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About StellaStrella

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    Lance Corporal

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  1. Thanks, oh yeah looks like I must of forgotten to include them, I'll make sure they are added in a future update
  2. Hi Everyone, here is the big list of my recent work, its all origonaly planned as retextures for my Cold War themed factions, but as I went along I realised much of the conent might be useful to have as modular standalone mods so people can just download what they need and things wont need to be duplicated over and over. So for that reason their are the Core mods, which all serve to feed into my regional faction mods and then there are the Extras mods which exsist to allow the use of the core mods as standalone items. I hope you all enjoy what I've made so far. Steam Workshop Collection for all the listed Mods Core Mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-A3 [Released] [WIP] Workshop Link Quite bare bones for now, but I plan to have a full set of generic vehicle and some uniforms and gear eventually, much in the same way the GM retexture mod does Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns Uniform Insignias and Flags for real world and Armaverse factions Olive and Tan textures for R-750 and S-750 More vehicle and gear textures will be added as I require them for my faction mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-GM [Released] Workshop Link The bulk of my work is found here, with retextures of most of GM's uniforms, gear and vehicles Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns: Khaki Olive Snow Black Blue Grey Orange (For civil defence / IDAP) UN Blue Tan Civilian Clothing - Police, Medics, Doctors, Forestry, Plaid Shirts Brushstroke Pakistan 1970 - In Type A, Type B and Fictional Jungle DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Egyptian Sand Italy M1929 - In M1929, 1950, Green and Fictional Winter Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 Mixed Camo Rebel Uniforms -Stl-Generic Retextures-RHS [Released] Workshop Link Mostly contains Heagear and vehicle textures, designed to work with my GM retexture mod. Uniform textures can be found in RHSX Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns: Khaki Olive Black Blue Grey UN Blue DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 -Stl-Weapons-A3 [Released] [WIP] Workshop Link Basic Weapon config stuff, nothing too fancy, later on will include some weapon textures and some new ammo types Features the following SGAW-150 (SACLOS Version of the PCML AT Launcher, with HE and HEAT ammo, inspired from the depiction of the SRAW in Battlefield 2) -Stl-Weapons-GM [Released] Workshop Link Just a basic weapon config Sa vz. 58LK (GM RPK with higher fire rate and accepts Vz. 58 Magazines) 30rnd Sa vz. 58 Magazines (Added to CBA Magwell) 75rnd Sa vz. 58 Drums (Only usable in my Sa vz. 58LK as the RHS Sa vz. 58 Rifles do not support mag proxies) -Stl-Weapons-RHS [Released] Workshop Link Just a small weapon config to make doing my faction loadouts easier to create. Hidden RPG-7 weapons with the full range of PGO7V optics attached to help with faction loadouts, as RHS only had the PGO7V3 version as a class Extras Mods -Stl-Generic Retextures-RHSX [Released] Workshop Link Contains the uniforms to match my other RHS retextures Featured Equipment Colours and Patterns for the M93 Uniform Khaki Olive Black Blue Grey DPM 1960 - In Temperate 1960, Temperate 1984, Tropical, Desert and Vanuatu Jungle Raindrops (Aka Strichmuster / Strichtarn) - In Green, Grey Green, Grey Blue and Tan Splinter Germany 1931 (Aka Heeres-Splittermuster 31) - In Green and Tan Splinter Bulgarian 1979 Spot M1942 (Aka Frogskin / Duck hunter) - In Arid and Jungle Sunrays (Aka Berezhka) - In White, Khaki and Red Dawn TAZ Leibermuster (Aka Alpenflage) - In 1957 -Stl-Generic Retextures-A3X [Unreleased] [WIP] Will feature extra uniform textures so that the A3 content can be used standalone from RHS and GM Faction Mods -Stl-Factions-Africa Central and Southern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Sako United Front for Liberation and Labour - 1976 INDFOR Factions Sako Alliance for Popular Resistance- 1976 Lombakka BLUFOR Factions Sako Royal Army - 1976 National Union Forces - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Americas-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Sahrani Liberation Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions Sahrani Royal Army Corps- 1976 BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Asia Central and Southern-GM [Unreleased] [WIP] OPFOR Factions Ardistan Republican Army - 1976 Kyrat Peoples Front - 1976 INDFOR Factions Takistan Royal Army - 1976 Kyrat Royal Army - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Karzeghistan Royal Army - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Asia Pacific-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Horizon Islands Tanoan Liberation Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions BLUFOR Factions Horizon Islands Horizon Islands Defence Force - 1976 Horizon Islands Militia - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Europe Eastern-GM [Released] Workshop Link Eastern Europe factions based on GM, RHS and my own retextures of them both My aim is to be as authentic as possible with these factions, I've spent a great deal of time researching the relevent time periods for the equipment that was in common useage at the time, however there are some compromises I have had to make, and they are listed below Each faction comes with a full compliment of ranks, insignia and vehicle decals. OPFOR Factions Czechoslovakia [CSSR] -Peoples Army - 1976 Hungary People's Army - 1976 Soviet Union [USSR] Motor Rifles - 1976 Airborne - 1976 Naval Infantry - 1976 Pan-Baltic Socialist Republic [VBSSR] Motor Rifles - 1976 Airborne - 1976 Marines - 1976 Militsiya - 1976 INDFOR Factions Pan-Baltic Socialist Republic Baltic Partizan Army - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Historical Compronises in 1976 Factions: All - AGS-30 (1995) = Stand in for AGS-17 (1970) All - BRDM-2 9P148 (1974) = Stand in for BRDM-2 9P133 (1971) All - L-39C (1971) = In reality it was just used as a Trainer but I've used it as a stand in CAS aircraft, Its pylon loadouts are restricted to period correct munitions All - R750 CronusRadar = Stand in for period correct SAM systems All - S750 Rhea = Stand in for period correct SAM systems All - UAZ DShKM = Fictional but very useful for gameplay All - Groups - Coy HQ = Engineers replaced Senior Technician position for gameplay purposes All - Groups - Support Infantry Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality All - Groups - Support Motorized Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality All - Groups - Special Forces Teams = Setup for gameplay purposes, not be true to reality CSSR - PKM = Stand in for UK59 CSSR - URAL-4320 = Stand in for V3S Hungary - MPi KMS-72 = Stand in for AMD-65 Hungary - Groups, All groups are based off Soviet doctrine at the time, as I couldnt find much info on the ORBAT if the Hungarian Peoples Army USSR - 2S3M1 (1987) = Stand in for 2S3M (1975) / 2S3 (1970) USSR - RPG-26 (1985) = Stand in for RPG-18 (1972) USSR - RShG-2 (2003) = Stand in for RPO Rys (1975) USSR - Su-25 (1981) = Stand in for earlier CAS aircraft, However its pylon loadouts are restricted to period correct munitions USSR - UAZ = Stand in for LUAZ in VDV Faction Known Bugs: CSSR - Ranks need replacing with subdued versions Hungary - Officer Ranks are from the outdated 1951-1957 period Some Vehciles have regular crewman as commanders. Binoculars and radio placed in cargo to compensate (BRDM-2 (9P148) / BMP-1 / BMP-1K / PRP-3 / BRM-1K / BMD-1 / BMD-1K) -Stl-Factions-Europe Northern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions INDFOR Factions Finland BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Europe Southern-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Altis Red Dawn Militia Bulgaria People's Army - 1976 INDFOR Factions Altis National Guard - 1976 National Militia - 1976 BLUFOR Factions Atida Malden A3 Defence Force - 1976 -Stl-Factions-Europe Western-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions INDFOR Factions Malden Islands Defence Force - 1976 FIA - 1976 BLUFOR Factions -Stl-Factions-Middle East & North Africa-GM [Unreleased] OPFOR Factions Iraq Republican Guard - 1985 Republican Army - 1985 INDFOR Factions Iran Iranian Revalutionary Guard - 1985 Army - 1985 Middle Eastern Coalition BLUFOR Factions Credits GM Developers for their brilliant work and help with making their content easy to retexture RHS Developers for their excelent mods, on which much of my work depends and would not be possible without Rak1445 - Help with Czechoslovak People's Army Research Po - Help with Lithuanian Translations for VBSSR Factions Everyone over at Cold War Warriors discord for all their help, encouragement and feedback on my work
  3. StellaStrella

    EL_76 Logistics

    Wow this looks amazing :D
  4. Take a look at this although they are not fully functional on a deicated server right now, but there is a work around, as far as i know they work fine on local host or singleplayer https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124452523&searchtext=warsaw
  5. Heya I love the new stuff :) Just wondering why you removed the Generic camos I really really liked those and had a few factions made with them, but they are all broken now :/ Also I just noticed that the Iranian PASGT helmet is invisible
  6. StellaStrella

    WW2 Extra Factions

    Which units were they and what vests? As I know some of the IFA backpacks cause issues as they seem to have some code baked into them that load them with certain ammo One other note is I think some of the partisan guys wil be broken now as they use weapons that have been removed from IFA Liberation But if you let me know which things are causing the issue ill try and get round to chaging out their gear for somthing else Till then you could just copy their loadouts in the editor and apply them to a vanilla unit, so you dont get any strage scripty things breaking them like some of the IFA units do
  7. StellaStrella

    WW2 Extra Factions

    Great I'm glad you like them :) I wanst really planning on uploading it else where, but once subscribe to it on the workshop, you can find the mod files in a hidden folder called !Workshop in your ArmA3 main directory \Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop
  8. StellaStrella

    WW2 Extra Factions

    Thanks :)
  9. StellaStrella

    WW2 Extra Factions

    Update Added: -Hungarian Army (1940) -Partisans New Dependancies: -Eastern collaborationists -IFA3 liberation
  10. StellaStrella

    Ruha terrain

    Great map, I love the uneven terrain in the forrests with plenty of places to hide
  11. StellaStrella

    WW2 Extra Factions

    Updated: -Greek Units equiped with UK SEAC uniform with no insignia, so they no longer have an american flag on them due to the IFA update a month or so ago -Italian units equiped with IJA helmet instead of the soviet one, so they look a bit less russian now -Polish units now equiped with dark brown UK uniform with no insignia. Sorry it took so long to fix.
  12. A template of the 345th VDV's 3rd Campaign Based in a fictional escalation of the 1st Chechen War. Lots of Bases were made along with Improvements to many of the towns and villages as I made the campaign. I've included the Briefings to the Missions from that campaign if anyone is interested, as the actual missions them selves are dependent on a custom faction I made based on the Caucasus Insurgency Mod, which I've since lost, and so are mostly unplayable. Its not intended to be played as a whole but just take the parts you need for your mission and delete the rest , otherwise the FPS will be really bad. If you do use it in somthing, just put me in the credits Screen Shots Download http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1278897019
  13. Yeah Its a shame that we've got some shitty people in the community, I guess I got lucky with the group that I play with being really supportive. Anyways thanks Katie for all the mods
  14. StellaStrella

    Global Mobilization

    So hyped for this :D cold war is best war