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road runner

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Everything posted by road runner

  1. road runner

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    I just don't think they have the coders required for a major update to the AI. I'd much rather have an AI DLC where AI Didn't walk off roof's Climbed up and down ladders on request, and by themselves Were able to scale walls by themselves All very well making Jets DLC which Is pointless on the standard vanilla maps, as they're not large enough to get the benefits of something akin to DCS's in terms of simulation. They (BIS) should have focused on the tanks that weight 60 tonnes being flipped like confetti after hitting a pebble, or vehicles that roll constantly on any hillside that has a gradient of more than 3 degree's. The AI being smarter is what the consumer has wanted for long enough, not fancy tank interiors, or radars on aircraft, these are cosmetic when the AI is still as fucking dumb as a box of frogs!!
  2. road runner

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I'd like to think so too, however I'm more inclined to believe that the Tanks DLC is just going to be a cosmetic eye candy download, with interiors. I stopped giving AI drivers multiple way points, it was too overwhelming for them. I stopped using vehicles altogether, as it's too frustrating having a 60 + tonne tank get tossed like a pancake after running over a rock. I've given up hope that the AI, either on foot, in a vehicle, or in the air can actually stop being motards, and apply some sort of logic, it's not happening so I've been playing a lot of zombies and demons as their intelligence is to be expected!!
  3. road runner

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Unfortunately there is the same problem with ALL vehicles, wheeled and tracked, compounded with the fact the AI are fucking dumb and unable to get out of the way of a vehicle, but are able to spot you and rain hell on you and can decide when their close enough to throw frags in your direction. Unless BIS get specific AI coders in to fix this, the AI is never going to to be jaw dropping awesome.
  4. road runner

    Help with uniform config.

    because both are inheriting their uniforms from this uniformClass = B_soldier_new; They should be different for the different characters.
  5. Best guess is you're missing several classes that should be named above class CfgWeapons I use Toadie2K's configs since I released the KSK addon that used his G36's I have this above class CfgWeapons class Mode_SemiAuto; class Mode_Burst; class Mode_FullAuto; class MuzzleSlot; class SlotInfo; class CowsSlot; class PointerSlot; class asdg_SlotInfo; class asdg_MuzzleSlot; class asdg_MuzzleSlot_556; class asdg_FrontSideRail; class asdg_UnderSlot; class asdg_OpticRail; class asdg_OpticRail1913; class asdg_OpticRail1913_short; class CfgWeapons { class Rifle; class UGL_F; //class WeaponSlotsInfo; class Rifle_Base_F: Rifle { class WeaponSlotsInfo; }; class ItemCore; //class ItemInfo; class InventoryItem_Base_F; class InventoryMuzzleItem_Base_F; class InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F; class InventoryFlashLightItem_Base_F; class Zasleh2; class arifle_TRG20_F; and for my attachments I have this class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo { mass = 85; class MuzzleSlot: asdg_MuzzleSlot_556{}; class PointerSlot: asdg_FrontSideRail{}; class CowsSlot: asdg_OpticRail1913_short{}; class UnderBarrelSlot { access=0; }; }; Works for me no probs.
  6. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks, wasn't 100% sure this was the case with regards to the Updating etc. Good job on the latest pics etc.. nice stuff in the pipeline it would seem.
  7. road runner

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The BAT file system no longer works. They stopped using the BAT updater several updates ago. Pretty sure everything is now done via steam, with regards to updates.
  8. road runner

    ASR AI 3

    The whole point of it being called AI or artificial intelligence is to give off the impression they have a somewhat concept of "thinking for themselves", especially within arma, and any other game. You are looking for something within this whole game that is out of the realms of true AI. Once again, you're ignoring what the purpose of what this addon gives, and offers, and the extent certain AI performance/capabilities are severely limited within ArmA. You just cannot compare A3 with any other games that support AI, even previous incantations by BI, as no doubt, the scriptwriter's are not the same people. Others are also trying to point out certain things but you are just not willing to accept any sort of reasoning, your word has to be heard with regards to this author. It's what you want, and to hell with everyone else. There are reasons why things like UPSMON patrol scripts are written, it's to allow AI a greater "degree of freedom" when it comes to their behaviour. Robalo, and other AI scriptwriters have done some awesome work, and their dynamics certainly change the whole game, I'd personally love to see AI climb up and down ladders, on request, or the ability to not walk off a roof after fast roping onto, for example the hospital in Karvala, but hey ho, it is what it is, the secret is playing the game with the tools and addons at your disposal, and being happy with it, not whining and bitching about the hard work and effort that's gone in to this particular AI addon, since it's first release. You can't have your cake and eat it. Maybe take up your requests with Robalo, the creator in a PM, he may respond to you more sympathetically.?
  9. road runner

    NIArms Release Thread

    Silly question, but did you download the new latest core? It works flawlessly on mine with the latest Core V1.2, best animations seen yet for sidearms.
  10. road runner

    NIArms Release Thread

    That's also very very true!! hahahaha
  11. road runner

    NIArms Release Thread

    Same thing a lot of the Thai bar girls say !!
  12. road runner

    NIArms Release Thread

    I want to have your babies!! Another mega release.. super excited.
  13. road runner

    ASR AI 3

    Surely with 4500 + hours in Arma 3 you'd figure out out how to set up patrol boxes, patrols scripts, and how to edit waypoints so that they do exactly as you want them to do ?? You appear to be constantly griping about what this addon doesn't do, compared to the vast amounts it does do. You also seem to be making snide comments towards the author too, despite the fact he's bending over backwards to appease the overall community. Give the guy a break, and remember most people have lives outside of modding
  14. road runner

    NIArms Release Thread

    Toadie has never failed to disappoint. The man never stops!!
  15. road runner

    ASR AI 3

    With all due respect, he's answering plenty of questions, perhaps the answers are not to your liking ? you're quite thron when it comes to getting your own personal point across, whilst ignoring the effort the creator is putting in, without a doubt it's the best AI addon available, as you have rightly said, but you're pushing the creator to cater towards your personal objectives, not his.
  16. road runner

    Ghillie concept

    dude, you're bumping 3 year old threads.
  17. I have been trying for a year to get charges to stick on Trawler hulls, to no avail, trying numerous 3rd party scripts, all have failed as they drop to the seabed, so this would be a welcome addition mate.
  18. Yeah, I checked the pbo through pbo manager and the desert textures are quite light, not like the coyote tan look that's going on there
  19. Seems okay my end. Ah I'm running version 1.8, and non steam version at that. Will need to update and check
  20. road runner

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    That's why they created the addons request thread , where this is better suited, it took more to edit the forum headers so it was left as is. Whilst you're partly correct, this part of the forum is generally for WiP's ... just a heads up.
  21. road runner

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    LOL, sometimes you can't see the woods for the tree's
  22. road runner

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    errrrr from the very link you posted Original Bulgarian KRINKOV style 4-Piece Flash Hider
  23. road runner

    So, you can pass thru the High Voltage wires!

    I see this with many small helo's, it's the rotor blades, they don't seem to have any sort of collision geometry, ot the trees they're flying between on the various maps dont
  24. road runner

    [WIP]ORC's TIER1 Equipment Pack

    Yes, but the artificial light an play tricks on you, like uniform textures, I just open a map, throw the item down, it looks better in the natural environment, at the end of the day, it all comes down to personal preferences. It's like people who get wound up on other forums about the use of the word "private addons" people tend not to realise that WiP's are classed as private too. It's all semantics