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Singh Aram

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Everything posted by Singh Aram

  1. Singh Aram

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Happy anniversary RHS Team !!! You guys Added Xmas gift 1 for RHS:USAF. What is it? I am not able to find it.
  2. Singh Aram

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    After the update, I get this error.
  3. Singh Aram

    GSTAVO's Weapons

    Awesome Mod !!! We need this mod for our 90's mission. Using RHS as dependency is awesome. Please do not use Toadie2K. Can you use peephole from carryhandle RHS M16 ?
  4. Singh Aram

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I used ACU name tapes as texture.
  5. Singh Aram

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks Team RHS. You guys rock !!!
  6. Singh Aram

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Any plans for making WWII 101st Airborne unit uniforms?
  7. Mod used :- Face of War IFA3 AIO Direone's Relax and No combat poses Immersion Cigs
  8. Singh Aram

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Mod used :- Face of War IFA3 AIO Immersion Cigs Direone's Relax and No combat poses
  9. Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drh5r2cZfHo
  10. I have one question, in videos I saw HD texture of uniforms. How do I get HD uniforms, do I have buy something ?
  11. Thanks a lot for making awesome mod..
  12. Singh Aram


    is it updated on PW6 also?
  13. Singh Aram

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Awesome !!! Sir, can enemy see through the vegetation ? Sorry to ask, any plans in future to add transport aircraft, so we can jump with parachutes.
  14. Singh Aram

    Faces of War [WW2]

    Are you using Tanoa vegetation or default. M1 Garand ejects 6 clips can you fix in next update... Can you please make smaller peep hole because it way too big.
  15. I have an issue with this mod. When I place groups of serbian team with Zues, it shows them but unable to place them. If I use single guys it places it with no issue. Do you guys have same issue on your end? Regards.
  16. I am talking about faction & name of groups, not the single soldiers. Like what is the name of MG squad, AT Squad, Sniper Squad & 8man assault squad ? Please help if you can. Regards.
  17. Can you please give class names of the infantry. Example. "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "rhs_faction_vdv" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_infantry_mflora" >> "rhs_group_rus_vdv_infantry_mflora_section_AA", "rhs_group_rus_vdv_infantry_mflora_section_AT", "rhs_group_rus_vdv_infantry_mflora_section_mg"
  18. Singh Aram


    Awesome !!!!!
  19. Singh Aram

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Any plans to add 5.56mm subsonic ammo?
  20. Singh Aram

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Thanks for reply.
  21. Singh Aram

    X-Cam-Taunus Version 1.1

    Any plans to replace default foliage with Tanoa trees and foliage?
  22. Singh Aram


    Same Cas issue ..
  23. Singh Aram

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Can we use it with ALiVE ? If yes what is the name of faction?