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Status Updates posted by Laqueesha

  1. RIP, Gordon from 2nd Platoon.

  2. Stopping by to say how much I liked your 2005 units for ArmA 1!

    1. Laqueesha


      Heh, can't forget about those beardy blokes too. Ever thought of porting the 2005 units over? There's a dearth of IBA vests in A3.

    2. CameronMcDonald


      Ah, I think that ship's sailed, mate. I'm trying to put my efforts into mission making these days... though it'd be great if I could get more than one mission released. :down:

    3. Laqueesha


      Alright, thanks. Best of luck with that.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. What up, yo. You still in the navy?

  4. 'twas mah intenshunz.

  5. 1,337 posts. You are 1337.

  6. Alabama Man! He's quick, he's strong, he's active! ;)

  7. Alright, best of luck with that. I'm eager to play with some Irish blokes soon! :)

  8. aye kin haz ourmuh tree, pl0x???//?

  9. Bulgie eyeballz duz nawt an avatar maek?

  10. Can I get admin rights on this visitor wall?

  11. Could you please update your desert MARPAT USMC units to OA standard? Cheers. ;)

  12. Danke schoen, herr Enad.

  13. Eu te amo muito e queira casá-lo. Você tem um esposo neste momento?

  14. Glad I could help. ;)

  15. He probably forgot. You can ask, he'll probably give it to you. I had to do the same thing.

  16. Hey, mate! How's the helicopter coming along? :)

  17. Hiya, mate! How's your Irish Defence Forces mod coming along? Cheers!

  18. How did you get Operation Arrowhead, living in New York and all?

  19. How's the Visitors project coming along?

  20. Howdy, got those lines for me? :)

  21. Howdy, Mnimal Aother! I has sent yee a fiend request. ;)

  22. I don't know, there are some helicopter mods that have text on both sides of the aircraft.
