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Everything posted by Devastator_cm

  1. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Steam version of the mod is still not fixed? I get "Warning Message: Addon 'asr_ai3_popfor_c' requires addon 'asr_ai3_main'" when I start up the server.. it was my mistake..
  2. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    the server which you will connect need to have the mod as well
  3. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, will you release the fix also in standard package in Steam? I think that version does not have the fix which you did yesterday or maybe I am mistaken
  4. Does anybody know how to make the tinnitus effect of ace3 via script? Can I give hearing damage somehow which will ring the bells in someones ear?
  5. Devastator_cm

    ASR AI 3

    my missions are also broken due to those 2 missing files
  6. Devastator_cm

    CBA - Community Base Addons - ARMA 3

    There are different timezones. Define middle of night :)
  7. anybody has a working version with Ace3 on MP?
  8. Devastator_cm

    12 Shades of Grey (aircraft retextures)

    Hi da12thMonkey, is there any possibility that you add also 182. fleet from TAF? 161 and 181 which you already have are for ground operations. 182 is doing air interception missions http://www.kokpit.aero//image/data/Resimler/Resimler/182 atmaca/atmaca8.jpg
  9. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    take the helmet PAAs and put flag on them. But you will need to make a mod I guess to use your PAAs
  10. Devastator_cm

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    yes there are hiddentextures which you can use
  11. Hi Guys, how to find if the landing gear of an airplane is down or up?
  12. Devastator_cm

    Landing gear of airplane

    Thanks for reply. I do not want to use event handler as it will not cover my requirement. I need to check time to time the state of the landing gear. Animation stuff I knew before but none of the animations described on the airplane (i.e.vanilla f18) is giving the correct status. Animation phase is always showing 0 for all gear related animation sources
  13. Now tested (via action to object but same stuff) you need to create one parent action first _JTAC2 = ["JTAC2","Dress Up","",{true;},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [a, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _JTAC2] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject; _JTAC = ["JTAC","Pick class JTAC","",{execVM "Scripts\ZS_UK_Multi_JTAC.sqf"},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction; [a, 0, ["ACE_MainActions","JTAC2"], _JTAC] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
  14. Devastator_cm

    JSRS SOUNDMOD - CE.20.0419

    LJ, is rhs optionals mod working without any issue (FPS, etc.) in mp already?
  15. give a try ["B_supplyCrate_F", 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "Suit Up"], _CMedic] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;
  16. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.3.1 released! Includes bug fixes and some improvements
  17. Hi Guys, There were some requests to have my recent script as a mod and here you are. It is working like the "Pitch Altitude Hold" setup which can be found for instance by F-16s (can be seen below "F-16 Autopilot Controls").Basically it is fixing the altitude when it is turned on but still let's you to adjust speed, do pitch, yaw and roll. In addition to that Loiter (Pylon Turn) has been also added to the script. Here you can find the script version. Autopilot Altitude Fix Demonstration Loiter (Pylon Turn) Demonstration Helicopter Demonstration F-16 Autopilot Controls Features Fixes the altitude to the sea level altitude when the autopilot is activated (will be referred as initial altitude) Gives possibility to pilot to adjust speed, pitch, yaw and roll angles while autopilot is open. Autopilot returns fixed-wing airplanes to initial altitude after control is released back Autopilot/Loiter automatically turns off when Speed below minimum speed based on landing speed. In case of helicopters minimum speed is 40 kmh Speed above 0.9 Mach Engine is damaged Roll angle is above maximums 35° (only for helicopters) Pitch angle is above maximums which is 25° for helicopters and 50° for fixed-wings Rudder control (only by helicopters) Gives autopilot functionality to every air vehicle at mission start automatically Gives loiter (Pylon Turn) functionality to every fixed-wing at mission start automatically Autopilot and Loiter cannot be turned on at the same time Only pilot can turn it on/off. If co-pilot takes control, he/she is able to use the autopilot as well CBA A3 key binding Future Plans Other autopilot setups by fighter jets, i.e. fix attitute GUI Adjustable loiter parameters Download Dropbox (version 2.0) Steam Workshop (version 2.0) Armaholic (version 2.0) Dependencies CBA A3 Version History v.2.0 Added: Loiter functionality to airplanes Added: Speed fix for helicopters Added: Pitch will be adjusted to -5° by helicopters automatically Tweaked: Pitch limit by helicopters is increased to 25° Tweaked: +-10° is the band where helicopters are fixing their speed. Pitch angles outside of this band can be used to alter speed Added: Rudder will turn off autopilot by helicopters v.1.6 Added: Co-Pilots can enable the autopilot if they take the control Added: Switch sound when autopilot is engaged or disengaged v.1.5 Added: CBA Key binding (Default setup is CTRL + SHIFT + A) Tweaked: Helicopter autopilot is adjusted to let pilot more freedom to adjust the speed while autopilot is ON v.1.2 Added: Roll and pitch angle limits Added: Maximum speed limit Tweaked: Minimum speed is increased to turn on the autopilot is increased to 40 kmh in case their landing speed is below that (i.e. helicopters) Tweaked: From now on it will not fix the pitch to 0° but also will keep the initial altitude, this means if you climb or dive while autopilot is on with a fixed-wing aircraft after you release the controls it will take you back to initial altitude Fixed: Helicopters will not be able to fly upside down anymore v.1.1 Added: Autopilot functionality will be available by spawned vehicles as well (Requires CBA A3) v.1.0 Initial version Special Thanks Chronicsilence for his matrix function library Enjoy!
  18. Devastator_cm

    Devas Autopilot Mod

    hm this is a very interesting case which I never tested before. I will take a look to this mod after I finish some on going Devas TAF mod stuff, until then do not start autopilot when you sling load :)
  19. can someone tell me what the following stuff is and how it works? scriptName="RscCustomInfoSlingLoad"; scriptPath="IGUI"; onLoad="[""onLoad"",_this,""RscCustomInfoSlingLoad"",'IGUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay')"; onUnload="[""onUnload"",_this,""RscCustomInfoSlingLoad"",'IGUI'] call (uinamespace getvariable 'BIS_fnc_initDisplay')"; When I search the RscCustomInfoSlingLoad.sqf, I see that the script is empty so no idea how it draws stuff on the background. I created actually a dialog which works fine if I create it with cutrsc but cannot make it work as CustomDisplayComponent. In my case, I am not able to set the texts anymore although background picture is displayed. I guess my onload call is not working so it is not calling the script which supposed to set the texts via ctrlSetText. I am stuck with custom display :/
  20. do you have a vanilla setup which you can send me so I can test?
  21. Thanks. I think that will shed some light
  22. Devastator_cm

    animatePylon command broken?

    looks like I misunderstood the command. It will not fire or release the weapon via animatePylon. "animatePylon [1, 1] " is making the weapon available to fire manualy by user. In case animation state is lower than 1, then weapon cannot be used. I think this is how it works :)
  23. Hi Guys, does anybody used this command before? According to Wiki if I set the state to 1, it should release the weapon. So I do, (vehicle player) animatePylon [1, 1] but the weapon on that pylon is still attached to the airplane. Did I understand this command in a wrong way? :/
  24. Devastator_cm

    Devas Turkish Armed Forces (TAF)

    v.3.0 released! Infantry, pilots and gear for them added. There is now extra dependency to Firewill's Pilot Pack and to Road Runners LBT 6094 mods. First post modified with photos and details. Thanks to LTF who worked on textures for OKK uniforms and gadgets and as always thanks to Aplion for config related help! Now there are 3 people working behind this mod :) Special thanks to zabb, lyy amao, dirks, roadrunner and ineptaphid as well!
  25. anybody knows where I can find the description & usage of each ace3 config entries in this page? https://ace3mod.com/wiki/development/ace3-config-entries.html