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Everything posted by Ry4nD

  1. Man I just love this, permanently on one of our milsim servers now. I just have to figure out all the settings lol
  2. Not really sure tried it on 3 of my servers and I found a reduction in FPS, from 5-30 server side. The 100 FPS version I have a solid 95-70
  3. Can we get just like the original 1, the 100 fps version I've found to be the best for my servers, and I haven't quite figured out how to update the binary myself yet No rush, whenever you have time mate, I am still rocking the original 100 fps version and it's still goin strong!
  4. Did you authorize this upload to Steam? http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1129927793 Scratch that, realized it's you Phronk!
  5. Ry4nD


    Thank you, I'll give it another try on a fresh server and mission
  6. Easy there, sounds like an attack again, how is it illegal activity, when 1. He has permission to test the theory from the developer, 2. The software in question armaserver.exe is distributed freely, with information publicly available from the original developer on how to get the software for free, in multiple places. You don't really need a crystal ball to achieve what has been achieved thus far. He has stated that he knows some of the knowledge regarding as his experience with programming, and his current learning in school. Additionally he is not distributing the software as it is available on the performance branch from Dwarden. I ask what behavior you speak of as, the Dedmen hasn't displayed any nefarious gains from this, and this is merely a test. What your suggesting is that only BI staff can have the required knowledge to do this, and we should stop now because we don't know or understand as much as they do. I personally don't like the way you are attacking the man's integrity, all for a hypothetical scenario that can or could result in a benefit for the entire community. Consistently saying it is "snake oil" proves what, are you saying my testing is false, and a fallacy because I don't have some magical scientific equipment to prove it to you in a way that you will understand or? Like I have previously stated, there is a lot of salty users here bashing the guy, on multiple fronts, for simply attempting something nobody else had the balls to do. I would say, relax, let's give this some time to mature, and possibly think about maturity as a whole, I see a lot of immaturity lately, in various areas over a GAME. At the end of the day, this is for us and our users, players , client's friends whatever to have some fun and shoot some zedz, or whatever you do, while you play. Now if my response has offended anyone I apologize in advance, as it seems these days it doesn't matter what you do say, you're tarred with the same brush. 6 and 1, half a dozen and the other 1.
  7. Ry4nD


    Do you need to put any code in your init for multiplayer for loot to spawn or, just the module down in the editor? Possibly it was something corrupted with the server and the only thing missing was the loot spawn, my crew loved the mission, Any suggestions welcome, I was using version 0144 I would love to get this working. Willing to try again.
  8. These new updates look great, I may have to revisit the ALiVE mod, it's been awhile!
  9. Yes, not sure going to keep looking at it, for now just noticed the increase in my Exile servers only, up from 15% usage to 25%-35% haven't seen it peak 38% yet, although the maximum peak usage before was 22% ish. Not too worried about that, as dedmen mentioned to me previously this should also increase CPU usage and memory usage, and now I know that is actually correct. Although I did also add today the -hugepages on 2 of the Exile servers to see if it resaults in smoother client playback, however I do not know if that is related. *Edit, I forgot to mention both those Hyper-V machines had a cumulative update from Microsoft as well, not sure if that could or would contribute to a higher CPU usage, but thought to mention it anyway.
  10. Yes, it does, will start even faster if you use a batch file
  11. If you run into trouble, and cannot get help, you can join my Discord or you can find me on one of my sites and ask for help, OK!
  12. Alternative to TADST for those who like .bat files Disregard all previous instructions regarding TDAST. I have loaded example files in my GitHub for you to download. Place the Server Auto Start.bat in your server root and edit accordingly for your configuration. Download and edit the basic.cfg and the config.cfg placing them in your server root. Once you have completed all other steps, and configured your files accordingly, you should now be able to launch your server with the Server Auto Start. Hope my guide helps you.
  13. You can find my original document on GitHub to download. https://github.com/rcantec/Dedicated-Exile-Server-Setup-Simplified
  14. I started monitoring my servers in the Hyper-V console, I have noticed an increase in memory by about 1024 and an increase in CPU usage by 10% across the board. Something I noticed today, I am still using the original 100 fps binary. Still going strong no negatives to report, all positive.
  15. Ry4nD

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Looking forward to using the new content!
  16. tophe Just wanted to say thank you for making this tool, still love it!
  17. To me that looks like a win! Very nice.
  18. I am amazed at how salty some users are regarding this test, talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water. From the Arma Discord to the forums, a lot of people throwing a fit. For me, and my servers we have experienced a smoother gameplay, and higher client fps, my servers were always good, and this made them a little better. At the end of the day, if my players have more fun, and a better experience, that is what it is all about. To have fun! I think Dedmen did a great thing, but he's also taking a lot of flak. I am happy with the results as a server owner, and my players are all reporting positive things and are happy. So to me, regardless of all the scientific mumbo jumbo I have this degree and that degree, at the end of the day we're having fun! And having fun at 100 fps. Keep up the good work Dedmen!
  19. Plus you can't compare apples too oranges unless we all have identical servers, networking environment, and missions. But we need to get some base line results from more server owners willing to experiment.
  20. Well I have numbers, have to write up a report. Just tested a fresh server on a old mission I had from before a coop, long story short, in the past the max server side fps was 15-20, 5 people. Tonight same mission scenario 5 people same a/o same ai spawned in, from 53-93 so a big improvement. Don't ask me maybe i'm just full of shit, test it for yourself guys, before everyone knocks it. We have noticed a big improvement across the board with the 100 fps exe variant. I have not tried the 200 variant yet.
  21. So far so good, most players report a smoother experience than before on the Tak server, I too this morning while updating noticed a better experience, luckily having the rest of the day off, going to bust out the dusty Worthog and give her some love ❤️
  22. Oh no I didn't mean you, I was just seeing some other comments.
  23. Normally on the Takistan server with 5-10 players and 200 ish AI, and several AI support requester units, cas, heli and arty, in the same scenario location it would be in the 25-35 range, so to see it at 83-91 was impressive. Notwithstanding prior to this and a few other tweaks the server was a steady 17 fps, consistent, same mods, same mission, same players. So for me personally to go from 17 ish normal, to 83 is still enough for excitement. Of course there are always going to be the naysayers that will try to poke holes into everything, but I don't mind, I am enjoying the performance bump. Additionally, this is on a dedicated box, running Windows Server 2016 in a Hyper-v vm config with 3 nics' in a team, the specs for this box, is a i3 6100 , so for 2 cores, and 16 Gib of ram, to see this, I am impressed. Let the flames begin. My other Dedicated box has a i7 6700k, with 64 Gib. Both servers are flash only, NVME m.2
  24. The picture was from the first server as a test, was just me, the other test, with players from 2 to 5, 2 seperate boxes, 3 kinds of missions, ! server is heavily modded Takistan server, the other is a Escape server for a mission i'm working on, and the last test I did on my Altis Exile server which is the x64 variant. I've done a little more testing and there is a significant increase on my Takistan server, we are going to go through some more testing, to see how much we can push it, I am using the first variant, the 100 fps 1, I haven't tried the 200 fps 1 as of yet. Need to get a few pilots in there, activate a few more a/o's see how it goes, from where it was before with the "stock" exe, it is an improvement nonetheless.