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Everything posted by beno_83au

  1. beno_83au

    Get Mine Trigger Range

    Mmmmmm, not quite it. But thanks though, because I had only been looking at CfgVehicles. I didn't end up finding anything matching the trigger distances (using distance2D from the player) for APERS Mine (~1m) and APERS Bounding Mine (~2.5m) in either CfgAmmo or CfgVehicles. Obviously I could just hard code a solution, but that's cheating 😄 Edit: Ohhhh, crazy I know, but the answer was in CfgMineTriggers: _mineAmmo = getText (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "APERSMine_Range_Ammo" >> "mineTrigger"); getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMineTriggers" >> _mineAmmo >> "MineTriggerRange"); //1 _mineAmmo = getText (configfile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "APERSBoundingMine_Range_Ammo" >> "mineTrigger"); getNumber (configfile >> "CfgMineTriggers" >> _mineAmmo >> "MineTriggerRange"); //3 Cheers for pointing me at CfgAmmo Phronk 🙂
  2. beno_83au

    S.W.A.T features?

    There's other things like shotgun beaching out there, and RHS I know has less-lethal grenades. I know @johnnyboy did some cool things with AI and CQB so he'd have a good idea too.
  3. Ahh, yeah that'd do the trick. And my lighting issue was the opposite. I needed to go from day to night. Can't remember exactly what I did, I'd have to look at it, but it worked out alright.
  4. Nice idea, but a little suggestion. I did the same thing with VC tunnels a little while ago in an attempt to make the tunnels dark (trying to work around Arma's lighting), but I had players teleport to a sort-of prep room, so they weren't potentially teleported into the enemy AI's line-of-sight. Depends on the situation or intended use of this though of course.
  5. What's your code for calling it?
  6. @pierremgi Maybe I'm getting a little confused/lost in translation, but what I made a while back works fine for using the CAS Module: The only code I run to script the execution of the module is: params [ "_position","_direction",["_vehicle","B_Plane_CAS_01_F"],["_type",2], "_logic" ]; _logic = "Logic" createVehicleLocal _position; _logic setDir _direction; _logic setVariable ["vehicle",_vehicle]; _logic setVariable ["type",_type]; [_logic,nil,true] call BIS_fnc_moduleCAS; deleteVehicle _logic; So maybe you could make use of that in yours?
  7. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_ambientAnim First step if something isn't working should be to check the wiki for the commands or functions you're using. You'll also find that "REPAIR_VEH_STAND" part of the suite of accepted strings that can be used with the enable/disableAI commands.
  8. beno_83au

    ConfigFile Navigation

    They are, but i still remember when this was all a foreign language to me (lack of knowledge + ambitions 😓). @Captain Horny There's some topics out there about getting config entries, and even groups, that also come with examples. Have a search of those and if you want, check the wiki for each of the commands to understand them. I can actually get all EAST RHS groups by their name easily enough, but tbh I ran out of time turning them into config entries that could be used, for example, with BIS_fnc_spawnGroup.
  9. beno_83au

    ConfigFile Navigation

    Yes - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/configFile - Used with the related commands listed on the page you can grab and sort whatever info you need.
  10. @Grumpy Old Man At the moment when selecting priorities for weapons/pylons you can only click to count up, until it resets back to 1. Is it possible to get a right-click added to the UI to count back down? I don't know if it's just me but I tend to click my way past a number and have to keep clicking to get back around to it again. Other than that this system still works really well!!
  11. beno_83au

    showGPS false

    You could do it by overriding keypresses, but just simply removing the gps then adding it back again later would be the easiest way to do this.
  12. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Debugging_Techniques - and look for showScriptErrors, you may want to turn that on. But, how is your first while loop even running? phoneringing = false; while { phoneringing } do For the two conditions: //WRONG if (Player2 inArea homedesk) && (!addactionphone) then //RIGHT if ((Player2 inArea homedesk) && (!addactionphone)) then
  13. beno_83au

    Force Open GPS

    Oh GOD YES this can be done. Spent an unreasonably long time wishing that this could be done. It makes anything with respawns (e.g. deathmatches) much less tedious when you don't have to turn on the GPS/Mine Detector each time - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setInfoPanel setInfoPanel ["Left","MinimapDisplay"]; And thanks to version 1.72 it now can be 😁
  14. beno_83au


    Agreed, the urban areas don't really portray a Japanese style. Good luck with the project.
  15. beno_83au


    Nice. Are there any Japanese terrains out there already? New themes/buildings are always great though!
  16. Script version is great and I've been using it for a while now. It's very easy to set up for different compositions depending on the setting too. I'd prefer the scripted version anyway. Less mods for others to worry about and it's been easy to make some minor edits to the included compositions from mission to mission.
  17. beno_83au

    BSOD when Alt-Tabing out of EDEN editor

    I used to get that. Also happened in a few other games I play/ed regularly (R6, Supreme Commander). But going to windowed mode on them fixed it. I can't remember ever crashing again from Eden at least when alt-tabbing, and I do that a lot.
  18. beno_83au

    UAV Issues

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lockCameraTo I'm not 100% sure if it translates to the camera moving in 3D, but worth a try. I would imagine it does though.
  19. beno_83au

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    @ErBichu Read the post 3 above yours.
  20. beno_83au

    AI Following Player in Safe

    If you need to you can remove the player from the group while they're doing their own thing, then rejoin them later. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/joinSilent
  21. beno_83au

    Old pilot - new to ARMA 3

    These helo missions are pretty much plug-and-play from KP:
  22. beno_83au

    Buying game question

    Buy the base game now if you're keen, then get DLCs when they're on sale. That's what I've always done anyway, and not because I don't think they're worth it. I just don't spend a lot of money on games (you know, family etc). If this is the kind of game you like though then they're definitely worth it.
  23. beno_83au

    Custom Textures

    I have the same thing happen, except that I'm going through the vehicle config files and grabbing displayPictures (or editor previews i think, actually). Not a game breaker in my case but it's not ideal that's for sure. I also find that focusing/zooming in on the objects loads the image too.
  24. beno_83au

    Character running in jerks

    You have a slow computer maybe?