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Everything posted by dlegion

  1. dlegion

    ACE3 disable ladder

    well...tried : [ box, "ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack", true ] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; and tried: [box,"ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack", true ] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualBackPackCargo; (where "box" is the name of the object providing the arsenal, and i'm quite sure "ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack" is the name of the ladder-backpack ) ...and it does not work.
  2. hello! i really need to disable ACE3 tactical ladder, on a dedicated server environment, so keeping compatibility (i cannot for example just remove the "tacticalLadder.pbo" ). any idea how do it ? really thanks for any help !
  3. actually i was calling it from an action in script OnPlayerRespawn.sqf player addAction ["Take squad command", "DDscripts\Dleader.sqf",[],1,false,false]; so, how can i make it call from server? ...and using "player" calling it from server will stillwork ? thanks man !
  4. thanks man! you're great as always !
  5. dlegion

    ACE3 disable ladder

    hem...its an arsenal...not a virtual ammobox. i mean the objects aren't there even virtually....you equip al odout and items just spawn on you.
  6. dlegion

    ACE3 disable ladder

    ehm no, my mission is made for vanilla, so i just run the server with ACE3 but no modules. no other way to somehow disable it ? thanks anyway!
  7. dlegion

    ACE3 disable ladder

    yep, exactly, i have full arsenal, and if you would explain me how remove from arsenal, would be awesome :) thanks !
  8. hello guys, i have the same problem, i need to give every player in the group an action to allow them take leadership of the group (to command AI). [group player, player] remoteExec ["selectLeader", 0, true]; the above line seems to not work correctly...sometimes it works, but most of the times dont see the icons of AI soldiers in group. i'm not familiar with this locality concept...maybe thats the problem, can someone explain it a bit ? thanks!
  9. hello, since tanks DLC seems that usual randomization no longer works on dedicated server! if i run the same mission from editor, it randomize correctly, but on dedicated, it does not! all offroads are red, all hatchbacks are white ecc... any idea whats wrong and how fix it ? thanks!
  10. hello, i was pretty sure that placing -mod=@MODname means that you need that mod to join, otherwise you use -serverMod=@mod to allow join without that mod. with this line: -port=2302 "-config=C:\GAMES\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWAR---TEST-mods\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\GAMES\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWAR---TEST-mods\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\GAMES\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Server\TADST\DWAR---TEST-mods" -name=DWAR---TEST-mods -filePatching "-mod=argo;curator;heli;jets;kart;mark;orange;tacops;tank;@CBA_A3;@Advanced Rappeling;@Advanced Urban Rappeling;@ace;@task Force Radio" -autoInit ...i was pretty sure that CBA , ACE and TFAR were needed to joi...but i can perfectly join without them !! so...how i force the players to have specified mods ? (i already use battleye and verify signatures V2). thanks!
  11. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    thank for the info ! right now i have only CBA and ACE3 on server, so no TFAR on server or clientside, but offroad still red. maybe are 2 different problems with a common symptom, and now its a randomization problem, because i see also all other vehicles of a single skin (for example all hatchback are white). In my description.ext i put : //disableRandomization[] = {}; ...but seems like its kinda ON :( any idea about that ?
  12. yep, i posted on feedbacktracker, but they dont care at all.
  13. hello, after 2 days of tests, i sadly found a lethal problem for dedicated server: memory usage is constantly increasing in presence of AI....when it goes over 2000mb server crash with "out of memory" error. at first i thinked it was my mission, and to exclude that i made a fresh new mission, just placed 3 playable units, and 6 rifle squads (8 men each) and 4 tank platoons (4 tanks each), all with a "move" waypoint and a "cycle" waypoint. sadly....even there, the memory usage slowly increase. seems to be directly related to how many AI is there, for example, here are the results of test of different missions: in an empty map with just that AI placed by editor...there should be no possibility of "external problems" (i use no mods, just pure vanilla for tests). to see the memory increasing i used " #monitor 1 " at start,, but noticed that windows task manager is even better to monitor it! hope that gets fixed soon, as it is game-breaking! image of error found in the morning after leaving server running in the night: https://ibb.co/k30HBa
  14. dlegion

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    hm...interesting...can be that screwing my mission lately? after a while scripts start to run slowly, like 2 consecutive commands run with a 2 secs delay! its like a "script lag" but server runs fine at 48 FPS. "connection lost" and "kicked by battlkeye, client not responding" are other problems, sometime even server crash. thanks for any info!
  15. hello guys, i tried reading every guide (starting from the main one in this forum), but i encountered some problems really hard to kill. I tried the steamcmd system, but it doesnt let me write password to enter steam account, so i used steam "arma3 server" from tools, coupled with TADST, and it worked for almost 1 year. now with 1.82 update, i got troubles, in the form of apparently random server crash, client disconnection with "session lost " and "kicked by battleye, client not responding". it happens in a random range from 5 minutes to 3 hours, sometimes even more. after weeks of testing from default missions no mods to custom mission with mods, i thint its somehow related to using mods and server config , probably messed up even more by running many servers. so i wisht to stop use TADST (that i fear complicate things even more), and use the *.cfg files. I already readed many posts and tutorials about that, but i really need some help to translate all the info i readed in a solution tailored on my needs. really thanks for any help guys !
  16. hello, i got problems with battleye since 1.82 update too, i get "session lost" or "kicked by battleye, client not responding" error, at random times from 5 minutes to 3 hours ! help !
  17. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    maybe i found a problem, but no idea what cause it or how solve... if i use 100% vanilla, there is an AAF FIA pickup with HMG that has a camo skin. if i use CBA or TFAR or ACE the same pickup is painted bright red, and seems its some sort of know bug. but on server, it gets red also if 100% vanilla !! its like if it somehow load other mods or get somehow influenced by them ! i triple chekced TADST settings, even changed folders, problem still there ! i think its related to this disconnections!
  18. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    really thanks for your help man ! well...i will first explain the whole situation: i tried follow the instruction about how setup the server on the official page here : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Dedicated_Server but sadly when i use the steamCMD console it dont let me write the password, so i setup the server in another way: downloaded from steam tools the "arma3 server", and used TADST to setup it. so i suppose my server.cfg is the one named TADST_config.cfg really thanks for any help!
  19. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    ah ! thanks for the info guys!! i'm digging in all this because i got a problem with my server...if i run it with mods, i can join with or without, but in both cases i get an apparently random battleye error "kicked by battleye , client not responding" after a random time from 15 minutes to 2 hours ! and without mods this not happen...so its something weird...any idea what can be ? thanks again !
  20. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    so...just to understant it all...the pratical difference from: -mod and -serverMod is...?
  21. dlegion

    -mod allow no mods!

    aaaaaaaahh!! really thanks man, now its way more clear! so to "force" someone using ACE for example, i should place an ACE object in map ? thanks man !
  22. dlegion

    BattlEye Client Not Responding

    same problem here...
  23. dlegion

    flaps are still useful?

    i really suspect something wrong....probably a bug....its nosense have the same speed with flaps full down or full up!
  24. dlegion

    flaps are still useful?

    sorry for the double post, first post gived an error and didnt showed up, so i supposed was lost! yep the wipeout take off at 200km/h (that is good, even if not realistic with that payload) with or without flaps! there should be a difference have flaps full down or full up!