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Everything posted by slatts

  1. We will! Among other things. I've recently ported the CJ5 to Arma and given it some A3 treatment. Still some kinks to buff out!
  2. slatts

    [WIP] Proyecto EA

    Really looking forward to this. Some good looking content we never seen before.
  3. This question has come up a number of times before, the answer is always the same. Unless we receive a model of one, we won't be adding one. We still have to make/acquire a T-80 model
  4. slatts

    Project RACS

    Ditto. I don't need a map to get around it lol
  5. I was recently contacted by Gromov, a former CWR2 dev. He made available sources he developed for our use. So far I have added his badly needed M60 MG Night 515 and RedPhoenix also helped us out. Giving us inprovments to the M9, and newly made RPG-75 respectively. Hugh props all these guys for their much appreciated contributions! https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/967599421468575673/60A1ED069EB2D7A15CEC9706B70B79A06E3BFE4D/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/967599421468575855/71ABAE0DA6B84D8AD2F33E5E95230AFE3088638E/
  6. slatts

    EricJ Release thread

    YESSSSSS ERIC! Good to see you pal!
  7. Thanks man, We'll have UH-60A's, the Cobra will take longer. As for the Bradley. We will be making an M2A1 Bradley at some stage. Though it may be a port for the time being. Just to wet the whiskers before I leave for a quick holiday. Here's some WIP progress on the fictional AT-4
  8. Far from it. Right now we're mostly tidying up the assets we have. Which means we don't have anything exciting to show, unless you guys get off from seeing me make inventory icons :p With some guys busy IRL and taking holidays, the toys everyone wants to see are on hold, but we're still chipping away where we can
  9. This should be in the addon request thread. But looking at images of this weapon, it seems like the perfect thing for you to try your hand at making weapons in arma. If you can do it yourself it'll be better satisfaction for you, and more modders is always better :)
  10. Of course :) We're so grateful about you donating the M16 model Thanks for the heads up:)
  11. Yes!....kind of :P I have modelled the scope but was planning on making similar to traditional red dot sights. There is an AN/PVS-4 if you need magnified sights :P
  12. it's been a little while since we teased you. So here we are. Kramer and I have been working on creating an XM177E2. Here you can see our progress so far along side the US Crewman and M1IP
  13. slatts

    ATMT - Trava (4x4km terrain)

    Very nice work. I'll be checking it out shortly :)
  14. Sorry to hear this mate, I wish you all the best in the future and hope you're not a stranger around these parts. This was such a promising concept and your graphic work on flags etc has always inspired and impressed me.
  15. We would too, I have tried sourcing as many Cold War models as possible that's relevant to our mod, however a lot of the authors of these mods/models are no longer around on the forums
  16. Congratulations on the update guys :)
  17. That wizard squadron skin is just perfect!
  18. Just wanted to take a moment to thank everybody who has supported us over the last while. It dawned on me that I started this project 2 years ago. You're continued support along with the excellent work the crew put in, keeps me going for such a long time. Hopefully, we can share our work with you soon!
  19. Today marks a new milestone for Conflict '85. Our newly modelled FIA units are now in game! Between Norsu and Kramer. They've done a splendid job!
  20. Kramer has been hard at work. Here's a render so far Internet cookies to whoever can guess what it is
  21. Nogavan police take cover and attend to a wounded civilian as Soviet forces invade the capital
  22. That's always a possibility. We briefly talked about underwater weapons etc but if they ever come to be, it'll be down the line after other things come first.