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Everything posted by Djavu

  1. Hello everyone, I have a problem when I use TADST, the server name does not appear in searches. I can only connect via the server IP. Once connected, there appears on recent servers.
  2. Hello. I need help with spawn bis_fnc_playvideo. For it to work in MP and dedicated. I call the script through an addAction. In the sqf file: bigScreen setobjecttextureglobal [0, "scripts \ video \ action1.ogv"]; ["scripts \ video \ action1.ogv", [10,10]] spawn bis_fnc_playvideo; is only seen by who initiates addAction, I know that AddAction is local. I wonder if there is another way to call the script and that it works in the environments mentioned above.
  3. I've been using it for a while on the Tanoa map, I created custom compositions for the map. It's working perfectly. I would like to make a suggestion, it would be great if we could, define in a black list, places where we do not want you to generate compositions, perhaps by placing a mark and checking BIS_fnc_inTrigger, for example. Thank you and congratulations for the work.
  4. Hello people. I would like to know if it is possible to disable "fatal injuries from ai", for a specific unit, even if it has been set to "always", in the settings? Forgive my English. Thank you
  5. Hello people. Need help. I'm creating a CQB training site, the targets will be virtual reality units, (O_Soldier_VR_F). The scenario will be for Dedicated server. Units will only be generated and visible to players if they are wearing VR Glasses. If you remove the glasses they will be hidden. The problem I'm having is that if one of the players removes the glasses, the VR units will be hidden from everyone, and if I use a condition that verifies that everyone removed the glasses to hide the units, it will happen that the units will be visible there too for players without glasses, and will only be hidden if everyone takes off their glasses. I would like to know if in any way it is possible to hide an object, (in this case the VR unit) locally only for the player without the glasses, without affecting the others. I hope I have been clear. Thanks.
  6. Hello Friend. Thanks for listening. Searching a little more today, I found this topic that satisfies my needs.
  7. Hello. I am using CfgRoles, addRespawnInventory, with two slots for instructor and some for students. I would like to know if it is possible to prevent the student from entering as an instructor (RespawnInventory). For the slots in the Lobby, I'm filtering with getPlayerUID.
  8. Guys, sorry. I'm used to using the hideObjectGlobal command. Only now have I seen the hideObject command, which according to the Wiki, hides the object locally in MP. Sorry for my ignorance. Thanks.
  9. Hello people. I have a doubt, but it's just for study. using the deleteAt and findIf commands: for example: I have an array that stores units close to the player arr = nearestObjects [player, ["Man"],100]; to delete the dead units i would use: _arr deleteAt (_arr findIf {not alive _x}); Problem solved. But what if I want to save the position of the dead unit in the array, to indicate the number ex: _dead = _arr findIf {not alive _x}; How could I use _dead on deleteAt? being an array, not a number? Not for use in this example, but for use on another occasion. As I said at the beginning, it's for studies only, I'm trying to learn a little about Sqf. Thanks
  10. Hello, I need some help. When I use the >= comparison in the debugger it returns true, however, when using in a script it makes false. Here's the code below: (Sorry for my English) _grupoUnits = []; { if ((_x distance L_base) < 200) then { _grupoUnits pushback _x; }; } foreach allplayers; _grupoUnits; _playercount = count _grupoUnits; [[west, "BASE"],format["There are %1 operators here in Base. We will continue this operation only if 3 of you cooperate.",_playercount]] remoteexec ["sidechat",[0,-2] select isdedicated]; waitUntil{!M_time}; if({_x distance port1 > 150}count _grupoUnits >= 3)then{ //works on debugger waituntil {sleep 1;int_base;}; sleep 5; "MySound" remoteExec [ "playSound",[0,-2] select isDedicated,false]; sleep 15; "MySound" remoteExec [ "playSound",[0,-2] select isDedicated,false]; }else{ m_falho = true; ["end1",false] remoteExecCall ["BIS_fnc_endMission",0]; };
  11. Have you tried adding logging it to there to check if it works or not? Might very well be the waitUntil failing. I feel ashamed. It was my mistake. The variable m_falho has the value changed in another script, and I forgot publicvariable. In the debug console, I was setting it along with the code, so it worked there. Now it works perfectly. Thanks for listening.
  12. are you sure int_base is set to true? Have you tried adding logging it to there to check if it works or not? Might very well be the waitUntil failing. works perfectly when run on debug console The point is that when compared to == 3 it works, when compared to> 0, it works. Only when compared to> = 3 does it not work in the script, only in the debug console.
  13. Need help. I want to get units in a group into nearby vehicles. But my code returns an error, as described in the comment, next to it. In my research I found only how to convert string into object. If they point me in a way to research and learn about, it's a big help. Thank you. private _Grupo = (group p1); private _VEIC = nearestObjects [_grupo, ["Car"], 30]; {_grupo addvehicle _x} foreach _VEIC; sleep 1; { _x assignAsCargo _veic} foreach units _grupo; //error, array type waiting for object (_veic is an array of nearestObjects) {[_x] orderGetIn true; [_x] allowGetIn true}foreach units _Grupo;
  14. It works perfectly. As I am learning about Sqf, I will still make a lot of mistakes 🙂, but luckily we can count on the help of nice people in this forum, like you . Thanks
  15. Djavu

    Can't move camera on Buldozer

    I had this problem, too. To resolve: Check the root of your drive P has folder languagecore_f If you are not, then go to your Weapon installation, inside the Dta folder you will have the languagecore_f.pbo, extract to the P Buldozer will now work and move.
  16. Maybe it's not Vcom. I placed my base well away from the position where Alive generates the units, and when I requested the delivery of a group of allied units using logistics, when they were near the support units (CAS, Transport and Artillery), they simply left the their positions, they gained waypoints for the position of the reinforcement group.
  17. Sorry, my mistake. Yes, use it anyway (group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable", true]. The support units of the alive, I put manually in the editor, just to put the command Vcom in the pilot's init, but it does not work. Well, on the other hand, could Alive be generating waipoints for the drive? I'll investigate. Thanks for the quick response.
  18. Hello, I have problems using Vcom with Alive. Even putting [(group this) setVariable ["Vcm_Disable", true]; in the init of the air support pilot or init of the commanding unit of the artillery, they are still affected by the Vcom.
  19. Thank you friend. I just want to take a look at how a map is generated, for example: I would like to make a helicopter transport with a dialog box and that contains the map to select the extraction site. But I ate looking at the GUI editor a few days ago and some things are still confusing for me. As I do not have much experience in sqf and am curious, I'm running behind. Thank you again.
  20. Hello. The download link is broken, could you share it again? I would like to take a look at this example to learn more about this subject. thankful
  21. Hello guys. I would like to know which programming language most identifies with Arma3. I intend to start some course in this area. Not as a profession, but only out of passion for Arma 3.
  22. I'm following from the beginning, waiting for the finalization. Thank you for the time and effort devoted to this work.
  23. Djavu

    Apex Framework

    billboard class "Land_Billboard_F", or other similar.
  24. Djavu

    Apex Framework

    Hello, I would like to add some type cards with my group's logo in the base, but at the start of the scenario, objects are excluded, could you give me the correct path for such a procedure? Thank you
  25. Djavu

    Apex Framework

    Sorry I'm late. It was a configuration problem like TADST, more precisely, about the "custon" configuration type. Once again, congratulations on your work and thank you for sharing.