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Gunter Severloh

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Everything posted by Gunter Severloh

  1. Gunter Severloh

    WeaponSights Zoom

    The CDDLC's have their own folder, you need to get the config information from the files themselves, you can do that through the config viewer ingame or open the files themselves though with CDDLCs they are probably encrypted i presume. But this: requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Weapons_F_Acc","A3_Weapons_F_beta","A3_Weapons_F_Beta_Acc","A3_Weapons_F_gamma","A3_Weapons_F_gamma_Acc","A3_Weapons_F_EPA","A3_Weapons_F_EPA_Acc"}; }; You need to list those pbos with the weapons in them, like you see with the vanilla ones here.
  2. Gunter Severloh

    WeaponSights Zoom

    1st welcome to BI forums! 2nd, I need to see your entire config, not just the classnames you used, because if your missing whats required then none of it will work. You've got the right idea with what you posted, but those arent working because you might be missing the class core file that those classnames are from, you might also be missing the correct addons too. Take a look at WeaponSight Zoom config i pasted it to website called Codeshare: https://codeshare.io/j0BOOB Use it as an example, even a template if you want, but post your whole config and then i can get a better idea of where your at and maybe tell you why its not working.
  3. Gunter Severloh

    Mandatory Tutorial

    An idea would be to have like seen in some games on screen tool tips that show tips for whatever actions the new player hasn't done yet as they progress, then set it up to enable/disable it in the options. Theres also something like done in Arma 3 the VR series, where you basically play a mission and perform all kinds of various tasks, and each thing you do successfully unlocks the next level. Along with that you can have an official video series that is an entertaining tutorial on how to do each function in order to learn, kinda of like what they did for Arma 3. Dyslexi created a series of video overviews going over many various subjects of the game and they have been established on steam along with the game as an official series you can watch and learn about various aspects of the game along with the ingame manual that can be expanded showing all your keys for each function.
  4. Gunter Severloh

    [SP] Ragnarok'44

    Hello Iron Front Fans! Here is a single player Rts (Real Time Strategy) Mission/Mode Rydygier and myself built back in 2013 for the Iron Front in Arma2OA (IFA2) conversion now ported to Iron front in Arma3 IFA3! What is Ragnarok'44? DESCRIPTION Ragnarok'44 is a single player WW2 RTS (Real Time Strategy) mission series based on Window of Opportunity "The battle from above!" mission mode by Mondkalb, modified for (IFA2 - Iron front in Arma2oa and ported to IFA3 Lite for Arma3) with his permission. Command, Build, Recruit, Capture, Incarnate, Seize & Destroy your enemy! Features: Command with a camera as a general pointing and clicking what and where you want your forces to go and do. Build buildings which will allow you to recruit various types of infantry, vehicles, tanks, and static weapons. Establish a logistics to gain better\faster resources, upgrade the level and skill of infantry, vehicle, and tankers, as well as increase efficiency of fuel, and ammo usage by the AI. Play as any of your forces in 1st/3rd person by incarnating into them, command a whole squad, be a lone soldier, play as a tanker, or just be a driver of a vehicle. Capture strategic points on the battlefield which will earn you more resource points allowing you to build more forces and upgrade them. Create your own Ragnarok'44 missions on any map! Fight enemy AI Commander (Hetman A3 (Artificial commander) that will seize strategic points, gather resources, build and deploy his own army, defend, and engage you with force. Requirements IFA3_AIO Ragnarok'44 mod (IFA3) v1.16 (Steam Workshop) Missions - Ragnarok'44 Steam Workshop Mission Collection Demo v1.8 Steam Workshop Battle_for_Staszow v1.6 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Baranow_Crossroads v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Chateau_Clash v1.2 Steam Workshop - Video Overview/Play City_under_Duress v1.7 Steam Workshop - Video overview Colleville_Engaged v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video overview Ivachev_Clash v1.7 Steam Workshop - Video overview Neaville Occupied v1.2 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video Panovo_Front v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Paros_Front v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview The_Szydlow_Stalemate v1.5 Steam Workshop - Video Overview Winter Missions Blood Red Snow v1.5 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video - Mission Overhaul v1.5 Video Neaville Occupied Winter v1.0 Steam Workshop - Build & Play Video ==================================================================== ===================================================================== Video Tutorial & Step by step instructions------> See Tutorial Post Ragnarok'44 PDF Detailed information on subjects on the workings of the mission/mode See post with all information ------> LINK ============= Mod Changelog Credits Rydygier - Addon, scripting, testing, and building the Ragnarok'44 demo mission / Updating. Gunter Severloh - Acquired permissions from Mondkalb in 2013, testing, ideas, feedback, editing, translation, new missions, and promotion. Mondkalb - WOO - World of Opportunity - would not be possible without WOO and Mondkalb's original idea, and work in Arma2, thanks man! Kju - Advice, support, & fixing various issues - thanks Kju for your help, you really accelerated this project with your skills, and solved alot of issues making it possible in Arma3/IFA3. =================
  5. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    With this Script you can easily Create a Paradrop scenario for AI or Players!
  6. I would change that .ogg to wav i had no issues with wav files, and use pbomanager. Post your config.cpp and the script.
  7. Hey guys, an interesting topic, im sure many can agree that one would never had thought to see such a situation occur as the world being in a pandemic crises in fear of an infectious virus or something else. In human history if anyone has taken any interest to the subject such has the Black Plague of the 14th century, the Spanish flue of the 1800's, or others that literally killed thousands if not close to millions of people just boggles your mind. On a note to that other then the Ebola virus some years back which seems to have been taken care of as far as im aware this new one the Covid19 virus is taking the world by storm reading and watching videos on it, its crazy, here where i live nothing has really occurred yet, other then massive school, and sporting event closings, and cancellations i was just at the local drug store this morning to pickup some gallons of water, and the shelves were empty so i had to settle for a few bottles, lol but aside that everything seems "normal". Who would thought that in ones lifetime that you would experience, witness such a situation that you idk if you could say exist in movies with zombies, or an apocalyptic situation i mean to say that it feels like a dream because idk about anyone else for me at least i never dealt with any serious situation of worry except maybe some months of unemployment but never anything with major disasters, chaos, war, or even a pandemic like what is happening. I cant fathom what it was like for whole nations, peoples to go to war, go through war, and or live through what we are now slowly experiencing in our day and age, im sure for some of you based on where you live the situation is more dire and serious then where i am but all i got to say is how crazy is this! An interesting article i found which was just posted recently about Plagues, and viruses of the past, how they started, spread and how many people died, as the author states we could learn from history, check it out https://thebulletin.org/2020/03/black-plague-spanish-flu-smallpox-all-hold-lessons-for-coronavirus/# also check this video out by Joe Rogan, who interviews a virus detective What is everyone's situation where they currently live at?
  8. Hello, hope i can help, no expert here but i did build a mod with some help, this is part of my config.cpp file for my mod I bolded some areas you may need to add or use, there are parts of the cpp i left out. Also i didn't use addon builder to build my mod, just notepad++ and pbomanager, addon builder last i used it couple yrs ago is finicky if thats the word, its "particular" to certain things, imo it was a headache when i first used it, might be different now with past updates, idk but i dont use it myself for anything dealing with mods i work/ed on. Can i see your entire mod structure, all folders and files as you have it? Then i can get a better idea on what the issue might be.
  9. Gunter Severloh

    I really need help with ARMA 3 Server

    That normally means your missing mods. Do this: 1. Post the commandline for the server. 2. Locate your server's RPT, open it with notepad, copy it all then paste it here ----> https://justpaste.it/ publish it and share the link in your reply. Other notes, if your not using any mods on your server, i would recommend a couple of things: 1. Create a simple mission in the editor, just choose VR map or Stratis and place a player, save and export to MP. Then go to your mpmissions folder -- --> (C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\MPMissions) and grab the pbo. 2. Put the pbo on your server either through ftp, or the method your using to upload files. 3. Start the server, choose your mission and see if it loads and you can play it, if so then its something else your trying to play that is giving you the issues. So the question is: What are you playing to see if the server is running correctly? as you stated "few mins later i get no message received" Again whats the scenario or mission your using to test the server? There could be something wrong with either that mission, or your missing mods it requires, lastly your rpt and or server.logs should tell you all this. Provide details or your going to continually deal with this yourself til you figure it out or give up and quit.
  10. Thanks! Yes the tutorial was actually based on another tutorial i had seen that imo did it half ass, i mean it worked for how they showed it but it wasn't to my satisfaction, it left to many holes and details missing, and was a sloppy video especially for a highly sought after subject such as this. So i spent a couple weeks on this, testing every detail i could think of and decided to write up a highly details tutorial and then record a video of that. Aside my other videos on my channel its one of my most popular. Btw i just had updated the font color of the steps, and added a video under binarized part.
  11. Hello, Welcome to BI forums! Can you give details as to what you did? So you had played the mission Located the mission in the steamworkshop folder You named the pbo based on the mission name You extracted the pbo and now you have a folder with the missions name and the map extension (terrain the mission is on) Then you moved that mission folder to the editor and did your editing. Correct? So what does this mean? Does the mission play, or load at all, if it does then whats not correctly. So its either two things, either you didn't follow the process entirely, or forgot a part for getting your mission in the editor, or in your editing via scripts or through assets in the editor you changed something and the mission dont play or work like it normally would. Need details as i cant really give you answer with a solution or info on what is wrong.
  12. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    With this Simple Method you can Easily setup AI that Respawns in Wave Attacks!
  13. Gunter Severloh

    Price of the game....demo

    Your comparing apples to oranges, OFP was an entire game itself not a "testbed" for the "next game" like Reforger is its a difference in perspective, plus consider that BI went from working on the engine they created to a new engine. Considering all the updates they've had and issues they fixed even the couple i reported months back im pretty impressed on how far it has come, the game yes it is still a game is pretty big regardless of the lack of content aside the many new maps created by modders among other things. The game is also gorgeous if you have the hardware to support it, your imagination can do wonders here, dont let yourself be to spoiled where you cant appreciate what you got because you've played other games with more content or features most especially Arma 3 and its predecessors. $30 is crap your paying pennies for an insane amount of coding and models, you can spend that and more on a Saturday night with your friends and you get a meal that lasts you what 3-4hrs? Whereas you've got software developers spending thousands of hours, working on a complex system of code and models on an engine their still learning and developing. You must be broke because $30 is nothing for what BI has given us, you have the choice to buy it or not. Unless you've built mods, maps, or have written scripts in the other Arma games then you really dont have an idea of what time consuming work it is to create something then discover there is a bug in it number 1 and then number 2 how to solve that bug, been there done that. I'll give you $30, its not about the numbers its about whats behind making a game like this possible. We are only at the beginning of AR in its development, with the updates constantly coming out and their long lists of fixes, changes, among other things, imo BI is doing what their supposed to be doing, there isn't another game imo that pushes updates like BI does that i have played. Even Arma 3 is ....still getting updates consistently to this day since .... 2013!, imo your getting more then your money's worth, give it time it will come around more content will come, as things get upgraded, fixed, and more optimized it will be easier for everyone BI and modders to get more content in the game. Arma 3 was the same way and look at where its now, give it time, the way BI is going at it, it will refine itself into a good game. Also multiplayer isn't the only thing to do in the game, go into game master place a player and a jeep set the time of day and go travel the map or some of the new maps modders created, compared to Arma 3 AR has some more immersive elements that only Arma 3 wishes it had.
  14. Update added Backpacks, Helmets, Gameplay, Infantry Weapons, Objects, Planes, Ships, Statics, Structures, & Tanks Objects [Kofee] WW2 Props - This adds about 70 assets to the WW2 theme. Infantry Weapons WW2 Light Mortars - German 5cm Le GrW 36 light mortar (5cm leichter Granatwerfer 36) and RM41 Soviet 50 mm light infantry mortar. NIArms Bren L4A3 - The L4A3 Bren, with the L4A2, was the standard section-level LMG of the UK Army and Navy from 1958 until withdrawal in 1992. Planes DFS_230 WW2 Liveries Finland - Adds a few new liveries for Flying Legends/Secret Weapons & IFA. P-47 FEB Retex - P-47 rextexture with the Brazilian Air Force liveries from WW2. Compatibility Mods IFA3 liberation compatibility 7Y WW2 radio chat fixed - Radio chatters on the lower left of your screen when you carry a radio item, is back. Terrains (Maps) Corregidor - This island was home to artillery batteries and forts of the USA - used for defense against naval and ground forces of the Empire of Japan.
  15. Update added Desert & Middle Eastern Albasrah WW2 - World War Two Corregidor Lubyanka 1942 Space & Other world Terrains Banshee Stargate Impact: Project Aquila (Alpha) Star Wars Opposition Maps - (also added to the Terrain Packs - (multiple terrains) category) Miranda Germany Linchenbinch Miscellaneous Listenbourg 2077 Islands Project T - SOG Internal Build 0.5 Atlantis Eastern Europe Moschnyi Island Novogorsk Archipelago & Fiji /Australia Arkhon Rotoroa Island Philippines/Indonesia The Rock Island Winter Eagle Mountain
  16. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    Create AI Patrols without Modules, Mods, or Scripts using this Simple Code!
  17. So what scenarios are you playing that this happens, missions you created, vanilla scenarios or subscribed sp scenarios from the workshop and which one/s? Also grab your latest rpt which can be located here: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Arma 3 open it with notepad, copy it all, paste it here ----> https://justpaste.it/ and then post the link in your reply. Rpt should give us an idea of whats going on.
  18. Hi welcome to BI Forums! Cant really help you with this, i dont recall anymore how it was setup i dont have any working examples with code for multiple videos, but i do remember that if you had 2 or more videos it would play one after the other. Use this thread for mod downloads to get an idea of the videos that were done: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/185760-ifa3warmod-arma-3-menu-videos/
  19. Whats up everyone! I need help with a project i been working on and off on since 2015, the code is not mine, just the videos. The original code comes from a member of the Alive mod team who created a code where you can put a video on the main menu of the game. Now in 2015 when i was building IFA3WarMod a friend of mine on steam who has little coding knowledge got the code from this Alive mod team member, and gave it to me which was an idea i had to put a video on the main menu of the game, idea came from Battlefield 2 mod called Forgotten Hope 2, you can see the video they used on their main menu of the game. Recently I asked SavageCDN if he could contact the alive mod team and see if that coder is still with them, i asked Savage as he knows them an supports that mod. He told me that the member is not around anymore, so i come to the community here to ask for your help. =============== Heres how this is setup I have a folder titled IFA3WARMod_client I basically pbo this folder, create a mod folder and it runs like a mod, apon startup of the game what used to happen before Apex was the video would play on the main menu np, now since Apex, and updates videos only play after you exit either VR, stratis, Alits, and Iron Front maps. heres a few videos i created that worked on the main menu before Apex: All of these videos and i have more I edited, their not my vids but edited versions, anyways they all played right away on the main menu as soon as you got to the menu, now they dont. The video format is ogv. File setup: Heres the structure of the files: 1. After extracting the pbo IFA3WARMod_client, you get this folder---> IFA3WARMod_client (same as the pbo name obviously) 2. Screenshot of all the files in the folder. 3. starting from the top with the missions folder, there is a folder titled---> IFA3WARModIntro.VR 4. When I open the initIntro.sqf this is the code: cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 69]; enableEnvironment false; showCinemaBorder false; //videosintro = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; while {true} do { _video = ["IFA3WARMod_client\video\IFA3WARMOD.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo; waitUntil {scriptDone _video}; }; Exiting that, and going back to IFA3WARMod_client folder 5. opening the CfgMissions.hpp we get this code: // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgMissions { class Cutscenes { class IFA3WARModIntro { directory = "IFA3WARMod_client\missions\IFA3WARModIntro.VR"; }; }; }; Exiting that and going to the next file we have: 6. CfgPatches.hpp opening that we have this code: // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgPatches { class IFA3WARMod_client { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {A3_UI_F, "a3_map_altis_scenes", "a3_map_vr_scenes", "a3_map_stratis_scenes"}; }; }; As you can see by the required addons, it just shows me why the video is limited and only plays after you exit the editor from Stratis, Alits, and VR. Existing that, and opening the next file we have this file: 7. CfgWorlds.hpp opening this: // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys class CfgWorlds { class CAWorld; // External class reference class Altis : CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class Stratis : CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class VR : CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class LIBWorld : CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class staszow : LIBWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class Panovo : CAWorld { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class Baranow : Staszow { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class ivachev : Staszow { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; class Colleville : Staszow { cutscenes[] = {"IFA3WARModIntro"}; }; initWorld = "VR"; demoWorld = "VR"; }; As you can see the video will only play after you exited these maps/VR, also on the bottom of the code where it says: initWorld = "VR"; demoWorld = "VR"; The initWorld = "VR"; I'm guessing has to be changed for the main menu which i have no idea what could be, intro, or scene of some sort? 8. Next file is the config.hpp in it we have the following: // config.bin - 20:05:21 09/12/15, generated in 0.18 seconds // Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys // Separate rootclasses: Enabled, Automatic comments: Enabled #include "CfgPatches.hpp" class RscChatListDefault; // External class reference class RscText; // External class reference class RscEdit; // External class reference class RscDisplayChannel; // External class reference #include "RscChatListMission.hpp" #include "RscChatListMap.hpp" class RscPicture; // External class reference class RscControlsGroup; // External class reference class RscStandardDisplay; // External class reference class RscPictureKeepAspect; // External class reference #include "RscDisplayMain.hpp" #include "RscBackgroundLogo.hpp" #include "RscDisplayStart.hpp" #include "RscDisplayNotFreeze.hpp" #include "RscDisplayLoadMission.hpp" #include "RscTitles.hpp" #include "CfgMissions.hpp" #include "CfgWorlds.hpp" The rest of the files has to do with putting a logo or banner on the main menu so that i know of dont effect the video. Can anyone clear this up for me what i need to change? Lastly this is what my latest video looks like with the video on the menu this was after exiting VR, but this was for my latest patch for IFA3WarMod.
  20. Gunter Severloh

    WARMOD release

    by Gunter Severloh DOWNLOAD: Google Drive https://drive.google.com/file/d/13YZ1_3UOTGS5tn0WLrksKL2TOCza-zIY/view?usp=sharing Mega https://mega.nz/file/eghhAA6a#HxTjTv6g2L3ixZJ61Ue9yHEXMX3pbFZyCLG_06YOyvA Description What is WarMod? WarMod is a massive addon & mod customizable compilation mod built for Armed Assault 1 (Arma 1) Features UI (user interface) change, the gamy indicators have been removed. WarMod Loading Screen. Realistic Audio-visual awareness inside vehicles, and Armor. Weapon control (hit where you shoot!). Weapon dexterity and dispersion has been eliminated. Realistic bullet, rocket ballistics, & rates of fire for small arms. Tank Ammo definitions and correct ballistics for shells. Realistic Tank Loadouts, and Laser engagement systems. Blown turret FX for tanks. HiFi Novus Aevum / HiFi v2.0 Realistic Sound Conversion mod. Major AI Overhaul (WarMod has just about every addon & mod for AI). Group Link 3 - The Ultimate AI Enhancement Enhanced Configuration System (ECS) Mod. SLX Mod AI Spotting, engagement distances, hearing, and radar upgraded. AI shooting dispersion (not every bullet will land). Dynamic sound & Extended voices - AI will shout curses at the enemy, tell you when they're reloading, throwing a grenade, engaging, when they're hurt, fleeing or when they've scored a big kill! and say things based on the situation. Fully working twin mguns for AH6 chopper,BIS Camel and ZSU Shilka. Ability to Attach a Satchel to Vehicles, & Armor. Realistic Kamov (Ka50). Functional Iron Sight for M136 and RPG. Chopper and Fighter Plane easier to fly. New explosions for grenades, bombs, missiles, and general effects. Over 150 Fixes for many aspects of the game. Arma Vegetation replaced so the AI view is blocked by trees and bushes. Character movement, weapon animation, transition fixes are sped up for smoother character control. Spent Shell Casings -(see bullet, grenadier shells,50 cal, and other shells). Various blood effects such as 1st aid pack, blackouts, bleeding, ect.. Upgraded grenadier -(enables all grenadier Blufor units to have a realistic loadouts). More dust, and smoke. 144+ Fixes ============== Brief History of WarMod A Mod Idea that started the WarMod series and established a new Genre in the game of Arma Changelog -= /// CREDITS \\\ =- The following individuals I give credit to, without their great mods this compilation mod would not be possible!! ================== A few people that are in the credits were unavailable to ask for permission. Thanks to Wolle for helping me make the right decisions for getting this mod out.
  21. Gunter Severloh

    WARMOD release

    I'm sure you can play the campaign ok, but if you save and try to reload that save later it may not load. I've always had issues with mods namely gameplay mods when playing singleplayer scenarios, or campaigns as it bloats, creates a dependency and or corrupts the save, so my recommendation is try it but if you cant load your save on your next play after then no dont use it. Welcome to BI Forums btw!
  22. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

  23. Gunter Severloh

    Arma 3 Random Crashes

    Sure your not running mods, your RPT has ACE and CBA in it, the dll's are being accessed, your getting errors like this ["AIS: AIS shutdown itself cause ACE mod was detected. ACE and AIS cant work at the same time."]
  24. Gunter Severloh

    Arma3 Videos

    Mission wont load? Mission binerized, and has a mod dependency? Unbinerize it like i did in the video:
  25. Gunter Severloh

    How to unbinarize an sqm file?

    I know its been little over a year on this thread, but the subject is still valuable, so i did the next best thing, i show you guys 2 methods you can use to unbinarzie your mission.sqm