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Everything posted by nikiforos

  1. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Sorry but If we use this hotfix can we then use Fred41 allocator solution? Or should we just forget about it?
  2. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Is Fred41 still around? Someone should contact him maybe he can fix this issue :(
  3. nikiforos

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Same issue here! I hope BIS can hotfix this or else it would be a big setback for the game development. Also we should expect at least same FPS(after 3 years of development) not lower right?
  4. nikiforos

    Targeting improvements

    Ohh I see!! But are there any plans to add laser designator?
  5. nikiforos

    Targeting improvements

    Do I need to have a copilot to lase a target or can I do it in the A-10 just through the targeting pod? Thanks!
  6. nikiforos


    Maybe the Tanoa jungle will be quite similar to Star Wars Battlefront jungle :D
  7. nikiforos


    People always seem to look back instead of forward and to the future. I don't want APEX to be OA but much more improved expansion since they learned from the past and can improve this a lot. And BTW I have the feeling that the release will be pushed back.. Maybe a month or two until August or September. I hope I'm wrong but that's how I feel.
  8. Guys not sure but I don't think that artillery computer works correctly with the frigate.
  9. What ?? Oh my God!! Fred41 where are you? :o
  10. nikiforos


    Yeah don't buy it man I mean you can almost buy a new car with 25€ :D On a serious note I can tell you one thing, since 2013( Arma 3 release) I bought many games and many times much more expensive but none of the other games is today installed on my computer except Arma. And tell me other companies with the same support as BI, easy NONE! I know I complain many times about the game performance but I even enjoy setting up a small scenario in the editor and have small skirmishes for an hour or so.. In the end it's your choice!
  11. nikiforos

    Targeting improvements

    I really hope for camera lock as well I think it's really important!!
  12. nikiforos

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Guess you can have clouds but sun can still be visible and strong at times! I prefer the first picture not the dev.
  13. nikiforos

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    First of all thanks for your effort I really like most of the updates and I'm sure you guys are going to improve even further :) Biggest issue with the new visuals is the exposure of not so good looking mid range textures. With the old system they were kind of concealed but now with the new lighting they are exposed. I'm not saying you should change everything but at least tone done the unpretty midrange textures. Water is beautiful so no complaints there :)
  14. I didn't notice any issues, in fact Real light is my first option in the dev branch.
  15. Well I doesn't really matter , a decrease in FPS is a decrease regardless of setup..
  16. nikiforos


    True that but I guess it's easier to play with lightning instead of working with midrange textures :)
  17. nikiforos


    Problem with that kind of lightning is that midrange textures look really bad.. With old lightning it was some kind concealed . Don't get me wrong I'm all for the new lighting but I think that it needs a lot of tweaking.
  18. Excellent work mate!! :)
  19. nikiforos

    Targeting improvements

    Well it's always nice with suprises and it seems BIS are really expanding their horizon and most importantly they are inspired by community modders. Good work !!
  20. nikiforos


    It's like Realight is implemented into the game engine. It's nice but in some cases I prefer the old lighting it actually create a better atmosphere.
  21. nikiforos

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Wow that attitude :huh:
  22. nikiforos

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Well the FPS drop is quite huge but I don't have time posting a repro mission. You can try the editor simple as that. Set up your units and incoming enemy aircraft .
  23. Seriously I'm willing to pay to get this map earlier.
  24. First one is absolutely breathtaking :o Already forgot about Tanoa..
  25. Nice video but I'm afraid the fishermen will not last long due to smoke inhalation :) PS. You might need some sharks in the water :)