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Everything posted by Tom_48_97

  1. Tom_48_97

    Buldozer error 86

    In this case, something is probably wrong at the registry level because the message fires only when Config.WorkDirPathUsr == Config.ToolsPath (P drive source == Tools install directory). Can you verify your local files from Steam and then start Arma 3 Tools from it? It will set the registry entries correctly. Also, have you define the source of P drive via the launcher? If so, be sure that "use default" is unchecked.
  2. 25-04-2016 Size: ~ 10.5 MB TOOLS Game Updater Changed: Updated version of the Steam CLI Fixed: It would crash in case the branch parameter was missing Binarize Fixed: Binarize was crashing while processing terrainsSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.983.1)
  3. Tom_48_97

    Buldozer error 86

    I will improve this message. In short, it's not recommended to use the install directory of the tools as source for P Drive. It's better and safer to create a new directory outside of the tools and use this directory for all your projects.
  4. I already have a fix ready. In the meantime, to fix the issue, open the Registry Editor (regedit), then navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\gameupdater" and check if you have these entries: Branch // This one is probably missing playSound validate handleSteam path_d If one or multiple entries are missing, you can add them manually and then change them from the option window of Game Updater. "path_d"="D:\\Games\\steamapps\\common\\Arma 3 [development]" "Branch"="2" "playSound"="True" "validate"="True" "handleSteam"="True"
  5. I wasn't expecting this one, I will fix this soon, thanks for the feedback :292:
  6. I might know why this happens. Could you go into Registry Editor (regedit), then navigate to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bohemia Interactive\gameupdater" and check if you have these entries: Branch playSound validate handleSteam // I would bet on this one path_d If one or multiple entries are missing, you can add them manually and then change them from Game Updater. "path_d"="D:\\Games\\steamapps\\common\\Arma 3 [development]" "Branch"="2" "playSound"="True" "validate"="True" "handleSteam"="True"
  7. Tom_48_97

    Binarise crashes after 1.58 update

    We are still investigating the issue but a few points to mention: The development and the main branches are 1 to 1, there is no difference between them. The current version of Binarize is 1.59 and this is normal.
  8. Tom_48_97

    Binarise crashes after 1.58 update

    FYI, I have collected some data via Skype (sources and crash dumps), we will look into this issue very soon, thanks for the report and sorry for the inconvenience.
  9. Tom_48_97


    Full changelog and TECHREP
  10. if you mean the post process effect applied during a save game, it is not defined in configs but engine driven.
  11. 19-04-2016 Size: ~2.4 MB / ~0.1 MB TOOLS Work Drive Fixed: The Buldozer setup was dismounting the work driveSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.6)SAMPLES Scenario design Changed: SQM files are now in version 51 (Eden) Fixed: The example of headgear randomization wouldn't load because of a missing dependency
  12. 18-04-2016 Size: ~3.8 MB TOOLS Terrain Builder Changed: The "Edit" LOD of objects is now ignored (similar to the binarization process) Fixed: Inaccurate angles when rotating objects Fixed: Terrain Builder wouldn't update the "Selection properties" window on deselection of an object causing a CTD Fixed: Buldozer was not scaling the objects smoothly enough (increased scaling delta) Arma 3 Tools Launcher Maintenance updateSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.5)
  13. Tom_48_97

    Addon Builder. Result Code = 1

    class CfgPatches { class Backpacks { units[] = {"B_kitbag_Olive", "B_kitbag_Sand"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.100000; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F", "A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes"}; }; }; class CfgVehicles { /*extern*/ class B_kitbag_Base; class B_kitbag_Olive: B_kitbag_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Kitbag (olive)"; author = "eiMu"; model = "A3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\Backpack_fast.p3d"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_b_assaultpack_ca.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"mod\data\b_kitbag_olive.paa"}; }; class B_kitbag_Sand: B_kitbag_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Kitbag (sand)"; author = "eiMu"; model = "A3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\bags\Backpack_fast.p3d"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_b_assaultpack_ca.paa"; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"mod\data\b_kitbag_sand.paa"}; }; }; In your config, the arrays were incorrectly defined. array[] = {data}; In addition, I would recommend to use a more specific prefix for the class names in order to avoid any conflict with other mods.
  14. Just delayed - #blameBehemiaCat - Today's changelog
  15. Tom_48_97

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    This is because we have renamed the coefficient from fatigueCoef to loadCoef. The reason is because it doesn't directly impact the stamina but the load which is then, processed by the stamina system. Ps: Wiki page updated.
  16. It's now fully in the dev branch. More information will arrive later today. To test it, bind one of these actions: Switch to Primary Weapon Switch to Handgun Switch to Secondary Weapon If bound, it won't appear in the action menu and you will be able to use the key to switch to a weapon. :292:
  17. Actually, this is just a part of the tech, the rest of it, along with a new topic will arrive soon :292:
  18. First of all, it has to be mentioned that this is a personal project. Then, yes, this is something I already considered however it would require a lot of work (long/medium term task) and it's not a priority at the moment, therefore I'm afraid it won't happen.
  19. 13-04-2016 Size: ~2.4 MB TOOLS Work Drive Added: Warning and possibility to cancel the operation (if in interactive mode) when the source of the drive to mount is the Arma 3 Tools directory Added: Support for any drive letter and any source folder Fixed: Incompatibility of some startup parameters Arma 3 Tools Launcher Fixed: Under certain circumstances, the task bar was not updated when the main window was restored (Hide / Show) Tweaked: Methods to run Terrain Builder and Object Builder Steam dumpAccountInfo Added: Support for Arma 3 Apex Changed: When the computer doesn't have access to Internet, it will try to use the cache from the Steam client Fixed: Under some conditions, Arma 3 was returned as owned when it was not Publisher Maintenance updateSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.3)
  20. This error is raised when Terrain Builder fails to start Buldozer. Any change you could share your log? (located in Arma 3 Tools\TerrainBuilder\Log\) Terrain Builder builds the "command line" and run it, nothing more. As for the pipe (which is constant), it is "the link" between TB and Buldozer. Since the error is on the process start, could you also try to run Terrain Builder as Administrator to check if it still happen?
  21. The new exe is now in the dev branch. If the others could give it a try, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your patience and the coop :292:
  22. 08-04-2016 Size: ~10.1 MB TOOLS Terrain Builder Added: Tool for finding and solving duplicated (over-layered) objects Added: Objects Diagnostics dialog Changed: Format of the layer files (serialization) Previous versions of Terrain Builder won't be able to open the new format (the layer won't be displayed) A back-up is created into the source directory on detection of the old format Fixed: Objects could be duplicated and couldn't be removed nor selected Fixed: Buldozer was freezing for a couple seconds after manipulation of multiple objects Arma 3 Tools Launcher Fixed: On certain conditions, Game Updater was unable to log into Steam when started from the launcherSteam configuration Changed: Incremented version to reflect the current stage (0.99.3)
  23. Without knowing the content of such log, there is nothing we can do. Can share such log somewhere? (perhaps a smaller one but with the same kind of content)
  24. Like I said previously, despite the fact that many users are using the dev branch of the tools like they would do with the main branch, it's meant for experimentation and in some cases, it uses the technologies only available in the dev branch, regardless what the status of the main branch is. In short, when a new technology which implies a change at the tools level is introduced into the dev branch of the game (Recent cases: FontToGTA and Binarize), the tools are updated accordingly. This, in order to allow content creators to test their work ingame, with the upcoming features.
  25. Tom_48_97

    Config a vehicle to be slingable

    What Jackal wants to say is defining these memory points (which are used as anchors for the rope) in the config is not enough. The memory points need to exist in the memory lod of the given object (the P3D). Although, such memory points don't exist in the memory lod of the vanilla APCs (they are deemed too heavy and don't have anchors).