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Everything posted by reyhard

  1. They can be recompiled if you are using local data either by script or by function view & clicking recompile or recompile selected
  2. Download Devbranch and then use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Diagnostics_Exe and then use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_mergeConfigFile https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_resetShapes if you don't want to have devbranch all the time copy arma3diag_exe & Dta folder to separate folder, switch to Stable, Put back diagnostic exe back to arma folder & create separate mod folder (i.e. DiagMod) with Dta folder inside which will be launched with game (-mod=DiagMod)
  3. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So you will complain about that then ;)
  4. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    No delays? Guess you will be the first one to complain about ATGM not working with AI then but don't worry, there are plans to release update this week ;) Anyway, here is another video. This time HUD is better visible & you can see different modes it has & custom font that I created for it. Note that I'm aware of inaccuracy of "Weapon Station Panel" but I'm afraid it will have to wait a little bit more - here is picture from manual showcasing how it should look like I also humble apologize because in previous post I sneaked pictures of new AGM-65 models made by HarryD. AGM-65 comes with 5 variants that should suffice for most of the missions.
  5. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    https://imgur.com/a/0hCL3 Small teaser of updated A10A cockpit
  6. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    In fact we have some insiders...
  7. Noted - I will take a look at it later Thanks for spotting that, fix should be available tomorrow I'm afraid there is no more room for any further improvement here
  8. It should be fixed too. There was spawned invisible helipad (yeah, really) before as a camera point of interest, which was interacting with AI component in undesirable way. It is replaced with "Logic" now so hopefully everything should be fine now
  9. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    you can use that code same way as - "this animate ["wing_fold_l", 1, true]; this animate ["wing_fold_r", 1, true]; "
  10. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    it was a lot of fun for us at least :) there is export option in virtual garage where you can get ready to use snippet for that. it's available for all usmc helis
  11. reyhard

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    you can use addAction on Sphere (Geometry) since it has valid geometry in geometry LOD it's vehicle in vehicle icon. In this case you can load veeery small items inside via scripting ;)
  12. reyhard

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    nothing to worry about. As for GetOut animations I will take a look at it later It will be fixed post initial release the day is not over ;)
  13. reyhard

    Tank elevation angles

    There was mistake in the config - it should be fixed in next week, after release of Laws of War DLC & rising data lock. Bear in mind, that it's not going to be exactly nine degrees since it's future version with autoloader & those are know to reduce elevation ranges.
  14. @das attorney - I can confirm that issue was in config & it should be probably fixed today. Out of curiosity - how did you triggered those .rpt errors exactly?
  15. Hi, could you provide some more details about this? I tried placing makers on map & couldn't reproduce those .rpt error neither on devbranch or RC so more data (whole .rpt file + some steps to reproduce it) will be more than welcome. Thanks!
  16. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    dev branch thing - dispersion was added in engine recently and we had some test values in configs included. it's fixed internally
  17. Well, I thought suggestion was rather clear. Anyway, to clear it up - it's hardcoded
  18. Uhm, I said that hardcoded things are located in Arma3 executable and there is no way for end user to decompile and change it
  19. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    should be fixed in next patch then, maxSpeed affects that (it's ai only param - doesn't affect actual max speed for helis)
  20. reyhard

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yup, child config would be safest thing here. as for different crew - you need to to use gunnerType parameter inside turret config - see GREF configs for reference
  21. reyhard

    345th Soviet Uniforms Mod

    Indeed, looks very nice :)
  22. Rocket dispersion will be configured after Low Dlc release - right now there is strict data lock engaged & while in theory adding customized dispersion parameters shouldn't cause any issues (since next stable version will be without working dispersion for rockets), it's still safer to keep it as it is.
  23. reyhard

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    Sometimes single is enough. Press "Play Scenario" to see what happens ;)
  24. reyhard

    Laws of War DLC Assets

    There are no backpacks on editor previews on all units & also remember that headgear is randomized.