, dissappeared too.
  24. krzychuzokecia


    Seems like a cool idea, though when I tried it alone I lasted only for five minutes! :p I've seen 23rd logo in briefing - do they play with WW4EXT? It would be cool to play Your missions online, but OFP Monitor/Powerserver shows only their WW4 2.5 server...
  25. krzychuzokecia

    Mission requests and ideas

    Since OFPEC Missions Depot seems to be down, anybody here have Popka's SP mission called Outlaws? Thanks in advance!